Biloxi language
Biloxi is an extinct Siouan language
which was at one time spoken in Mississippi
, Louisiana
. and southeast Texas
and Mary Haas
spoke with Emma Jackson in 1934 and confirmed her status as a speaker of the language.
and Tutelo.
Phonetic notes:
Dorsey & Swanton (1912) postulated phonemic vowel length. This was verified by Haas and Swadesh in speaking with Emma Jackson in 1934, their findings appearing in Haas (1968).
Also, there may still be some uncertainty as to whether certain words contain /ą/ or /an/.
Phonetic notes:
Biloxi may also have had a phonemic aspiration distinction for some segments.
Most words end in a vowel. Ones which don't usually end in /k/ or /x/ as a result of deletion, e.g. tox from toho 'he fell'.
Consonant clusters usually don't end syllables. When they do, it's probably caused by vowel deletion, e.g. tohoxk from tohoxka 'horse'.
The following consonant clusters are observed:
It may be noted that geminates do not occur, besides /n/ sonorants and probably /d/ only occur as the second elements of clusters, /h/ and /m/ are never the second element, and fricatives do not co-occur.
There are a few three-consonant clusters, all of the form C+s+stop or C+x+glide and some with alternate forms:
and the mode markers:
The alternation depends on the following morpheme:
Nouns and verbs whose stems end in -Vhi or -Vhį change to -Vx before the plural marker -tu:
This may optionally also occur with duti 'to eat' also:
This rule may optionally also apply in compounds and across word boundaries when the next element starts with CV:
Nouns ending in -di which can undergo pluralization change to -x, e.g. ||adi + tu|| > /axtu/ 'their father'.
Verbs whose stems end in -Vki, -Vpi, or -si optionally lose their -i before the plural marker.
||k(i)|| > x/___k may occur optionally across morpheme or word boundaries.
This rule may cause the previous vowel to denasalize.
Verbs whose stems end in -ti or -hi may optionally change to -x before the negative mode marker ni.
Stems ending in -si optionally become -s.
The dative marker ki becomes kiy before a vowel.
(However, Einaudi cites one counter example, ||ki + į|| > /kiį/ 'they were drinking it for him', perhaps with a glottal stop inserted.)
The following rule is optional in compounds and across word boundaries, and obligatory everywhere else:
V1V1 > V1
V1V2 > V2
However, there are a couple of words with two adjacent vowels: naǫ 'day', hauti 'be sick', etc.
Two morphophonemically identical syllables may not appear contiguously, and if this is going to occur the first is dropped.
Einaudi finds one counter-example, ||kite + te|| > /kite te/ 'she wanted to hit him'.
C1C1 > C1
The following rule optionally applies to compounds:
This rule can lead to otherwise disallowed clusters, including geminates.
The following rule applies to compounds:
Vn#C > V̨#C
The following rules are conditioned by person markers on nouns and verbs:
Stems beginning with /h/ and some beginning with /y/ (morphophonemically distinguished as ||Y||) undergo the following (obligatory for h-stems, optional for Y-stems):
||Y, h|| > ∅ / ||nk||___, ||ay||___
However, this does not apply for y-initial (rather than Y-initial) stems:
The next rule applies before roots and the dative marker ki:
||nk|| > /x/ /___k
||nk|| > /ǫ/ /___n (and optionally /m/, /p/)
||nk|| > /n/ /___other consonants (optional except before /p/ – and for /m/ unless covered by the previous rule)
||nk|| > /nk/ /___V
(optionally) ||ay|| > /aya~ya/ /___k,x
||ay|| > /i/ /___C
||ay|| > /ay~y~iy/ /___V
Use of different allomorphs in free variation is attested for at least some verbs.
The next four rules combine personal affixes, and thus only apply to verbs:
||nk + ay|| > /į/ /___C
||nk + ay|| > /ny/ /___V
||nk + ∅|| > /ax/ /___k
||ay + nk|| > /yąk/ (which may undergo further changes as described above)
The subjunctive mode marker ||xo|| undergoes the following rule:
||xo|| > /xyo/ / i___ / į___
The habitual mode marker ||xa|| optionally undergoes the following rule:
||xa|| > /xya/ / Vf___
The auxiliary ande undergoes the following rule:
||ande|| > /ant/ / ___k
Verbs are always marked for person and number, and may also take dative, reciprocal
, reflexive
, and/or instrumental
markers, as well as mode markers, the object specifier, and auxiliaries. They occur finally or penultimately in clauses.
All nominal affixes may also be used with verbs; however, nouns may be defined as the set of words which may only use a subset of the verbal affixes. They may not use dative, reciprocal, reflexive, or instrumental markers, nor mode markers or auxiliaries.
Particles serve many functions including noun phrase marking and acting as adverbials.
Nouns may either be inflectable or non-inflectable. The large majority belong to the latter class.
The former group inflects for person and number. It contains names of body parts and kin terms, which must inflect, and a few other personal possessions for which inflection is optional. The person markers are:
These may be pluralized with the marker -tu. The noun's number itself is not marked explicitly.
Examples of inflected nouns include:
Examples of optionally inflected nouns include:
Personal pronouns are formed by inflecting the root indi for person and number. (At one point this may also have been done with the demonstratives he and de.) Pronouns are always optional, and serve to express greater emphasis. Singular pronouns may occur as either the subject or the object, while the plurals may only occur as subjects (see -daha).
Biloxi has two common demonstratives, de 'this' and he 'that'. They may be marked for plurality as denani and henani, but this is very rare since they are only used when plurality is unmarked elsewhere, and plurality is marked on the verb in noun phrases with classificatory verbs:
Verbs inflect for person (1st, 2nd, 3rd), number (singular vs. plural), and mode (many possibilities, including some less-well understood mode markers).
Morphemes within verbs have the following order:
Verbs may either be classificatory or normal. Classificatory verbs specify the subject's position (sitting, standing, etc.) and differ from normal verbs in that the first person is not inflected for person.
Inflection for person and number is identical to inflected nouns:
Because of the rules determining the surface manifestations of some combinations of person markers, 2nd person on 1st and 3rd person on 1st forms are identical, e.g. yaxtedi 'you hit me, he hit me'. Also, 2nd person subj., 2nd person on 3rd, and 3rd person on 2nd are identical, e.g. idǫhi 'you see, you see him, they see you'.
-tu marks animate plurality (except with some motion verbs).
However, -tu is not used:
Some (but not all) verbs of motion mark plurality with the prefix a- inserted directly before the root:
But there are counterexamples (even ones derived from the same roots):
daha marks plural objects when they are not specified elsewhere. It comes after -tu and before all mode markers.
There are two examples of daha being reduced to ha:
a- may be added to some verb roots to mark an unspecified indefinite object:
There are many mode markers in Biloxi. Some are common and well understood, while others are infrequent and have elusive meanings.
Nouns may be derived either through nominalizing verbs or by compounding.
Verbs are nominalized via the prefix a-:
Compound nounds may either be formed by combining two nouns or a noun and a verb. (Some morphophonemic rules are involved, see above.)
noun + noun:
noun + verb:
For the personal pronoun indi, see above. įkowa may be used as a reflexive pronoun. It is possible that both of these, and perhaps the reflexive pronoun -įxki- (see below) are derived from a root in.
A number of interrogatives come from the prefix ca- (with vowel elision following morphophonemic rules):
Some are derived from pronouns: cina 'a few, many'
Verbal derivation may either occur via root derivation (reduplication
and compounding) or stem derivation (thematic prefixes, dative markers, reciprocals, reflexives, and instrumentals.)
Reduplication, common in Biloxi, is used either to convey intensification or distributiveness. Usually, the first CVC of the root is reduplicated, but sometimes this only happens to the first CV.
Verbal compounds may either be of the form noun + verb or verb + verb.
It seems that the majority of noun-verb compounds are formed using the verb ǫ 'do, make':
Examples of verb-verb compounds:
Note that some of the above compounds wind up having adjacent vowels, since syncope in compounds is optional.
Thematic prefixes come after person markers and before dative markers and instrumentals.
The dative marker ki- (kiy- before vowels) is used after thematic prefixes.
It is peculiar in that it may be used when body parts or animals belonging to someone are the direct object (the "dative of possession"). kidǫhi 'she looked at her [head]'
It appears as kik- before ǫ 'do, make', and gives it a benefactive gloss (kikǫ daha 'he made for them'). (Do not mistake this for kiki-.)
The reduplicated kiki- marks reciprocity. This only makes sense if the verb is plural, so the plural marker -tu is not mandatory.
įxki- (or ixki-, perhaps because of the denasalizing morphopohnemic rule, above) marks reflexives. It normally comes immediately after person markers, but in some 3rd person cases ki- may come before it:
Instrumentals serve to mark how the event was carried out. They immediately precede the root.
Adverbs may be derived from connectives, pronouns, and verbs and particles via a number of affixes:
There are various instances of derived connectives:
e- 'and (?), the aforesaid (?)' eką ||e + ką|| 'and then'
eke ||e + ke||(?) 'and so'
eke 'so' (probably derived itself, see above) ekehą ||eke + hą|| 'and then'
ekeką ||eke + ką|| 'and then'
ekeko ||eke + ko|| 'well'
ekeǫnidi ||eke + ǫni + di|| 'therefore'
Derived numbers contain predictable vowel syncope (see above).
11-19 are derived via the formula 'X sitting on Y' ('Y Xaxehe').
20-99 are derived via the formula 'X sitting on Y Zs' ('Z Y Xaxehe')
Ordinal numerals (1st, 2nd, 3rd) are not attested. To express 'once', 'twice', 'three times', etc.', use the verb de 'to go' before cardinal numbers:
To form multiplicatives, use akipta 'to double' before cardinal numbers:
Its lexical categories include interjection
s (I), adverbial
s (A), subject
s (S), object
s (O), verbs (V), and connectives (C).
The three types of phrases are:
There are dependent
and independent clause
s, and major and minor sentences. (see below)
Vocatives are almost always unmarked:
There are only three exceptions:
Adverbials may be:
Some particles:
(Also, see "adverbs", above.)
Usage examples: ndao ku di 'come back here!' (male to female)
tohanak wahu 'yesterday it snowed'
(For vowel elision, see above.)
Almost all of the above allow following de or yą. de has the expected meaning 'here' or 'this', while yą may be glossed 'the' or 'yonder'.
Prepositions are sometimes used without modifying a noun, becoming adverbial:
Such as: de dani 'three times'
de topa 'four times'
cak and caką appear to be in free variation
occurs indicatively a few times, e.g. anahįk cinani kiduwe 'he untied some hair for her'
A subject or object must include a simple noun (N), and may optionally also include a verb (V), nominal particle (np), and/or demonstrative pronoun (dp), in that order.
If the noun is a personal pronoun, it may only (optionally) be followed by either a demonstrative pronoun or a nominal particle, but not both. For other pronouns (e.g. de 'this), they may not be followed by anythihng.
N np
N dp
N V np
N V dp
N np dp
N V np dp
Possession in S's and O's is expressed by the possessor followed by the possessed, followed by np's.
Two subjects may be juxtaposed with reciprocal verbs:
Additives may be expressed by juxtaposition followed by the np yą, but this is not used often due to ambiguity (it might be interpreted as a possessive phrase): ąyato ąxti yą hamaki 'a man and a woman were coming'
Alternatives are expressed with juxtaposition followed by the particle ha (not otherwise an np): tohoxk waka ha hanǫ 'is that a horse or a cow?'
Biloxi has many nominal particles, and for the most part their function is unclear.
A non-exhaustive list: di
For the most part it's unclear what conditions the use of a particular np (or ∅), but the following can be said:
yandi almost always is used with human nouns (with exception)
ko is used when the noun is a pronoun, when the main verb is stative, or when there is an interrogative present
Biloxi contains a defective auxiliary verb (h)andE/yukE (ande is used in singular, yuke for plural). By itself it may mean 'to be' or 'to stay', but with another verb it lends durativity. The plural marker -tu is not used with yuke since the defective form itself already serves to mark number.
When the auxiliary construction is used, both the main verb and the auxiliary are inflected.
Examples: iduti yayuke 'you (pl.) are eating'
Generally to express the negative the stem is negated, rather than the auxiliary:
Biloxi contains five classificatory verbs, which indicate duration and position of the subject: (See above for morphophonemic explanation of ||mąki|| > /max/.)
nąki 'sitting' pa kidǫhi nąki' 'she sat looking at her head'
mąki 'reclining', 'in a horizontal position'
ne 'upright' kawak iye inedi wo 'what were you saying as you stood?'
hine 'walking' tohoxkk ni hine ko toxka xe 'the walking horse is gray' (fem.)
ande 'running' ąya tąhį yande ayehǫ ni 'do you know the running man?'
They may be used alone as verbs (kuhik mąx ką 'when it was lying high') but often reinforce synonymous roots: tox mąki 'he was lying (lying)'
sįhįx ne 'it was standing (standing)'
ąya ni hine ayehǫ ni 'do you know the walking (walking) man?'
ąya tąhį yande ayehǫ ni 'do you know the running (running) man?'
They are used mostly with animates.
Classificatory verbs are only inflected for 2nd person (not 1st) when used as auxiliaries.
hamaki~amaki is used as the plural form for all five classificatory verbs (even optionally for mąki and ne, which have their own plural forms mąxtu~amąki and ne):
The causative verb ||YE|| comes after (uninflected) stems to form a causative construction. In first and second person ha (sometimes h if followed by a vowel, see 3.1 above) is inserted between the stem and ||YE||.
Serial verb construction
s occur with two or three verbs in sequence. All are of the same person and number, but only the final stem has suffixes:
All subordinating connectives are clause-final. ką is the most common by far, and may be related to the np ką.
In clauses, the following order generally holds:
(Connective) (Subject) (Object) (Adverb) Verb (Connective)
There are occasional examples of S and/or O occurring after the verb, always with animates. O rarely precedes S, possibly for emphasis.
Direct objects always precedes indirect objects, e.g. ąya xi yandi ąxti yą int ką ku 'the chief gave him the woman
Full sentences always end in independent clauses. Embedded sentences are not usually marked, though the horatory marker hi can be used if the embedded action hasn't yet occurred, and ni can be used if the action wasn't performed. wo (or wi) is used for mistaken ideas.
Siouan languages
The Western Siouan languages, also called Siouan proper or simply Siouan, are a Native American language family of North America, and the second largest indigenous language family in North America, after Algonquian...
which was at one time spoken in Mississippi
Mississippi is a U.S. state located in the Southern United States. Jackson is the state capital and largest city. The name of the state derives from the Mississippi River, which flows along its western boundary, whose name comes from the Ojibwe word misi-ziibi...
, Louisiana
Louisiana is a state located in the southern region of the United States of America. Its capital is Baton Rouge and largest city is New Orleans. Louisiana is the only state in the U.S. with political subdivisions termed parishes, which are local governments equivalent to counties...
. and southeast Texas
Texas is the second largest U.S. state by both area and population, and the largest state by area in the contiguous United States.The name, based on the Caddo word "Tejas" meaning "friends" or "allies", was applied by the Spanish to the Caddo themselves and to the region of their settlement in...
Biloxis first encountered Europeans in 1699 along the Pascagoula River. By the mid-18th century they had settled in central Louisiana. Some were also noted in Texas in the early 19th century. By the early 19th century their numbers were already dwindling, and by 1934 the last native speaker, Emma Jackson, was in her 80s. Morris SwadeshMorris Swadesh
Morris Swadesh was an influential and controversial American linguist. In his work, he applied basic concepts in historical linguistics to the Indigenous languages of the Americas...
and Mary Haas
Mary Haas
Mary Rosamund Haas was an American linguist who specialized in North American Indian languages, Thai, and historical linguistics.-Early work in linguistics:...
spoke with Emma Jackson in 1934 and confirmed her status as a speaker of the language.
Biloxi is an Ohio Valley, or Southeastern, Siouan language related to OfoOfo Language
The Ofo language was a language spoken by the Mosopelea tribe who lived until c. 1673 in what is now Ohio along the Ohio River, at which time they moved down the Mississippi River to Mississippi, near the Natchez, and thence to Louisiana, near the Tunica....
and Tutelo.
Multiple possible inventories have been suggested; this article follows that of (Einaudi, 1976).Vowels
Along with contrastive nasalization, Biloxi also had phonemic vowel length. Front Front vowel A front vowel is a type of vowel sound used in some spoken languages. The defining characteristic of a front vowel is that the tongue is positioned as far in front as possible in the mouth without creating a constriction that would be classified as a consonant. Front vowels are sometimes also... |
Central Central vowel A central vowel is a type of vowel sound used in some spoken languages. The defining characteristic of a central vowel is that the tongue is positioned halfway between a front vowel and a back vowel... |
Back Back vowel A back vowel is a type of vowel sound used in spoken languages. The defining characteristic of a back vowel is that the tongue is positioned as far back as possible in the mouth without creating a constriction that would be classified as a consonant. Back vowels are sometimes also called dark... |
Close Close vowel A close vowel is a type of vowel sound used in many spoken languages. The defining characteristic of a close vowel is that the tongue is positioned as close as possible to the roof of the mouth without creating a constriction that would be classified as a consonant.This term is prescribed by the... |
i į | u | |
Mid Mid vowel A mid vowel is a vowel sound used in some spoken languages. The defining characteristic of a mid vowel is that the tongue is positioned mid-way between an open vowel and a close vowel... 1 |
e | (ə)2 | o ǫ |
Open Open vowel An open vowel is defined as a vowel sound in which the tongue is positioned as far as possible from the roof of the mouth. Open vowels are sometimes also called low vowels in reference to the low position of the tongue... |
a ą |
Phonetic notes:
- This may be either open-mid or close-mid.
- Biloxi may have had a phonetic schwa, but neither (Dorsey-Swanton, 1912) nor (Haas, 1968) are consistent in marking it.
Dorsey & Swanton (1912) postulated phonemic vowel length. This was verified by Haas and Swadesh in speaking with Emma Jackson in 1934, their findings appearing in Haas (1968).
Also, there may still be some uncertainty as to whether certain words contain /ą/ or /an/.
Phoneme | Word | Gloss | Phoneme | Word | Gloss |
/i/ | ide | 'it falls' | /į/ | įde | 'dung, manure' |
/u/ | ku | 'he gives' | /e/ | ane | 'louse' |
/o/ | dohi | 'anything rubbed or smeared' | /ǫ/ | dǫhi | 'he sees' |
/a/ | da | 'he gathers' | /ą/ | dą | 'he holds' |
Bilabial Bilabial consonant In phonetics, a bilabial consonant is a consonant articulated with both lips. The bilabial consonants identified by the International Phonetic Alphabet are:... |
Alveolar Alveolar consonant Alveolar consonants are articulated with the tongue against or close to the superior alveolar ridge, which is called that because it contains the alveoli of the superior teeth... |
Postalveolar Postalveolar consonant Postalveolar consonants are consonants articulated with the tongue near or touching the back of the alveolar ridge, further back in the mouth than the alveolar consonants, which are at the ridge itself, but not as far back as the hard palate... |
Velar Velar consonant Velars are consonants articulated with the back part of the tongue against the soft palate, the back part of the roof of the mouth, known also as the velum).... |
Glottal Glottal consonant Glottal consonants, also called laryngeal consonants, are consonants articulated with the glottis. Many phoneticians consider them, or at least the so-called fricative, to be transitional states of the glottis without a point of articulation as other consonants have; in fact, some do not consider... |
Stop Stop consonant In phonetics, a plosive, also known as an occlusive or an oral stop, is a stop consonant in which the vocal tract is blocked so that all airflow ceases. The occlusion may be done with the tongue , lips , and &... |
p b1 | t d | c ([tʃ]) | k | |
Fricative Fricative consonant Fricatives are consonants produced by forcing air through a narrow channel made by placing two articulators close together. These may be the lower lip against the upper teeth, in the case of ; the back of the tongue against the soft palate, in the case of German , the final consonant of Bach; or... |
f ([ɸ])1 | s | š ([ʃ])1 | x | h |
Nasal Nasal consonant A nasal consonant is a type of consonant produced with a lowered velum in the mouth, allowing air to escape freely through the nose. Examples of nasal consonants in English are and , in words such as nose and mouth.- Definition :... |
m | n | |||
Approximant Approximant consonant Approximants are speech sounds that involve the articulators approaching each other but not narrowly enough or with enough articulatory precision to create turbulent airflow. Therefore, approximants fall between fricatives, which do produce a turbulent airstream, and vowels, which produce no... |
w | y |
Phonetic notes:
- marginal status
Biloxi may also have had a phonemic aspiration distinction for some segments.
Phoneme | Word | Gloss | Phoneme | Word | Gloss | Phoneme | Word | Gloss |
/p/ | pa | 'head' | /m/ | ma | 'ground' | /w/ | wa | 'very' |
/t/ | ti | 'house' | /c/ | ci | 'they lie down' | /s/ | si | 'yellow' |
/k/ | ką | 'when' | /x/ | xą | 'where' | /h/ | hą | 'and' |
/d/ | de | 'he went' | /n/ | ne | 'he stands' | /y/ | yahe | 'this' |
Phoneme | Examples |
/b/ | |
/f/ | |
/š/ |
Syllable structure is (C)(C)(C)V(C) or (C)V(C)(C). However, clusters of three consonants are rare.Most words end in a vowel. Ones which don't usually end in /k/ or /x/ as a result of deletion, e.g. tox from toho 'he fell'.
Consonant clusters usually don't end syllables. When they do, it's probably caused by vowel deletion, e.g. tohoxk from tohoxka 'horse'.
The following consonant clusters are observed:
p | t | d | c | k | s | x | h | m | n | w | y | |
p | x | x | x | x | x | ? | ||||||
t | x | x | x | x | ? | x | x | |||||
d | ? | |||||||||||
c | x | x | x | |||||||||
k | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | |||
s | x | x | x | x | x | x | ||||||
x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | |||||
h | ||||||||||||
m | ||||||||||||
n | x | x | ? | x | x | |||||||
w | ||||||||||||
y |
It may be noted that geminates do not occur, besides /n/ sonorants and probably /d/ only occur as the second elements of clusters, /h/ and /m/ are never the second element, and fricatives do not co-occur.
There are a few three-consonant clusters, all of the form C+s+stop or C+x+glide and some with alternate forms:
- pstuki~pastuki 'she sews'
- psdehi~psudehi 'knife' (also spdehi)
- atspąhi 'it adheres' (hadespapahi?)
- kutska~kudeska 'fly'
- ątska 'infant'
- aksteke 'he is stingy'
- apadenska 'butterfly'
- pxwe~pxe 'he punches'
- akutxyi 'letter'
- xoxo kxwehe 'he sits on a swing'
- įkxwe 'always'
- pukxyi 'loop'
There are many verb roots and two mode markers with the morphophonemically conditioned alternation e~a~i (underlying ||E||). Included in them are:- dE 'go'
- andE, yukE 'be'
- yE 'cause'
- E 'say'
and the mode markers:
- tE '[optative mode marker]'
- dandE '[potential mode marker]'
The alternation depends on the following morpheme:
E | > /a/ /___: | E | > /i/ /___: | E | > /e/ |
elsewhere |
Nouns and verbs whose stems end in -Vhi or -Vhį change to -Vx before the plural marker -tu:
- ||anahį + tu|| > /anaxtu/ 'their hair'.
This may optionally also occur with duti 'to eat' also:
- ||duti + tu|| > /dutitu/~/duxtu/ 'they eat'.
This rule may optionally also apply in compounds and across word boundaries when the next element starts with CV:
- ||asąhi + nǫpa|| > /asąx nǫpa/ 'both arms'.
Nouns ending in -di which can undergo pluralization change to -x, e.g. ||adi + tu|| > /axtu/ 'their father'.
Verbs whose stems end in -Vki, -Vpi, or -si optionally lose their -i before the plural marker.
- ||pastuki + tu|| > /pastuktu/ 'they sew'
- ||duhapi + tu|| > /duhaptu/ 'they pulled it off her head'
- ||dusi + tu|| > /dustu/ 'they grabbed'.
||k(i)|| > x/___k may occur optionally across morpheme or word boundaries.
- ||ay + nk + kiduwe|| > ||yąk + kiduwe|| > /yąxkiduwe/ 'you untie me'
- ||mąki ką|| > /mąx ką/ 'when it was reclining'
- but ||yąk + kinitą + xti|| > /yąkinitą xti/ 'it is too large for me'.
This rule may cause the previous vowel to denasalize.
- ||ay + nk + kica daha|| > ||yąk + kica daha|| > /yaxkica daha/ 'you have not forgotten us'
- ||mąki kide|| > /max kide/ 'he sat until'.
Verbs whose stems end in -ti or -hi may optionally change to -x before the negative mode marker ni.
- ||kohi + ni|| > /kox ni/ 'they were unwilling'.
Stems ending in -si optionally become -s.
- ||nk + Ø + kidusi + ni|| > ||axkidusi + ni|| > /axkidus ni/ 'I did not take it from him'.
The dative marker ki becomes kiy before a vowel.
- ||ki + E + tu|| > /kiyetu/ 'they said to him'.
(However, Einaudi cites one counter example, ||ki + į|| > /kiį/ 'they were drinking it for him', perhaps with a glottal stop inserted.)
The following rule is optional in compounds and across word boundaries, and obligatory everywhere else:
V1V1 > V1
V1V2 > V2
- ||ku + ay + ǫni + ni|| > /kayǫ ni/ 'you do not make it'
- ||tątǫ + ahi|| > /tątahi/ 'panther skin'.
However, there are a couple of words with two adjacent vowels: naǫ 'day', hauti 'be sick', etc.
Two morphophonemically identical syllables may not appear contiguously, and if this is going to occur the first is dropped.
- ||ku + ku ni|| > /ku ni/ 'she does not give'.
Einaudi finds one counter-example, ||kite + te|| > /kite te/ 'she wanted to hit him'.
C1C1 > C1
- ||ca ha + ay + YE|| > ||ca hay + YE|| > /ca haye/ 'you kill'.
The following rule optionally applies to compounds:
- ||cake + pocka|| > /cakpocka/ 'hand + round' = 'fist'.
This rule can lead to otherwise disallowed clusters, including geminates.
- ||ayapi + pa + są|| > /ayappasa/ 'eagle + head + white' = 'bald eagleBald EagleThe Bald Eagle is a bird of prey found in North America. It is the national bird and symbol of the United States of America. This sea eagle has two known sub-species and forms a species pair with the White-tailed Eagle...
' - ||ndesi + xidi|| > /ndesxidi/ 'snake + chief' = 'rattlesnake'.
The following rule applies to compounds:
Vn#C > V̨#C
- ||dani + hudi|| > ||dan + hudi|| > /dąhudi/ 'eight'.
The following rules are conditioned by person markers on nouns and verbs:
Stems beginning with /h/ and some beginning with /y/ (morphophonemically distinguished as ||Y||) undergo the following (obligatory for h-stems, optional for Y-stems):
||Y, h|| > ∅ / ||nk||___, ||ay||___
- ||nk + Yehǫ + ni|| > /nkehǫni/ 'I know'
- ||nk + hu + di|| > /nkudi/ 'I come from'.
However, this does not apply for y-initial (rather than Y-initial) stems:
- ||nk + yaǫni|| > /nkyaǫni/ 'I sing'.
The next rule applies before roots and the dative marker ki:
||nk|| > /x/ /___k
- ||nk + ku|| > /xku/ 'I come back hither', ||nk + ki + ku|| > /xkiku/ 'I gave him'
||nk|| > /ǫ/ /___n (and optionally /m/, /p/)
- ||nk + nąki|| > /ǫnąki/ 'I sit'
- ||nk + pxitu|| > /ǫpxitu/ 'we cheat'
||nk|| > /n/ /___other consonants (optional except before /p/ – and for /m/ unless covered by the previous rule)
- ||nk + yą ni|| > /nyą ni/ 'I hate him'
- but ||nk + sįto|| > /nksįto/ 'I am a boy'
||nk|| > /nk/ /___V
- ||nk + ǫ|| > /nkǫ/ 'I make'
(optionally) ||ay|| > /aya~ya/ /___k,x
- ||ay + kide|| > /yakide/ 'you go home'
- ||ay + kitupe|| > /ayakitupe/ 'you carry on your shoulder'
||ay|| > /i/ /___C
- ||ay + duti + tu|| > ||ay + duxtu|| > /iduxtu/ 'you pl. eat'
||ay|| > /ay~y~iy/ /___V
- ||ay + įsihi + xti|| > /ayįsihi xti/ 'you fear greatly'
- ||ay + andE hi ni|| > /yanda hi ni/ 'you shall be so'
- ||ay + E|| > /iye/ 'you say'.
Use of different allomorphs in free variation is attested for at least some verbs.
The next four rules combine personal affixes, and thus only apply to verbs:
||nk + ay|| > /į/ /___C
- ||nk + ay + naxtE|| > /įnaxte/ 'I kick you'
||nk + ay|| > /ny/ /___V
- ||nk + ay + įdahi|| > /nyįdahi/ 'I seek you'
||nk + ∅|| > /ax/ /___k
- ||nk + Ø + kte|| > /axkte/ 'I hit him'
||ay + nk|| > /yąk/ (which may undergo further changes as described above)
- ||ay + nk + dusi|| > /yandusi/ 'you take me'
The subjunctive mode marker ||xo|| undergoes the following rule:
||xo|| > /xyo/ / i___ / į___
- ||ǫ nani xyo|| 'she must have done it'
The habitual mode marker ||xa|| optionally undergoes the following rule:
||xa|| > /xya/ / Vf___
- ||ande xa|| > /ande xya/ 'she is always so'
- but ||nkaduti te xa|| > /nkaduti te xa/ 'I am still hungry'
The auxiliary ande undergoes the following rule:
||ande|| > /ant/ / ___k
- ||nkande kąca|| > /nkant kąca/ 'I was, but'
The three word classes in Biloxi are verbs, substantives (nouns and pronouns), and particles. The first two take affixes, while the last cannot.Verbs are always marked for person and number, and may also take dative, reciprocal
Reciprocal (grammar)
A reciprocal is a linguistic structure that marks a particular kind of relationship between two noun phrases. In a reciprocal construction, each of the participants occupies both the role of agent and patient with respect to each other...
, reflexive
Reflexive may refer to:In fiction:*MetafictionIn grammar:*Reflexive pronoun, a pronoun with a reflexive relationship with its self-identical antecedent*Reflexive verb, where a semantic agent and patient are the same...
, and/or instrumental
An instrumental is a musical composition or recording without lyrics or singing, although it might include some non-articulate vocal input; the music is primarily or exclusively produced by musical instruments....
markers, as well as mode markers, the object specifier, and auxiliaries. They occur finally or penultimately in clauses.
All nominal affixes may also be used with verbs; however, nouns may be defined as the set of words which may only use a subset of the verbal affixes. They may not use dative, reciprocal, reflexive, or instrumental markers, nor mode markers or auxiliaries.
Particles serve many functions including noun phrase marking and acting as adverbials.
Nouns may either be inflectable or non-inflectable. The large majority belong to the latter class.
The former group inflects for person and number. It contains names of body parts and kin terms, which must inflect, and a few other personal possessions for which inflection is optional. The person markers are:
- nk- 1st person
- ay- 2nd person
- Ø- 3rd person
These may be pluralized with the marker -tu. The noun's number itself is not marked explicitly.
Examples of inflected nouns include:
- dodi 'throat'
- ndodi 'my throat'
- idodi 'your throat'
- doxtu 'their throats'
- adi 'father'
- iyadi 'your father'
- nkaxtu 'our father'
Examples of optionally inflected nouns include:
- ti~ati 'house'
- nkti/nkati 'my house'
- doxpe 'shirt'
- idoxpe 'your shirt'
Personal pronouns are formed by inflecting the root indi for person and number. (At one point this may also have been done with the demonstratives he and de.) Pronouns are always optional, and serve to express greater emphasis. Singular pronouns may occur as either the subject or the object, while the plurals may only occur as subjects (see -daha).
nkindi 'I' | nkįxtu 'we' |
ayindi 'you' | ayįxtu 'you all' |
indi1 'he, she, it' | įxtu2 'they' |
- in free variation with ind and int before /h/
- in free variation with įxt before /h/
Biloxi has two common demonstratives, de 'this' and he 'that'. They may be marked for plurality as denani and henani, but this is very rare since they are only used when plurality is unmarked elsewhere, and plurality is marked on the verb in noun phrases with classificatory verbs:
- ąya atąhį amą de 'these running men'
Verbs inflect for person (1st, 2nd, 3rd), number (singular vs. plural), and mode (many possibilities, including some less-well understood mode markers).
Morphemes within verbs have the following order:
(ku) | person | thematic | dative, reciprocal, reflexive |
instrumentals | root | number1 | mode |
- Very occasionally an enclitic will proceed -tu, e.g. supi xti tu 'they are very black'.
Verbs may either be classificatory or normal. Classificatory verbs specify the subject's position (sitting, standing, etc.) and differ from normal verbs in that the first person is not inflected for person.
Inflection for person and number is identical to inflected nouns:
- nk- 1st person
- ay- 2nd person
- Ø- 3rd person
- -tu pluralizes referent of prefix (not used for inanimate subjects)
Because of the rules determining the surface manifestations of some combinations of person markers, 2nd person on 1st and 3rd person on 1st forms are identical, e.g. yaxtedi 'you hit me, he hit me'. Also, 2nd person subj., 2nd person on 3rd, and 3rd person on 2nd are identical, e.g. idǫhi 'you see, you see him, they see you'.
-tu marks animate plurality (except with some motion verbs).
- įkcatu ni 'we have not forgotten you'
- nkyehǫtu ni 'we did not know'
However, -tu is not used:
- In the presence of the plural auxiliary yuke 'are':
- dǫhi yuke 'they were looking at it'
- When the sentence has already been marked as plural:
- aditu ką, hidedi nedi 'they climbed up, and were falling continually'
- If it is followed by a plural motion verb:
- dą kahi hą 'they took it and were returning'
Some (but not all) verbs of motion mark plurality with the prefix a- inserted directly before the root:
- de 'he goes'
- nkade 'we go, ayade 'you (pl.) go', ade 'they go'
- kide 'he goes homeward'
- xkade 'we go homeward'
But there are counterexamples (even ones derived from the same roots):
- kade 'he goes thither'
- xkadetu 'we go thither', ikadetu 'you (pl.) go thither'
daha marks plural objects when they are not specified elsewhere. It comes after -tu and before all mode markers.
- de ya daha 'he sent them
- yacǫ daha ǫni 'she named them (in the past)'
There are two examples of daha being reduced to ha:
- įkte ha dande 'I will kick you (pl.)'
- nyiku ha dande 'I will give it to you (pl.)'
a- may be added to some verb roots to mark an unspecified indefinite object:
- ki 'carry on back'
- nkaki 'I carried something on my back
- da 'gather'
Mode markers
There are many mode markers in Biloxi. Some are common and well understood, while others are infrequent and have elusive meanings.
Mode | Marker | Position | Examples | Comments | ||
Follows: | Precedes: | |||||
Declarative mode | na, male speaker ni, female speaker |
always last | na:
Usage is optional:
Interrogative mode | wo, male speaker ∅, female speaker |
always last (never appears with declarative) |
It is unclear what sort of intonation accompanied the interrogative. | ||
Hortatory mode | hi | na (or wo) |
Almost always appears before declarative na/ni, but there's one example of it before wo:
Also, it may appear on its own in embedded sentence: |
Potential mode | dande | tu daha |
na xe |
Optative mode | tE1 | tu daha |
dande ǫ wo hi ni |
te almost always follows -tu, but there is a counter-example:
Subjunctive mode | xo~xyo2 | always last |
Semantic force is in question. Involves potentiality and contingency ('... if/provided).
nani 'can' may appear before 'xyo', lending it the meaning 'must' or 'must have': |
Habitual mode | xya~xa3 | Everything except... | ... na/ni |
Habitual and declarative combined are sometimes glossed as 'can':
Negative mode | (ku)...ni |
It's unclear when ku is needed. It is used for stems ending in -ni and with the feminine declarative marker ni4.
The negative form of the verb duti 'eat' is kdux ni 'he did not eat', and not the expected kudux ni. |
Imperative mode | Positive | ta, male speaker to male addressee di, male speaker to female addressee te, female speaker to male addressee ∅, probably used to address children, possibly also female speaker to female addressee xye na, first person plural |
stem (+ number marker) | ta
adǫxtu ta 'look!' (you all) di
xye na
The plural marker -tu (or a-) is used for plural addressees, and person markers mark objects (except for 2nd person negative imperative).
There is one example of the person marker omitted from the (ku)...ni imperative:
Negative | na5; second person strong negative
(ku)...ni (the regular indicative form) |
Rare | hi ko5; "deferential"
dki~tki6 (possibly for female addressees) ką |
hi ko: same as hi (potential mode marker) | hi ko
Dubitative mode Dubitative mood Dubitative mood is an epistemic grammatical mood found in some languages, that indicates that the statement is dubious, doubtful, or uncertain. It may subsist as a separate morphological category, as in Bulgarian, or else as a category of use of another form, as of the conditional mood of... |
ha | na/ni |
Meaning somewhat uncertain due to limited data.
Appears adjacent to na/ni like hi, but unlike it it does this even in embedded sentences. |
Strong declarative mode | xye, masc speaker xe, female speaker |
xye: follows dande | xe: precedes xo | xye
Stronger semantic force than na/ni.
xye/xe may be followed by xo, but it's unclear whether this lends additional meaning: |
Inferential mode | yeke | dande | na |
Most often used with a declarative marker. | |
Intensification | wa |
It is unclear exactly how wa differs from xti (see below). It is possible that xti means 'very' while wa means 'so'.
wa sometimes may be glossed as 'always'. |
Completive mode | ǫ~ǫni | te xti |
xa | ǫ
Emphasizes that the event occurred in the past.
ǫ often is followed by xa, which may be glossed either as the expected 'regularly in the past', or 'in the remote past':
Superlative mode | xti | occurs immediately after whatever is being intensified |
xti may be used with adverbs:
- With morphophonemic ||E||, see above
- ||xo|| > ||xyo|| / i___ / į___ (see above)
- ||xa|| > ||xya|| / Vf___ optionally (see above)
- because ||ni + ni|| > /ni/, see above
- requires person marker
- Stems ending in -di lose -i and gain -ki, others just gain tki
Nouns may be derived either through nominalizing verbs or by compounding.
Verbs are nominalized via the prefix a-:
- sǫ 'sharp at all ends'
- asǫ 'briar'
- duti 'eat'
- aduti 'food'
Compound nounds may either be formed by combining two nouns or a noun and a verb. (Some morphophonemic rules are involved, see above.)
noun + noun:
- ||cindi + aho|| > /cindaho/ 'hip + bone' = 'hip bone'
- ||peti + ti|| > /petiti/ 'fire + house' = 'fireplace'
noun + verb:
- ||sǫpxi + ǫni|| > /sǫpxǫni/ 'flour + make' = 'wheat'
- ||ąyadi + ade|| > /ąyadiade/ 'people + talk' = 'language'
For the personal pronoun indi, see above. įkowa may be used as a reflexive pronoun. It is possible that both of these, and perhaps the reflexive pronoun -įxki- (see below) are derived from a root in.
A number of interrogatives come from the prefix ca- (with vowel elision following morphophonemic rules):
- cak~caką 'where?'
- cane 'where (stands)?'
- canaska 'how long?'
- cehedą 'how high, tall, deep?'
- cidike 'which, how, why?'
- cina~cinani 'how many'
Some are derived from pronouns:
- kawa 'something, anything'
- cinani 'how many?'
Verbal derivation may either occur via root derivation (reduplication
Reduplication in linguistics is a morphological process in which the root or stem of a word is repeated exactly or with a slight change....
and compounding) or stem derivation (thematic prefixes, dative markers, reciprocals, reflexives, and instrumentals.)
Reduplication, common in Biloxi, is used either to convey intensification or distributiveness. Usually, the first CVC of the root is reduplicated, but sometimes this only happens to the first CV.
- cakcake 'he hung up a lot'
- cake 'hang up on a nail or post'
- tixtixye '(his heart) was beating'
- tix 'beat'
- xoxoki 'he broke it here and there'
- xoki 'break'
- ǫnacpicpi 'my feet are slipping'
- cpi 'slip'
Verbal compounds may either be of the form noun + verb or verb + verb.
It seems that the majority of noun-verb compounds are formed using the verb ǫ 'do, make':
- ||ką + k + ǫ|| > /kąkǫ/ 'string + make' = 'trap'
- ||cikide + ǫ|| > /cidikǫ/ 'which = do' = 'which to do (how)'
- ||ta + o|| > /tao/ 'deer + shoot' = 'shoot deer'
Examples of verb-verb compounds:
- hane + o /haneotu/ 'they find and shoot'
- kte + ǫ /įkteǫni/ 'with + hit + do' = 'to hit with'
Note that some of the above compounds wind up having adjacent vowels, since syncope in compounds is optional.
Thematic prefixes
Thematic prefixes come after person markers and before dative markers and instrumentals.
Prefix | Meaning | Examples | Comments | ||||
a- | habitual action |
directional indicator: 'there, on' |
transivitizer |
į- | instrumental prefix, 'with' |
ayą + į + duko | > /ayįduko/ 'tree + with + whip' = 'whip against a tree'
į + das + k + ǫ | > /įdaskǫ/ 'with + back + obj. + do' = 'sit with one's back to' | |
u- | 'within a given area' |
Dative, reciprocal, and reflexive markers
The dative marker ki- (kiy- before vowels) is used after thematic prefixes.
- kiyetu 'they said to him'
It is peculiar in that it may be used when body parts or animals belonging to someone are the direct object (the "dative of possession").
- kiduxtą 'they pulled his [tail]'
It appears as kik- before ǫ 'do, make', and gives it a benefactive gloss (kikǫ daha 'he made for them'). (Do not mistake this for kiki-.)
The reduplicated kiki- marks reciprocity. This only makes sense if the verb is plural, so the plural marker -tu is not mandatory.
- kikiyohǫ 'they were calling to one another'
įxki- (or ixki-, perhaps because of the denasalizing morphopohnemic rule, above) marks reflexives. It normally comes immediately after person markers, but in some 3rd person cases ki- may come before it:
- įxkiyadu ye ande 'he was wrapping it around himself'
- kixkidicatu 'they wash themselves'
Instrumental prefixes
Instrumentals serve to mark how the event was carried out. They immediately precede the root.
Prefix | Meaning | Examples |
da- | 'with the mouth or teeth' |
du- | 'with the hand(s), claws, etc.' |
duk(u)- | 'by hitting or punching' |
na- | 'with the foot' |
pa- | 'by pushing' |
pu2 | 'pushing or punching' |
di2 | 'by rubbing or pressing between the hands' |
- Einaudi speculates that V1V2 is not removed here because of possible ambiguity.
- Only traces of these prefixes remain.
Adverbs may be derived from connectives, pronouns, and verbs and particles via a number of affixes:
Affix | Meaning | Examples | ||||||||
e- | 'and (?), the aforesaid (?)' |
e + de | 'just now'
e + wa | 'in that direction'
e + wite + xti | 'very early in the morning'
e + ma | 'right there' |
ke- | (?) |
ke + cana | 'again'
ke + cumana | 'again' | ||||
kuhi- | 'high' |
kuhi + adi | 'upstairs' | ||||||
ndo- | 'hither' |
ndo + ao | (?) 'hither'
ndo + sąhį | 'on this side of'
ndo + ku | 'back hither'
ndo + wa | 'this way' |
ewa- | 'there' |
ewa + sąhį | 'on the other side of' | ||||||
-wa | 'locative ending' |
e + wa | 'in that direction'
he + e + wa | 'that way'
ko + wa | 'further along'
ndo + wa | 'this way' |
-yą | (?) |
e + xti + yą | 'at a distance'
e + yą | 'there'
he + e + yą | 'there'
ndo + sąhį + yą | 'on this side of' |
There are various instances of derived connectives:
e- 'and (?), the aforesaid (?)'
eke 'so' (probably derived itself, see above)
Derived numbers contain predictable vowel syncope (see above).
Biloxi | Qiloqano | Gloss |
sǫsa | sǫs | 'one' |
nǫpa | nǫpa | 'two' |
dani | dani | 'three' |
topa | thory | 'four' |
ksani | kse | 'five' |
akuxpe | akuxpe | 'six' |
nąpahudi1 | nąpahudi1 | 'seven' |
dąhudi1 | dąhudi1 | 'eight' |
ckane | ckan | 'nine' |
ohi | ohi | 'ten' |
- may be derived from ||nǫpa + ahudi|| 'two + bones' and ||dani + ahudi|| 'three + bones'
11-19 are derived via the formula 'X sitting on Y' ('Y Xaxehe').
Biloxi | Gloss |
ohi sǫsaxehe | 'eleven' (='one sitting on ten') |
ohi nǫpaxehe | 'twelve' |
ohi danaxehe | 'thirteen' |
ohi topaxehe | 'fourteen' |
ohi ksanaxehe | 'fifteen' |
ohi akuxpaxehe | 'sixteen' |
ohi nąpahu axehe | 'seventeen' |
ohi dąxu axehe | 'eighteen' |
ohi ckanaxehe | 'nineteen' |
20-99 are derived via the formula 'X sitting on Y Zs' ('Z Y Xaxehe')
Biloxi | Gloss |
ohi nǫpa | 'twenty' (='two tens') |
ohi nǫpa sǫsaxehe | '21' (='one sitting on two tens') |
ohi dani | '30' |
ohi dani sǫsaxehe | '31', etc. |
ohi topa | '40' |
ohi ksani | '50' |
ohi akuxpe | '60' |
ohi nąpahudi | '70' |
ohi dąhudi | '80' |
ohi ckane | '90' |
Biloxi | Gloss |
tsipa | '100' |
tsipa sǫsaxehe | '101' (='one sitting on 100'), etc. |
tsipa ohi sǫsaxehe | '111', etc. |
tsipa nǫpa | '200' |
tsipa dani | '300' |
tsipa topa | '400' |
tsipa dani | '500' |
tsipa akuxpe | '600' |
tsipa nąpahudi | '700' |
tsipa dąhudi | '800' |
tsipa ckane | '900' |
tsipįciyą | '1000' ('old man hundred') |
ukikįke1 | 'one half' |
- shows up twice as kįkįke
Ordinal numerals (1st, 2nd, 3rd) are not attested. To express 'once', 'twice', 'three times', etc.', use the verb de 'to go' before cardinal numbers:
- de sǫsa 'once'
- de nǫpa 'twice'
- de dani 'three times'
- de topa 'four times'
- de ksani 'five times'
To form multiplicatives, use akipta 'to double' before cardinal numbers:
- akipta nǫpa 'twofold'
- akipta dani 'threefold'
- akipta topa 'fourfold'
- akipta ohi 'tenfold'
- akipta tsipa 'one hundredfold'
Biloxi is a left-branching SOVSOV
SOV is an acronym for several terms:in organizations*Same Old Vanderbilt, usually refers to Vanderbilt Commodores football by their fans due to lack of success over the years*Stade Olympique Voironnais, a French rugby union club...
Its lexical categories include interjection
In grammar, an interjection or exclamation is a word used to express an emotion or sentiment on the part of the speaker . Filled pauses such as uh, er, um are also considered interjections...
s (I), adverbial
In grammar an adverbial is a word or a group of words that modifies or tells us something about the sentence or the verb. The word adverbial is also used as an adjective, meaning 'having the same function as an adverb'...
s (A), subject
Subject (grammar)
The subject is one of the two main constituents of a clause, according to a tradition that can be tracked back to Aristotle and that is associated with phrase structure grammars; the other constituent is the predicate. According to another tradition, i.e...
s (S), object
Object (grammar)
An object in grammar is part of a sentence, and often part of the predicate. It denotes somebody or something involved in the subject's "performance" of the verb. Basically, it is what or whom the verb is acting upon...
s (O), verbs (V), and connectives (C).
The three types of phrases are:
- interjectory phrases: I with pauses before and after it
- tenaxi 'Oh friend!'
- postpositional phrase: pp N (yą)/(de) (see below)
- doxpe itka 'inside a coat'
- noun phrase: any S or O (see below)
- ayek ita 'your corn'
There are dependent
Dependent clause
In linguistics, a dependent clause is a clause that augments an independent clause with additional information, but which cannot stand alone as a sentence. Dependent clauses modify the independent clause of a sentence or serve as a component of it...
and independent clause
Independent clause
An independent clause is a clause that can stand by itself, also known as a simple sentence. An independent clause contains a subject and a predicate; it makes sense by itself....
s, and major and minor sentences. (see below)
Interjectory particles
- aci 'o no!'
- he he 'hello!'
- nu: 'help!'
- ux 'pshaw!'
Animal cries
- a: a: 'caw'
- pes pes 'cry of the tiny frog'
- taǫ 'cry of the squealer duck'
- tį 'cry of the sapsucker'
Vocatives are almost always unmarked:
- kǫkǫ 'O grandmother!'
- kǫni 'O mother!'
- cidikuna 'Oh Cidikuna!'
There are only three exceptions:
- tata 'Oh father!' (suppletive – the regular stem meaning 'father' is adi)
- nyąxohi 'Oh wife!' (literally 'my old lady')
- nyąįcya 'Oh husband!' (literally 'my old man')
Adverbials most often appear directly before the verb, but they may also act as subjects and object. They may not follow verbs or precede connectives in sentence-initial position.Adverbials may be:
Adverbial particles
Some particles:
- tohanak 'yesterday'
- emą 'right there'
- eyą 'there'
- kiya 'again'
- yąxa 'almost'
(Also, see "adverbs", above.)
Usage examples:
- skakanadi ewitexti eyąhį yuhi' 'the Ancient of Opossums thought he would reach there very early in the morning'
Postpositional phrases
(For vowel elision, see above.)
Postposition | Gloss | Example(s) |
itka | 'in, among' |
kuya~okaya | 'under' |
nata | 'middle of' |
(u)wa | 'into, towards' |
yaskiya12 | 'under' |
yehi~yehi ką~yehi yą | 'close to' |
acka | 'near' |
eusąhį3~sąhį | 'beyond' |
ndosąhį | 'on this side of' |
tawi | 'on, on top of' |
ǫ~ǫha | 'with' |
- may have a base form yaski
- less occurrences than kuya~okaya
- eu here, an unexpected diphthong, is shortened ewa 'there'
Almost all of the above allow following de or yą. de has the expected meaning 'here' or 'this', while yą may be glossed 'the' or 'yonder'.
Prepositions are sometimes used without modifying a noun, becoming adverbial:
- sąhį yą kiya nkǫ 'I do it again on the other side'
- itka yą ustki 'to stand a tall object on something'
Such as:
Some interrogatives
Interrogative | Gloss | Example(s) |
cidike~cidiki | 'how? why?' | how:
cak~caką1 | 'where' |
cina | 'some, many' |
cinani23 | 'how many?' |
- derived from
Subjects and Objects
Subjects and objects are formed almost identically, save for the fact that the nominal particle ką may only be used after objects.A subject or object must include a simple noun (N), and may optionally also include a verb (V), nominal particle (np), and/or demonstrative pronoun (dp), in that order.
If the noun is a personal pronoun, it may only (optionally) be followed by either a demonstrative pronoun or a nominal particle, but not both. For other pronouns (e.g. de 'this), they may not be followed by anythihng.
- ąya xohi 'the old woman'
N np
- ąya di 'the person
N dp
- ąya de 'these people
N V np
- ąya xohi yą 'the old woman'
N V dp
- ąya nǫpa amąkide 'these two men'
N np dp
- ǫti yą he 'the bear, too'
N V np dp
- ąya sahi yą he 'the Indian, too'
Possession in S's and O's is expressed by the possessor followed by the possessed, followed by np's.
- ąya anahį ką 'people's hair' (obj.)
- ąya tik 'the man's house'
Two subjects may be juxtaposed with reciprocal verbs:
- cetkana ǫti kitenaxtu xa 'the rabbit and the bear were friends to one another
Additives may be expressed by juxtaposition followed by the np yą, but this is not used often due to ambiguity (it might be interpreted as a possessive phrase):
Alternatives are expressed with juxtaposition followed by the particle ha (not otherwise an np):
Nominal particles (np)
Biloxi has many nominal particles, and for the most part their function is unclear.
A non-exhaustive list:
For the most part it's unclear what conditions the use of a particular np (or ∅), but the following can be said:
Simple verbs (not causatives or expanded verbs, see below) must contain a person marker, root, and number marker, and optionally the following:Prefixes:
- thematic prefixes
- reciprocals, dative markers, reflexives
- instrumental markers
- mode markers
- object markers
Auxiliary constructions
Biloxi contains a defective auxiliary verb (h)andE/yukE (ande is used in singular, yuke for plural). By itself it may mean 'to be' or 'to stay', but with another verb it lends durativity. The plural marker -tu is not used with yuke since the defective form itself already serves to mark number.
When the auxiliary construction is used, both the main verb and the auxiliary are inflected.
Generally to express the negative the stem is negated, rather than the auxiliary:
- kox ni yuke di 'they were unwilling'
- kukuhi ni yuke 'they could not raise (it)'
Classificatory verbs
Biloxi contains five classificatory verbs, which indicate duration and position of the subject: (See above for morphophonemic explanation of ||mąki|| > /max/.)
nąki 'sitting'
mąki 'reclining', 'in a horizontal position'
- įdahi ye daha max 'he continually sent for them'
- naxe ąki 'he listened (reclining)'
- plural form
- mąxtu~amąki : dǫhi amąx ką 'while they were looking at him' : akikahį mąktu 'they were telling news to one another
- plural form
ne 'upright'
- plural form
hine 'walking'
ande 'running'
They may be used alone as verbs (kuhik mąx ką 'when it was lying high') but often reinforce synonymous roots:
They are used mostly with animates.
Classificatory verbs are only inflected for 2nd person (not 1st) when used as auxiliaries.
hamaki~amaki is used as the plural form for all five classificatory verbs (even optionally for mąki and ne, which have their own plural forms mąxtu~amąki and ne):
- ąksiyǫ yamaki wo 'are you all making arrows?'
- ca hanke te nkamaki na 'we wish to kill them' (masc.)
- ąya nǫpa ci hamaki nkehǫ ni 'I know the two reclining men'
- ąya nǫpa ni hamaki nkehǫ ni 'I know the two walking men'
- ąya xaxaxa hamaki ayehǫ ni 'do you know all the standing men?'
The causative verb ||YE|| comes after (uninflected) stems to form a causative construction. In first and second person ha (sometimes h if followed by a vowel, see 3.1 above) is inserted between the stem and ||YE||.
- axehe hanke nąki na 'I have stuck it in (as I sit)' (masc.)
- ca hiyetu 'you kill them all'
- te ye 'he killed her'
Expanded verbs
Serial verb construction
Serial verb construction
The serial verb construction, also known as serialization, is a syntactic phenomenon common to many African, Asian and New Guinean languages...
s occur with two or three verbs in sequence. All are of the same person and number, but only the final stem has suffixes:
- nkǫ įkte xo 'I do it, I will hit you if...'
- hane dusi duxke 'he found her, took her, and skinned her'
Connective | Meaning | Example(s) | |
Clause-final | hą | 'and' |
hąca | 'but, and subsequently' |
Sentence-initial | ekeką | 'and then' |
ekehą | 'and then' |
ekeko | 'well' |
eką | 'well' |
eke | 'well' |
ekedį | 'that is why' | ||
ekeǫnidi | 'therefore' |
All subordinating connectives are clause-final. ką is the most common by far, and may be related to the np ką.
Connective | Meaning | Example(s) |
de hed hą | [marks previous verb as past perfect, lit. 'this finished and'] |
dixyį | 'when, if' |
dixyą | 'whenever, when, if' |
ką | 'when' |
kne | 'just as, as soon as' | |
ko | 'when, as, since' | |
kike | 'although' |
xyeni | 'although' |
Clauses may end it at most one clause final connective. Subordinating connectives are used to create dependant clauses.In clauses, the following order generally holds:
(Connective) (Subject) (Object) (Adverb) Verb (Connective)
There are occasional examples of S and/or O occurring after the verb, always with animates. O rarely precedes S, possibly for emphasis.
Direct objects always precedes indirect objects, e.g. ąya xi yandi ąxti yą int ką ku 'the chief gave him the woman
Full sentences always end in independent clauses. Embedded sentences are not usually marked, though the horatory marker hi can be used if the embedded action hasn't yet occurred, and ni can be used if the action wasn't performed. wo (or wi) is used for mistaken ideas.