Bible Analyzer
Bible Analyzer is a freeware, cross-platform Bible study
Bible study (Christian)
In Christianity, Bible study is the study of the Bible by ordinary people as a personal religious or spiritual practice. Some denominations may call this devotion or devotional acts; however in other denominations devotion has other meanings...

 computer software
Computer software
Computer software, or just software, is a collection of computer programs and related data that provide the instructions for telling a computer what to do and how to do it....

 application for Microsoft Windows and Ubuntu Linux. It implements advanced search, comparison, and statistical features. It received a high rating for version 4.2 from


Bible Analyzer is written in Python
Python (programming language)
Python is a general-purpose, high-level programming language whose design philosophy emphasizes code readability. Python claims to "[combine] remarkable power with very clear syntax", and its standard library is large and comprehensive...

 with a wxPython
-External links:* * at showmedo...

Gui or guee is a generic term to refer to grilled dishes in Korean cuisine. These most commonly have meat or fish as their primary ingredient, but may in some cases also comprise grilled vegetables or other vegetarian ingredients. The term derives from the verb, "gupda" in Korean, which literally...

. According to its author it was first conceived in 2003 to address areas in Bible
The Bible refers to any one of the collections of the primary religious texts of Judaism and Christianity. There is no common version of the Bible, as the individual books , their contents and their order vary among denominations...

 study and analysis that are largely untouched among other Bible software programs. Primarily features such as Bible text comparison, proximity range searches, and textual statistical analysis. Versions 1.0 through 2.2 concentrated on these features. The version 3 series greatly expanded them and added other features such as a dedicated cross-reference panel, "Related Verse" Searches, Text-To-Speech and Audio features, etc. Version 4.0 includes a major updating of the interface and also a Harmony/Parallel Text Generator, advanced Related Phrase Search, Multiple Bible Search capabilities, exporting of study data to the "MultiWindow," etc.

Module Format

Bible Analyzer utilizes Bible, Commentary, Dictionary, Book and Image modules in the open-source SQLite
SQLite is an ACID-compliant embedded relational database management system contained in a relatively small C programming library. The source code for SQLite is in the public domain and implements most of the SQL standard...

 database format. Users familiar with SQLite can easily create custom modules with the built in "Module Creator."

Bible Analyzer has in its module format such works as E. W. Bullinger
E. W. Bullinger
Ethelbert William Bullinger AKC was an Anglican clergyman, Biblical scholar, and ultradispensationalist theologian.-Life and work:...

's Companion Bible Notes and Appendices in fully searchable, digital format, the 11 volume Understanding The Bible Commentary by David Sorenson, Books and Charts by Clarence Larkin
Clarence Larkin
Rev. Clarence Larkin was an American Baptist pastor, Bible teacher and author whose writings on Dispensationalism had a great impact on conservative Protestant visual culture in the 20th century...

 such as Dispensational Truth, the 23 volume Pulpit Commentary, the 43 volume Expositor's Bible and more.

Bible Analyzer is updated regularly and a CD-Rom with over 800MB of data is available.

History of Bible Analytics

The Pioneer of Bible Analytics was Thomas Hartwell Horne
Thomas Hartwell Horne
Thomas Hartwell Horne , was a theologian, and librarian. He was born in London and educated at Christ's Hospital. He then became a clerk to a barrister, and used his spare time to write. He was initially affiliated with the Wesleyans but later joined the Church of England.Horne wrote more than...

 (1780–1862), a theologian and librarian. He was born in London and educated at Christ's Hospital. His work named, 'Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures' that was published in 1818 was the beginning of the Bible Statistics. Horne also produced a "Tree Full of Bible Lore," a tree-shaped text of statistics on the Bible, in which he counted the number of books, chapters, verses, words, and even letters. He ended this tree with "It the Bible contains knowledge, wisdom, holiness and love." This "tree" is reproduced in the third series of Ripley
Ripley's Believe It or Not!
Ripley's Believe It or Not! is a franchise, founded by Robert Ripley, which deals in bizarre events and items so strange and unusual that readers might question the claims...

's paperbacks, originally published hardbound in 1949. Although he was very wrong with his statistics, it was the beginning...


There are structures of Bible Analytics within the Bibles.

Bible Analytics studies the structure of occurrence:

Comparisons of the Bibles

The Old Testament

The New Testament

Number of books

The Total Bible

The Frequency &

The Amount of occurs &

Where they occur at...






Are The Most Popular Statistics

The Bible Analyzer can give the statistics of every Bible & Compare them.

The long time desire of the Biblical manuscript
Biblical manuscript
A biblical manuscript is any handwritten copy of a portion of the text of the Bible. The word Bible comes from the Greek biblia ; manuscript comes from Latin manu and scriptum...

 Authors, Bible Critics
Biblical criticism
Biblical criticism is the scholarly "study and investigation of Biblical writings that seeks to make discerning judgments about these writings." It asks when and where a particular text originated; how, why, by whom, for whom, and in what circumstances it was produced; what influences were at work...

, and the Bible Scholars
Biblical studies
Biblical studies is the academic study of the Judeo-Christian Bible and related texts. For Christianity, the Bible traditionally comprises the New Testament and Old Testament, which together are sometimes called the "Scriptures." Judaism recognizes as scripture only the Hebrew Bible, also known as...



Bible Software Review, Review of Bible Analyzer version 3.5.2, November 22, 2008.

Biblical scholarship and analysis

  • Dating the Bible
    Dating the Bible
    The Bible is a compilation of various texts of different ages. The dates of some of the texts of the Hebrew Bible are difficult to establish....

  • Textual criticism
    Textual criticism
    Textual criticism is a branch of literary criticism that is concerned with the identification and removal of transcription errors in the texts of manuscripts...

  • Historical criticism
    Historical criticism
    Historical criticism, or historical-critical method, and also known as higher criticism, is a branch of literary criticism that investigates the origins of ancient text in order to understand "the world behind the text"....

  • Documentary hypothesis
    Documentary hypothesis
    The documentary hypothesis , holds that the Pentateuch was derived from originally independent, parallel and complete narratives, which were subsequently combined into the current form by a series of redactors...

  • Synoptic problem
  • Biblical manuscripts
  • Internal consistency and the Bible
    Internal consistency and the Bible
    The question of the internal consistency of the Bible concerns the coherence and textual integrity of the Biblical scriptures. This has long been an issue for Christians and Jews, who consider the Bible and Tanakh, respectively, to be divinely inspired....

  • Mosaic authorship
    Mosaic authorship
    Mosaic authorship is the traditional attribution of the first five books of the Old Testament to Moses. The tradition is first definitively stated in the Babylonian Talmud, an encyclopedia of traditional Jewish learning compiled around the middle of the 1st millennium CE...

  • Authorship of the Johannine works
    Authorship of the Johannine works
    Authorship of the Johannine works has been debated by scholars since at least the 2nd century. The main debate centers on who authored the writings, and which of the writings, if any, can be ascribed to a common author.Ancient tradition attributes all the books to John the Apostle...

  • Authorship of the Pauline epistles
    Authorship of the Pauline epistles
    The Pauline epistles are the fourteen books in the New Testament traditionally attributed to Paul the Apostle, although many dispute the anonymous Epistle to the Hebrews as being a Pauline epistle....

  • Non-canonical books referenced in the Bible
    Non-canonical books referenced in the Bible
    The non-canonical books in this article include Biblical apocrypha and Deuterocanonical books , Pseudepigrapha, writings from Hellenistic and other non-Biblical cultures, and lost works of known or unknown status...

  • Apocrypha
    The term apocrypha is used with various meanings, including "hidden", "esoteric", "spurious", "of questionable authenticity", ancient Chinese "revealed texts and objects" and "Christian texts that are not canonical"....

  • Dead sea scrolls
    Dead Sea scrolls
    The Dead Sea Scrolls are a collection of 972 texts from the Hebrew Bible and extra-biblical documents found between 1947 and 1956 on the northwest shore of the Dead Sea, from which they derive their name...

  • Nag hammadi library
    Nag Hammadi library
    The Nag Hammadi library is a collection of early Christian Gnostic texts discovered near the Upper Egyptian town of Nag Hammadi in 1945. That year, twelve leather-bound papyrus codices buried in a sealed jar were found by a local peasant named Mohammed Ali Samman...

  • Biblical archaeology
    Biblical archaeology
    For the movement associated with William F. Albright and also known as biblical archaeology, see Biblical archaeology school. For the interpretation of biblical archaeology in relation to biblical historicity, see The Bible and history....

Perspectives on the Bible

  • Bibliolatry
    Bibliolatry is the worship of a particular book. See also Idolatry and Idolatry and Christianity.-Bibliolatry in Christianity:...

  • Calvin's view of Scripture
  • Jewish Biblical exegesis
  • Islamic view of the Bible
    Islamic view of the Bible
    In Islam, the Bible is held to reflect true unfolding revelation from God; but revelation which had been corrupted or distorted ; which necessitated the giving of the Qur'an to the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, to correct this deviation....

  • Biblical narratives and the Qur'an
    Biblical narratives and the Qur'an
    The Qur'an, the central religious text of Islam, contains references to over fifty people and events also found in the Bible. While the stories told in each book are generally comparable in most respects, important differences sometimes emerge....

  • Criticism of the Bible
    Criticism of the Bible
    This article is about criticism of the Bible as a source of information or ethical guidance. It will vary slightly depending on whether the focus is on the Old Testament, the letters of New Testament or the Canonical gospels...

  • Gnosticism and the New Testament
    Gnosticism and the New Testament
    Gnosticism and the New Testament is the connection between the Christian sects described by Irenaeus , and other writers, as gnostikos, and the New Testament, and also the use of the New Testament in the Nag Hammadi texts ....

  • Good news (Christianity), concerning the content of the Bible's message about Jesus
    Jesus of Nazareth , commonly referred to as Jesus Christ or simply as Jesus or Christ, is the central figure of Christianity...

  • Christianity and Judaism
  • Biblical law in Christianity
    Biblical law in Christianity
    Christian views of the Old Covenant have been central to Christian theology and practice since the circumcision controversy in Early Christianity. There are differing views about the applicability of the Old Covenant among Christian denominations...

  • Bible prophecy
    Bible prophecy
    Bible prophecy or biblical prophecy is the prediction of future events based on the action, function, or faculty of a prophet. Such passages are widely distributed throughout the Bible, but those most often cited are from Ezekiel, Daniel, Matthew 24, Matthew 25, and Revelation.Believers in biblical...

  • Biblical inerrancy
    Biblical inerrancy
    Biblical inerrancy is the doctrinal position that the Bible is accurate and totally free of error, that "Scripture in the original manuscripts does not affirm anything that is contrary to fact." Some equate inerrancy with infallibility; others do not.Conservative Christians generally believe that...

  • New Testament view on Jesus' life
    New Testament view on Jesus' life
    The four canonical gospels of the New Testament are the primary sources of information for the doctrinal Christian narrative of the life of Jesus. There is not a single New Testament "view" on the life of Jesus, the four Canonical gospels tell different but connected stories...

  • Ten Commandments
    Ten Commandments
    The Ten Commandments, also known as the Decalogue , are a set of biblical principles relating to ethics and worship, which play a fundamental role in Judaism and most forms of Christianity. They include instructions to worship only God and to keep the Sabbath, and prohibitions against idolatry,...

  • Parsha
    This article is about the divisions of the Torah into weekly readings. For this week's Torah portion, see Torah portionThe weekly Torah portion |Sidra]]) is a section of the Torah read in Jewish services...

  • Ritual Decalogue
    Ritual Decalogue
    The Ritual Decalogue is a list of laws in the Book of Exodus, . These laws are similar to the Covenant Code and are followed by the phrase ten commandments...

  • Jewish messianism
  • Summary of Christian eschatological differences
  • Bibliomancy
    Bibliomancy is the use of books in divination. The method of employing sacred books for 'magical medicine', for removing negative entities, or for divination is widespread in many religions of the world:-Terminology:...

     is the use of random readings from a book for divination. When practiced in Jewish and Christian cultures, the Bible is often used.
  • Bible conspiracy theory
    Bible conspiracy theory
    A Bible conspiracy theory is any conspiracy theory that posits that much of what is known about the Bible is a deception created to suppress some secret, ancient truth...

  • Bible code
    Bible code
    The Bible code , also known as the Torah code, is a purported set of secret messages encoded within the text Hebrew Bible and describing prophesies and other guidance regarding the future. This hidden code has been described as a method by which specific letters from the text can be selected to...

  • The Skeptic's Annotated Bible


  • Biblical literalism
    Biblical literalism
    Biblical literalism is the interpretation or translation of the explicit and primary sense of words in the Bible. A literal Biblical interpretation is associated with the fundamentalist and evangelical hermeneutical approach to Scripture, and is used almost exclusively by conservative Christians...

  • Biblical hermeneutics
    Biblical hermeneutics
    Biblical hermeneutics is the study of the principles of interpretation concerning the books of the Bible. It is part of the broader field of hermeneutics which involves the study of principles for the text and includes all forms of communication: verbal and nonverbal.While Jewish and Christian...

  • Midrash
    The Hebrew term Midrash is a homiletic method of biblical exegesis. The term also refers to the whole compilation of homiletic teachings on the Bible....

  • Pardes (Jewish exegesis)
    The soundtrack was composed by the duo of Nadeem Shravan while the lyrics were penned by Anand Bakshi. It was released under the label of Tips Music Films. The album was very successful amongst the audience. The tracks "I Love My India", "Meri Mehbooba", "Do Dil Mil Rahe Hain" and "Nahin Hona Tha"...

History and the Bible

  • The Bible and history
    The Bible and history
    The Bible from a historical perspective, includes numerous fields of study, ranging from archeology and astronomy to linguistics and methods of comparative literature. The Bible may provide insight into pursuits, including but not limited to; our understanding of ancient and modern culture,...

  • Bible chronology
  • Hebrew Bible: Timeline
  • History of the English Bible
  • Code of Hammurabi
    Code of Hammurabi
    The Code of Hammurabi is a well-preserved Babylonian law code, dating to ca. 1780 BC . It is one of the oldest deciphered writings of significant length in the world. The sixth Babylonian king, Hammurabi, enacted the code, and partial copies exist on a human-sized stone stele and various clay...

  • Study Bible
    Study Bible
    A study Bible is an edition of the Bible prepared for the use of a serious student of the Bible. It provides scholarly information designed to help the reader gain a better understanding of the text.-History:...

  • List of burial places of biblical figures
  • List of artifacts significant to the Bible

Biblical topics

  • Alcohol
    Alcohol in the Bible
    Alcoholic beverages appear repeatedly in biblical literature, from Noah planting a vineyard and becoming inebriated in the Hebrew Bible, to Jesus in the New Testament miraculously making copious amounts of wine at the marriage at Cana and later incorporating wine as part of the Eucharist...

  • Circumcision
    Circumcision in the Bible
    Religious male circumcision generally occurs shortly after birth, during childhood or around puberty as part of a rite of passage. Circumcision is most prevalent in Muslim countries and Israel, and is most prevalent in the Jewish and Muslim faiths, although also common in the United States, the...

  • Crime and punishment
    Crime and punishment in the Bible
    The Hebrew Bible is considered a holy text in most Abrahamic religions. It records a large number of events and laws that are endorsed or prescribed by the God of Israel. Judaism teaches that the Torah contains 613 eternal commandments, many of which deal with law and punishment...

  • Ethics
    Ethics in the Bible
    Ethics is the branch of philosophy which examines the question of what actions are morally right or wrong and why. The Bible contains numerous prescriptions or laws and many narrative accounts of ethical relevance.-Ethics in the Hebrew Bible:...

  • Homosexuality
    The Bible and homosexuality
    There are a number of direct references to homosexuality in the Bible.In Mosaic law, male homosexuality is identified as an "abomination".In the New Testament, Paul of Tarsus condemns arsenokoitēs, a term related to male homosexuality that is open to much interpretation; it could mean male...

  • Murder
  • Slavery
  • Women

External links

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.