. BayImg aims to provide a registration-free service that does not have any copyright license enforced on its images.
BayImg currently has a 100MB file limit and supports over 140 different file formats. Uploaded images are automatically converted to JPEG
format. It uses tag clouds to browse images and supports removal codes for images. The website aims to host all images that are legal but reserves the right to remove images due to technical reasons.
Anyone may upload and remain fully anonymous, making it harder to track down which user uploaded a certain image. It has been criticised in the past for the 'unnecessary' use of JavaScript
to load images.
We do not censor [the images]. We believe in freedom of speechFreedom of speechFreedom of speech is the freedom to speak freely without censorship. The term freedom of expression is sometimes used synonymously, but includes any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used...
, it's of utter importance to us. As long as your pictures are legal they will be hosted here, but we reserve the right to remove images due to technical reasons though.
Well, we really think it is a big deal [to host uncensored images]. Freedom of speech is our foundation. And it doesn't come cheap. You might have heard that old quote by Evelyn Beatrice Hall
Evelyn Beatrice HallEvelyn Beatrice Hall, , who wrote under the pseudonym S.G. Tallentyre, was an English writer best known for her biography of Voltaire with the title The Friends of Voltaire, which she completed in 1906....
; "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." It's really that simple. There are a lot of ugly opinions out there, but democracy ain't worth much without the right to express those opinions. There is this myth about freedom of speech being a nice comfortable idea, well it's not. It's annoying, appalling and sometimes even dangerous. But the opposite is way worse.
By the word "legal", BayImg means legal under Swedish law. This excludes child pornography
, for example.