Base of the skull
The base of skull is the most inferior
area of the skull
, composed of the endocranium
and lower parts of the skull roof
Inferior means of lower station, rank, degree, or grade . It may also refer to:* Inferiority complex* An anatomical term of location* Inferior angle of the scapula, in the human skeleton...
area of the skull
Human skull
The human skull is a bony structure, skeleton, that is in the human head and which supports the structures of the face and forms a cavity for the brain.In humans, the adult skull is normally made up of 22 bones...
, composed of the endocranium
For internal cast of the cranium, see Endocast.The endocranium in comparative anatomy is a part of the skull base in vertebrates and represent the basal, inner part of the cranium. The term is also applied to the outer layer of the dura mater in human anatomy.-Basic structure:Structurally, the...
and lower parts of the skull roof
Skull roof
The skull roof , or the roofing bones of the skull are a set of bones covering the brain, eyes and nostrils in bony fishes and all land living vertebrates. The bones are derived from dermal bone, hence the alternative name dermatocranium...
- Ethmoid boneEthmoid boneThe ethmoid bone is a bone in the skull that separates the nasal cavity from the brain. As such, it is located at the roof of the nose, between the two orbits. The cubical bone is lightweight due to a spongy construction. The ethmoid bone is one of the bones that makes up the orbit of the eye...
- Sphenoid boneSphenoid boneThe sphenoid bone is an unpaired bone situated at the base of the skull in front of the temporal bone and basilar part of the occipital bone.The sphenoid bone is one of the seven bones that articulate to form the orbit...
- Occipital boneOccipital boneThe occipital bone, a saucer-shaped membrane bone situated at the back and lower part of the cranium, is trapezoidal in shape and curved on itself...
- Frontal boneFrontal boneThe frontal bone is a bone in the human skull that resembles a cockleshell in form, and consists of two portions:* a vertical portion, the squama frontalis, corresponding with the region of the forehead....
- Parietal boneParietal boneThe parietal bones are bones in the human skull which, when joined together, form the sides and roof of the cranium. Each bone is roughly quadrilateral in form, and has two surfaces, four borders, and four angles. It is named from the Latin pariet-, wall....
- Temporal boneTemporal boneThe temporal bones are situated at the sides and base of the skull, and lateral to the temporal lobes of the cerebrum.The temporal bone supports that part of the face known as the temple.-Parts:The temporal bone consists of four parts:* Squama temporalis...
- Petrous portion of the temporal bonePetrous portion of the temporal boneThe petrous portion of the temporal bone or pyramid is pyramidal and is wedged in at the base of the skull between the sphenoid and occipital bones. Directed medially, forward, and a little upward, it presents for examination a base, an apex, three surfaces, and three angles, and contains, in its...
- Petrous portion of the temporal bone
Foramina of the skull
- Foramen cecum Foramen cecum (frontal bone)The frontal crest of the frontal bone ends below in a small notch which is converted into a foramen, the foramen cecum , by articulation with the ethmoid....
- Optic foramenOptic foramenThe optic foramen is the opening to the optic canal.The superior surface of the sphenoid bone is bounded behind by a ridge, which forms the anterior border of a narrow, transverse groove, the chiasmatic groove , above and behind which lies the optic chiasma; the groove ends on either side in the...
- Foramen lacerumForamen lacerumThe foramen lacerum is a triangular hole in the base of the skull located at the base of the medial pterygoid plate.-Transit through the foramen lacerum:...
- Foramen rotundumForamen rotundumThe foramen rotundum is a circular hole in the sphenoid bone that connects the middle cranial fossa and the pterygopalatine fossa.-Structure:...
- Foramen magnum
- Foramen ovaleForamen ovale (skull)At the base of the skull the foramen ovale is one of the larger of the several holes that transmit nerves through the skull. The foramen ovale is situated in the posterior part of the sphenoid bone, posterolateral to the foramen rotundum.-Contents:Several nerves, arteries and veins pass through...
- Jugular foramenJugular foramenThe jugular foramen is a large aperture in the base of the skull. It is located behind the carotid canal and is formed in front by the petrous portion of the temporal, and behind by the occipital; it is generally larger on the right than on the left side....
- Internal auditory meatusInternal auditory meatusThe internal auditory meatus is a canal in the petrous part of the temporal bone of the skull that carries nerves from inside the cranium towards the middle and inner ear compartments namely cranial nerve VII and cranial nerve VIII.-Structure:The...
- Mastoid foramenMastoid foramenThe mastoid foramen is a large hole in the posterior border of the temporal bone. It transmits a Mastoid emissary vein to the sigmoid sinus and a small branch of the occipital artery, the posterior meningeal artery to the dura mater.-Variations:...
- Sphenoidal emissary foramenSphenoidal emissary foramenIn the base of the skull, in the great wings of the sphenoid bone, medial to the foramen ovale, a small aperture, the sphenoidal emissary foramen, may occasionally be seen opposite the root of the pterygoid process. When present, it opens below near the scaphoid fossa...
- Foramen spinosumForamen spinosumThe foramen spinosum is one of several foramina located in the base of the skull, on the sphenoid bone, situated lateral to the foramen ovale, in a posterior angle.-Contents:It permits the passage of certain arteries, veins and/or other structures:...
- Frontoethmoidal sutureFrontoethmoidal sutureThe frontoethmoidal suture is the suture between the ethmoid bone and the frontal bone.It is located in the anterior cranial fossa....
- Sphenofrontal sutureSphenofrontal sutureThe Sphenofrontal suture is the cranial suture between the sphenoid bone and the frontal bone....
- Sphenopetrosal sutureSphenopetrosal sutureThe sphenopetrosal fissure is the cranial suture between the sphenoid bone and the petrous portion of the temporal bone.It is in the middle cranial fossa....
- Sphenoethmoidal sutureSphenoethmoidal sutureThe Sphenoethmoidal suture is the cranial suture between the sphenoid bone and the ethmoid bone....
- Petrosquamous suturePetrosquamous sutureThe petrosquamous suture is a cranial suture between the petrous portion and the squama of the temporal bone.-External links:*...
- Sphenosquamosal sutureSphenosquamosal sutureThe Sphenosquamosal suture is a cranial suture between the sphenoid bone and the squama of the temporal bone....
- Sphenoidal lingula
- Subarcuate fossaSubarcuate fossaIn the temporal bone, above and between the aquæductus vestibuli is an irregular depression which lodges a process of the dura mater and transmits a small vein and the subarcuate artery a branch of the internal auditory artery, which is an end artery that supplies blood to the inner ear ; in the...
- Dorsum sellaeDorsum sellaeIn the sphenoid bone, the anterior boundary of the sella turcica is completed by two small eminences, one on either side, called the middle clinoid processes, while the posterior boundary is formed by a square-shaped plate of bone, the dorsum sellæ, ending at its superior angles in two tubercles,...
- Jugular processJugular processIn the lateral part of the occipital bone, extending lateralward from the posterior half of the condyle is a quadrilateral plate of bone, the jugular process, excavated in front by the jugular notch, which, in the articulated skull, forms the posterior part of the jugular foramen.It serves as the...
- Petro-occipital fissurePetro-occipital fissureThis grooved surface of the foramen magnum is separated on either side from the petrous portion of the temporal bone by the petro-occipital fissure, which is occupied in the fresh state by a plate of cartilage; the fissure is continuous behind with the jugular foramen, and its margins are grooved...
- Condylar canal
- Jugular tubercleJugular tubercleThe upper surface of the lateral parts of occipital bone presents an oval eminence, the jugular tubercle, which overlies the hypoglossal canal and is sometimes crossed by an oblique groove for the glossopharyngeal, vagus, and accessory nerves.-External links:...
- Tuberculum sellaeTuberculum sellaeIn the sphenoid bone, behind the chiasmatic groove is an elevation, the tuberculum sellæ .-External links:*...
- Carotid grooveCarotid grooveAbove the attachment of each great wing of the sphenoid bone is a broad groove, curved something like the italic letter f; it lodges the internal carotid artery and the cavernous sinus, and is named the carotid groove....
- Fossa hypophyseosFossa hypophyseosIn the sphenoid bone, behind the chiasmatic groove is an elevation, the tuberculum sellae; and still more posteriorly, a deep depression, the sella turcica, the deepest part of which lodges the hypophysis cerebri and is known as the fossa hypophyseos .-External links:* - "Cranial Fossae:...
- Posterior clinoid processesPosterior clinoid processesIn the sphenoid bone, the anterior boundary of the sella turcica is completed by two small eminences, one on either side, called the anterior clinoid processes, while the posterior boundary is formed by a square-shaped plate of bone, the dorsum sellæ, ending at its superior angles in two tubercles,...
- Sigmoid sulcusSigmoid sulcusThe inner surface of the mastoid portion of the temporal bone presents a deep, curved groove, the sigmoid sulcus, which lodges part of the transverse sinus; in it may be seen the opening of the mastoid foramen....
- Internal occipital protuberanceInternal occipital protuberanceAlong the internal surface of the occipital bone, at the point of intersection of the four divisions of the cruciate eminence is the internal occipital protuberance. Running transversely on either side is a groove for the transverse sinus.-External links:*...
- Internal occipital crestInternal occipital crestIn the occipital bone, the lower division of the cruciate eminence is prominent, and is named the internal occipital crest; it bifurcates near the foramen magnum and gives attachment to the falx cerebelli; in the attached margin of this falx is the occipital sinus, which is sometimes duplicated.In...
- Ethmoidal spineEthmoidal spineThe superior surface of the body of the sphenoid bone presents in front a prominent spine, the ethmoidal spine, for articulation with the cribriform plate of the ethmoid; behind this is a smooth surface slightly raised in the middle line, and grooved on either side for the olfactory lobes of the...
- Vestibular aqueductVestibular aqueductAt the hinder part of the medial wall of the vestibule is the orifice of the vestibular aqueduct, which extends to the posterior surface of the petrous portion of the temporal bone....
- Chiasmatic grooveChiasmatic grooveThe superior surface of the body of the sphenoid bone is bounded behind by a ridge, which forms the anterior border of a narrow, transverse groove, the chiasmatic groove , above and behind which lies the optic chiasma of cranial nerve 2 .The groove ends on either side in the optic foramen, which...
- Middle clinoid processMiddle clinoid processThe anterior boundary of the sella turcica is completed by two small eminences, one on either side, called the middle clinoid processes.-Etymology:...
- Groove for sigmoid sinusGroove for sigmoid sinusGroove for Sigmoid Sinus is a groove in the posterior cranial fossa.-External links:* http://ect.downstate.edu/courseware/haonline/labs/l22/os0808.htm...
- Trigeminal ganglionTrigeminal ganglionThe trigeminal ganglion is a sensory ganglion of the trigeminal nerve that occupies a cavity in the dura mater, covering the trigeminal impression near the apex of the petrous part of the temporal bone.-Relations:It is somewhat crescentic in shape, with its convexity...
- Middle cranial fossaMiddle cranial fossaThe middle fossa, deeper than the anterior cranial fossa, is narrow medially and widens laterally to the sides of the skull. It is separated from the posterior fossa by the clivus and the petrous crest....
- Anterior cranial fossaAnterior cranial fossaThe floor of the anterior fossa is formed by the orbital plates of the frontal, the cribriform plate of the ethmoid, and the small wings and front part of the body of the sphenoid; it is limited behind by the posterior borders of the small wings of the sphenoid and by the anterior margin of the...
- Middle meningeal arteryMiddle meningeal arteryThe middle meningeal artery is typically the third branch of the first part of the maxillary artery, one of the two terminal branches of the external carotid artery...
- Cribriform plateCribriform plateThe cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone is received into the ethmoidal notch of the frontal bone and roofs in the nasal cavities....
- Posterior cranial fossaPosterior cranial fossaThe posterior cranial fossa is part of the intracranial cavity, located between the foramen magnum and tentorium cerebelli. It contains the brainstem and cerebellum.This is the most inferior of the fossae. It houses the cerebellum, medulla and pons....
- Nasociliary nerveNasociliary nerveThe nasociliary nerve is a branch of the ophthalmic nerve. It is intermediate in size between the two other main branches of the ophthalmic nerve, the frontal nerve and the lacrimal nerve, and is more deeply placed.-Path:...
- Hypoglossal canalHypoglossal canalThe hypoglossal canal is a bony canal in the occipital bone of the skull.-Anatomy:It transmits the hypoglossal nerve from its point of entry near the medulla oblongata to its exit from the base of the skull near the jugular foramen...