Banga, Aklan
Banga is a fourth-class municipality in the province of Aklan, Philippines
. This small town has repeatedly won national competitions for the "Most Beautiful Town" contests in the country. It is the site of the Aklan State University
. the mayor was Antonio T. Maming and the Vice Mayor was Joseph Pierre Raz Teodosio.
At the religious sanctuary of Manduyog Hill
an annual pilgrimage is conducted on Good Friday
visiting the 14 Stations of the Cross
, praying the rosary, and placing candles at each stop while climbing towards the peak where a 40m cross, sometimes lighted, is visible from due North to Kalibo
and the sea beyond.
Another version of Banga's history from Panublion cited that Banga's ancient site was the present location of the Municipality of Malinao. In 1792 the town site was transferred across the Aklan River at the foot of Manduyog Hill. Several prominent families decided to remain in the “old town” which became a barrio and named Malinao after a placid tributary of the Aklan River.
The families of Bernabe Teodosio, Diego Eulalio Teodosio, Esteban Masigon and the Muntuyas established a settlement in 1676 in what is now Sitio Opong-opong of Barrio Cupang. However, these families moved to a higher ground due to its closeness to the Aklan River that overflowed annually. In 1781 they settled in sitio Agbueakan in Barrio Tabayon.
Due to the clayish soil conditions of the sitio, they again decided to resettle in 1783 in what is now the location of Banga poblacion. They named the place Banga after the Banga palm trees that were in abundance. Because of their growing families they had to cut down most of the trees to give way to their layout plans to establish a town close to their farmlands for residential purposes.
American sovereignty over the country started in August 13, 1898. With the natives resisting foreign domination, a revolutionary association was organized. Hostilities between the natives and the Americans began but did not take long since the natives were ill equipped.
The American hostilities ended upon the signing on March 29, 1901 of the “Pas de Aklan”, a historical document in the Aklan Section of the Province of Capiz. The signing was done at the present municipal park at the corner of Rizal and San Jose Streets.
From January 1, 1904 to December 31, 1911 Banga was merged with Numancia and Lezo to form an “arabal” of the Municipality of Kalibo. Through the efforts of Don Baltazar Teodosio, Banga was separated from Kalibo on January 1, 1912.
A year after, Francisco Lachica was elected the first Municipal President. The following were the leaders of the town from 1912 to 1945:
On April 17, 1942 at 2:00 a.m., the Japanese Imperial Forces landed at Culasi, Capiz. An hour later the 5th Capiz Cadre at Libas, Banga, Aklan (now Camp Jizmundo) was burned down by the United States Armed Forces in the Far East (USAFFE). Six hours later the Banga Rural High School, Banga Elementary School Building and Home Economics Building were likewise burned. About 95% of all the permanent structures in the Municipality of Banga were burned down both by the USAFFE and the Filipino guerrillas to prevent the Japanese forces from occupying the buildings.
There was a surprising and infamous incident in Banga during the Japanese occupation. Civilians were massacred at 10:00 on October 21, 1943 at the junction of Rizal and Mabini Streets - now the Rotunda - and at the national road fronting the 5th Capiz Cadre at Libas, Banga. It was in these two places where civilians, who merely desired to please and welcome the Japanese forces, were ordered to squat and haplessly massacred. About 70 persons were killed. The Japanese soldiers conducted a further four-day operation killing about 200 more in order to paralyze the increasing guerrilla activities.
On March 18, 1945, after the landing of the American Liberation Forces in Panay, the Philippine Civil Affairs Unit appointed Dr. Boanerjes Venturanza as the first Municipal Mayor. The first elected Mayor after the Liberation was Mr. Jose Urquiola. He served from 1945 to 1951 and was succeeded by the following:
1823 - During this year an order came from higher authority that the governadorcillos shall be called constitutional alcaldes there were two in every town every year these was the first and second alcalde. These governed the town helped by other officials called regidores or ministers.
1825 - The governadorcillos were gained resume.
1835 - During this year there was a strong typhoon which they called "Oguis".
1857 - During this year there was a scarcity of palay because of the long drought. The natives in and out of the poblacion lived on roots.
1863 - The practice of ruling by the office of the governadorcillos was for two years.
1871 - On the 7th of December the Parish Church was burned due to the carelessness of the caretakers. The fire was started in the scarcity and burned down all the houses in the Sto. Niño St. in the southern part of the town.
1875 - The town was occupied by the 5th and 6th Infantry, the 5th commanded by Seña Osis and the 6th by Marcelino Oru-a.
1880 - Guillermo Ricaforte assumed office after accusing the incumbent to the court of the first instance of Capiz and during the election Dalmacio Ricaforte was again installed.
1881 - During this year the Guardia Civil arrived headed by the chief Forestal.
1883 - Braulio Lachica died at T.B. and his teniente was appointed governadorcillos.
1887 - During this year Señor Torres died and Francisco Ricaforte succeeded him. There was an election during this year and Catalino Macahilig was elected by majority.
1888 - During this year the church was constructed and the old cemetery with the chapel was destroyed by the storm with all its walls.
1889 - During this year all burials were transferred to the new cemetery.
1890 - During this year all the 58 groups of cabezas de Barangay was reorganized to only 38 cabezas.
1892 - During this year the commision (?) headed by Ignacio Recio, by order of the governor, to confiscate all the properties of the cabezas who were without personal cedulas.
1893 - Pedro Cerrudo committed suicide.
1895 - A reform was introduced that the governadorcillo be called Capitan Municipal and was good four years.
1896 - During this year the revels arrived commanded by Rafael Maraingan in the same year the work on the Parish Church was stopped.
1897 - During this year the rebels stayed overnight in town, commanded by Francisco Castillo and left an March 19 for Kalibo.
1898 - During this year the cazadores (government force) arrived hunting the rebels, who fled to the hills of Nag-utad and in the town, volunteers were recruited healed by Alejandro Isturis, Ambrosio Pastrana and Luis Masangya, to defend the Poblacion. During this year Juan Alba resigned due to differences between the Spanish authorities and the Philippines Government and was succeeded by Catalino Macahilig elected by majority for the remaining months.
The official name of this barrio at the present time is Bacan, the name comes from a tree called thus. The founding of this barrio dates back to 1904. It was not known who were the first families. The following had been lieutenants of this barrio: Repolito Rigodon, Pantaleon Trompeta, Benito Ibardolaza, Esteban Remon, Esteban Torres, Cirilo Nalakag and Paulino Ilarde. These data were facilitated by Repolito Rigodon, Paulino Ilarde, Benito Ibardolaza, Balmino de la Vega, Cirilo Retos, Esteban Remon, Pascual Torres, Paustino Remon, Esteban Torres, Pedro Gonzales and Anastacio Morales. Barrio of Bacan, Municipality of Calivo, Province of Capiz. P.I. on June 25, 1911.
The official name of this barrio at the present time is Badyangan. This comes from the name "Badyang" a plant called thus, whose leaves are the same style as gabi but larger and bigger than those which is called "Biga" and whose juice when applied to the skin produce blisters. Badyangan, place where there is an abundance of Badyang. It was founded on December 25, 1865. The first family that inhabited it was that of Fulgencio Teodosio. The following were lieutenants of this barrio Policarpio Teodosio, Alejandro Roselo, Evangelista Roselo, Lorenzo Roselo, Santiago Pebana, Vicente Remula, Bernabe Rebala, Andres Teodosio, Nazario Zabal, Telesfores Ranigo, Gregorio Recoter, Juan Mationg, Pelagio Napat, Manuel Rufin and Nazario Zabal. When the Spanish-American revolution broke in these parts in 1900, the revolutionaries chose this barrio as a base of operations and here they constructed their trenches. These data were facilitated by Ignacio Roce, Fermin Teodosio and Francisco Inguin. There is no information as to the existence of the same book on act which refers to the Philippines. Barrio of Badiangan, Municipality of Calivo, Province of Capiz, P.I. on June 25, 1911.
The official name of the Barrio at the present time is like its original name daguitan which comes from Visayan word "daguit" which means "Coger Volanda, una casa". Daguitan means a site where "Daguit" takes place. It was founded in 1849. The first family who inhabited it was that of the Patricio Namayan. The following were lieutenants of this barrio, Santiago Nalayas, Nicodemus Nahilas, Inocencio Nabida, Tiburcio Nabida, Jacinto Teodosio, Rafael Sunico, Dalmacio Rebaño, Aquilino Requetes, Telesforo Salazar, Juan Nahilat and Dalmacio Rebaño. These data were facilitated by Cirilo Teodosio. Barrio of Daguitan, Municipality of Calivo, Province of Capiz P.I. on June 30, 1911.
The official name of this barrio at the present time is like its primitive name Dingle and is taken from the name of a tree called thus. This was founded in the year 1866. It is not known who the first families were to inhabit this barrio. The following were lieutenants of this barrio: Isidro Cajilig, Pedro Rebotar, Andres Mation, Felipe Natalio, Alaejandro Zabal, Honario Zabal, Francisco Rabal, Catalino Rebocia, Marcelino Tabasis, Marcelino Rebocio and Protasio Sidoso. These data were facilitated by Basilio Rebotar Barrio of Dingle, Municipality of Calivo, Province of Capiz, P.I. on July 22, 1911.
Jumarap also forms a part of the first settlement established in the year 1714 at sitio Opong-opong. The first settlement had gone to the extent of clustering the nearby sitios as its "sakop". Jumarap being near to the site together with Palale, Cerudo and Cupang was repeated lately under the efforts of the late Valentin Sta. Maria who was then the Teniente del Barangay of Palale. The name Jumarap was taken from a deep creek going through the Barangay. The existence of the Jumarap creek could still be seen only that the NIA siphon which constructed right on the center of the creek made it of use as some farmers utilize some parts of it into rice land. The first families as well as their barangay leaders were consecutively as follows: Montuya Valentin, Justo Montuya, Ramos Sta. Maria and Beneto Repedro. The next was Amado Revesencio followed by Esperideon Policarpio. After World War II Tiniente Valentin Sta. Maria again took over the reign of the barangay government of Jumarap. Now under the able stewardship of the young hardworking Barangay Captain Alejandro Sta. Maria a direct descendant of the late Valentin Sta Maria was able to move forward the progress of barangay Jumarap.
The official name of this barrio at the present time is like its primitive name Sigcay and Lapnag, words that means "Sigcay" which was the name of rustic which has lived in said place, and Lapnag, which is the name of a river that is found in the same whose water are not so deep and without current "Tubig nga Lapnag" soft and tranquil water. It was founded in 1886. It was solem who was the first to live in the place. The following were lieutenants of this barrio, Candido Retos, Juan de la Cruz, Claudio Rampola, Tiburcio Rentina, Benito Seraspi, Aquilino Retos, Bernabe Retos, Valentin Tuma-ob and Hilarion Reloj those data were facilitated by Sinforio Retos, Juan de la Cruz, Claudio Rampola, Tiburcio Retos and Aquilino Retos. Barrio of Sigcay and Lapnag, Municipality of Calivo, Province of Capiz, P.I. on June 15, 1911.
The official name of this barrio at the present time is like its primitive name "Libas" name of a tree called thus and its called also by the other name "Alabihig". It was founded in 1725. The first families that inhabited it were those of Gregorio Teodosio, Isidro Rago and Juan Retoran. The following were lieutenants of this barrio: Severino Recasa, Juan Abayon, Isidro Relator, Epifanio Rebaco, Marcis Renoy, Balbino Isidro, Jose Fernandez, Liberato Isidro, Pascual Ruan, Andres Palmon, Lazaro Bernabe and Isaac Retino. These date were facilitated by Isaac Retino barrio of Libas, Municipality of Calivo, Province of Capiz P.I. on June 10, 1911.
The official name of this barrio is the same as its primitive name Linabuan Sur which means place where bloody disputes are yielded by bolos or where injuries are caused by this implement. It is even told that in those times when the Moras arrived in this parts, to each victim that they sacrificed, they hunged the cut piece that they killed, in a tree, a word that means in Visaya "Linabu-an" existed onother barrio of the same name belonging to the north to the interior municipality of Calivo neither in another municipality and the south to the former municipality of Banga today annexed to barrio before the designation of the boundaries of the one and with the same name, the date of the constitution of the barrio is not remembered well. The names of the first settlers of this barrio is not also remembered. The following were barrio lieutenants of this barrio Benito delos Santos, Felipe Limbana, venancio Tolentino, Vicente Arboleda, Hilario Muya, Crisento Muya, Regino dela Cruz, Tito Javier, Alvaro Delgado, Severo Isturis, Felipe Reboldia, Eleuterio Casina, Vicente Alba, Severo Lozada, ignacio Regado, Gabriel Rebogbog, Bonifacio Ramos, Severino Rabe, Roque Ramo, Bernabe Pamatian, Rafael Perucho, Redra Palomar, Alberta Javier, Bartolome Torres and Pacion Muya. These date were facilitated by Gregorio Magdaluyo, Anastacio Lachica and Hermogenes Requeje. Barrio of Linabuan, municipality of Calivo, province of Capiz P.I. on June 23, 1911.
The official name of this barrio at the present time is like its original name Muguing which means to say "Espiga" of Palay which is found "Flowering". It was founded December 25, 1865. The early families who inhabited it were those of: Tabing Tamayo, Vega Morales and Malihan. The following were lieutenants of this barrio: Jose Relado, Lorenzo Rector, Epifanio Abayon, Simeon Reynaldo, Felife Reynaldo, Pedro Lachica, Mario Reynaldo, Juan Mercado, Martin Ruiz, these data were facilitated by Eleuterio Ruiz, Teresa Gregorio, Victor Simeon, Felipe Reynaldo and Baltazar Teodosio. Barrio of Muguing, Municiplaity of Calivo, Province of Capiz P.I. on June 1, 1911.
Pagsanghan is the official name of the barrio at the present time and was also its primitive name. This name has been given to said barrio because the same is situated at the end where a branch at the river "Kailahan" denominated "Muguing" and it is for this that is called Pagsangahn or Gisangahan, place where a branch is born. The foundation of this barrio were took place in the year and the first settlers of this barrio were the through Estancio Rosales and their sons Vicente and Eleuterio. The lieutenant were the same person cited Estanislao, Vicente and Eleuterio Rosales, Eleno Santamaria, Simeon Reynaldo, Felipe Reynaldo, Lorenzo Recoter, Euselerio Nidua, Francisco Xavier, C. Venturanza, Bartolome Montoya. Basilio Rico, Guillermo Prado and Miguel Restiso. This is the process of the history of this barrio. In the year 1877, Banga which was then an independent town of Calivo, enjoyed the greater part of its existence with much income from sugar cane and its commerce expanded. It was at the time that the Justice of the Peace in said town who was the chief of the barrio of Pagsanghan was Mr. Julian Fuentes. The importances determined the barrio of Pagsanghan aside from the elect, and for the same native the barrio obtained a greater importance appointing an absolute lieutenant, a judge and an (Aguacil) to administer the town in the year 1883, this fell to the hands of Mr Dominga Silvestro.
Therefore in Banga there was established a group of civil guard under the command of a lieutenant and with this circumstances made the tips easier to said town of Banga passing through the barrio, for those who came to obtain orders or instructions from the authorities and the Province colonels, commandant, captain of the army. The Barrio of Pasanghan has not been evacuated by its inhabitants as it was within the other barrios of Banga, as a result of the insurrection, but on the contrary, it has been the refuge of other barrios because those who live in the same were sure for staying under the defense of Mr. Lucas Venturanza. Those data were facilitated by those who subscribed the present narration. Barrio of Pagsanghan Municipality of Calivo, Province of Capiz P.I. on July 30, 1911.
Palale form a part of the first settlement of Banga at Sitio Opong-opong in the year 1714. The founder and the first Gobernadorcillo was Don Esteban Masigon. The official name derived from the primitive name Palale taken from the trees growing abundantly in the place, permanently were Esteban Masigon, Enrique Rosales, the Laurentes and the Montuya, Hermogenes Reindalacio, Tomas Masigon, Fernando Regimen and was sanctioned by the founder Esteban Masigon. Founded by: Emiliano Acevedo, Municipal President: Remegio Redison, Luis Rizan, Nazario Redison, Nicolas Guarino, Teodoro Ramos, Eugenio Montuya, Valentin Muntuya, Justo Ramos, Rufo Rampola, Valentin Sta. Maria and Beneto Repedro. After the separation of the two Barangay having different Barangay Cerudo and Jumarap, Palale became an independent barangay officilas consecutively as follows: Pedro Recio, Nathaniel dela Cruz, Romulo R. Masigon and followed by the incumbent Barangay Captain Arnaldo R. Recoter. Palale despite of its season blessing of heavy floods inuduation and erosion, stand with its two feet competing with other Barangay to seeks a place in the sun. The Barangay has sought for the construction of the two spurs dikes during the administration of Mayor Sergio R. Rigodon and is now beginning to re-claim number of hectares of agricultural land being eroded by the Aklan River. Palale being close to the Poblacio a beginner in the production of calamansi is now boosting of its calamansi plantation and all other fruit trees in place of coconut trees and with its peace loving people can now be called a better place to live in.
The official name at the present time of this barrio, like its primitive name is Polocate, name of a tree called thus that grew a middle of the streamlet that is found in the said barrio. It was founded in 1866. It was told that before this barrio was created it was an uncultivated place uninhabited, storked by the trees of certain extension until 1865, after having been separated from the town of Banga a certain number of soldier of Infantry No. 6 under the command of Captain. Vicente Flores ordered the gathering of separated groups in that place to form a barrio with the object of facilitating the presentation of residents and the controlling of taxes owning to the government. The first family who inhabited it was that of Balabao the following were lieutenants of this barrio: Nicolas Reportizo, Feliciano Rovitoy, Victoriano Rapio, Alfonso Redubla, Silverio de Andres, Ramon Barrera, Guillermo Manalo, Santiago de la Cruz, Andres Navarra, Agustin Rensio, Salustia and Florentino Montuya. Barrio of Polocate, Municipality of Calivo, Province of Capiz on June 10, 1911.
The official name of this bario at the present time is San Isidro. The primitive name is "Nag-utod" words that means short a broken, which name is applied only at first to the mountain of a certain height that was in the place that resembled a truncate and from that came said name. Later the same name is applied to all the place that forms a barrio, the barrio of Nag-utod, ultimately and it has been a few years when they established and constructed a chapel in the place. The 13the of July 1899 designated as Patron to San Isidro and this name they applied also the barrio of Nag-utod, conserving this last name to the referred mountain. The barrio of Nag-utod presently San Isidro, was founded in 1875. The following were lieutenants of this barrio. Luis Conception, Bartolome Rogan, Regino Ruzgal, Pedro Ruzga and Patricio Carpio. These data were facilitated by San Tiago Geronimo Celedonia Residro, Regino Ruzgal, Narciso Vicente and Patricio Carpio. The one who inhabited it was Inggan. Barrio of San Isidro, Municipality of Calivo, province of Capiz P.I. on June 10, 1911.
The official name of this barrio at the present time is Taba-ao. This name comes from "Tabaw" name of a tree that abounds in that place. The first family that inhabited it was that of Juan Teodosio. This barrio was founded in the year 1867. The following were lieutenants of this barrio: Domingo Toma-ob, Faustino Rimon, Carpio Retino, Clemente Reynando, Donato Rodrigo, Santiago Robiras, Pedro Toma-od, Gabriel Iglesias, Ambrosio Fuentes and Isidro Iglesia. These data were facilitated by Catalino Serapi, Sinfroso Retos and Gabriel Iglesias. There is no information that there exists some books or act that deals of the Philippines. Barrio of Taba-ao, Municipality of Calivo a Province of Capiz, P.I. on June 20, 1911.
The official name of the barrio at the present time is like its primitive name Tinapuay or Tinap-ay that means "downfall", because in that place that is occupied by the barrio there is hilly part which leans backward "Tino-ay". It was founded in 1790. The lieutenants of this barrio were the following: Estafano Nazareta, Relacio Rambunay, Manuel Belala, Serapio Reterva, Pablo Rebustes, Seneo Ricafuente, Saturnino Cajilig, Leon Retamar, Pedro Rebustes, Seneo Ricafuente, Gaspar Rebustes, Maximo Inguing, Eugenio Rebucan, Numeriano Regalado, Aquilino Resquites, Francisco Lachica, Juan Nazareta and Tomas Igharas. The original families that inhabited it were Cayo Igharas, Anastacio Rebustes and Ino Ropa. These data were facilitated by Isidro Rebustes, Grandson of Nicolas Rebustes who was the one who facilitated these data before the death of his grandfather, Nicolas Rebustes. In 1906 the first public school in this barrio was constructed Barrio of Tinapuay, Municipality of Calivo, Province of Capiz P.I. on June 30, 1911.
The official name of this barrio at the present time is Torralba. Its primitive name is Tangdol which means strong or sudden contact. A streamlet gave origin to said name which is found in that barrio that has its water in epochs of rain or floods, that upon giving its sudden imperousity over some stones it joined with the Aklan river. It was rebaptized to Torralba in 1886 in said place Felipe Torres y Torralba. The founding of the barrio of this Tangdal or Torralba dates since 1868. The name of the first settlers of this barrio is not known. The following were lieutenants of this barrio Marcelino Inbuena, Leon Isagan, Geronimo Ingalla, Ambrosio Intasado, Mamerto Naur, Estefano Teodosio, Apolinario Teodosio, Juan Teodosio, Gregorio Teodosio, Luis Ricamonte, Magdalena Rentoy, Redro Teodosio, Domingo Reloj, Francisca Nabor, Vidal Ricamonte, Josef Alba, Severo Isagan, Bernardo Rata and Agapito Teodosio. These data were facilitated by Cirilo Teodosio Barrio of Torralba, Municipality of Calivo, Province of Capiz P.I. on June 30, 1911.
The official name of this barrio at the present time is Ugsod. The name has its origin from the Visayan word "Ugsod" which means the act of falling vertically or obliquely over a hole or concavity a tree or a post so as a result of a big in certain occasion, an old coconut tree planted at the shore of Aklan River, in the said place fell to the water almost standing and at the monument, the old folks called this act "Ugsod" where it has its origin. This barrio formed with that of Taba-oa one barrio but separated in the year 1868 to form another barrio. The names of the early families who inhabited it are not remembered. The following were lieutenants of this barrio: Faustino Rimo, Carpio Retino, Lucas Reyanando, Esteban Retino, Vidal Rolda, Clemente Reynando, Donato Rodrigo, Alvaro Respino, Rufino Reynando and Lorenzo Retiro. These date were faciliatted by Lorenzo Retiro. Barrio of Ugsod, Municipality of Calivo, Province of Capiz P.I. on July 2, 1911.
Venturanza is the official name that carries the barrio, that in the fusion in 1903 of the municipalities of Banga and Calivo this belonged to the jurisdiction of the first. Its primitive name was Matinggala name of a streamlet that washes the region known with the same name. The founding of the said barrio took place in the year 1882 Mr. Lucas Venturanza being the justice and Peace (Gobernadorcillo) of the town of Banga, and the first settlers of the community were families who were emigrants from other barrios of Banga and the founding towns of Balete, Libakaw, Madalag and Malinao and this was done so through the good policy of the reverred Mr. Lucas Venturanza who was, its founder at the start the town was being administered by a corporal office which was served by Elias Abayon but later they appointed barrio lieutenants like the following:
Como Rogan and Sabino Quitong, the latter holding this cargo until the introduction of the Marra Reform in the islands in the year 1895, by virtue of Mr. Lorenzo Relator was appointed head lieutenant who continued in the office until the termination of the Spanish-American Government and succeeded during the revolution until the pacification of the province by the American Government by the son of the said Relator named Isidro. Subsequently before the operation of the present municipal Code until the date, Mr. Quitong Rufo and Tiburcio Palmon were successively entrusted lieutenants by the District Councilors. This barrio is probably or not has more interesting political history among the barrio of Aklan in the province of Capiz. The same is found among the towns of Banga and Balete not very far from the general drive and before its foundation the barrio belong to the territorial jurisdiction of the last town.
This was the refuge of bad men, like certain Felife two times assassin and Paulo also assassin, these being the first settlers of those thickets. In the years 1872 up to 1877 the evil doers of the said town have come to terrify all the boundary towns until the finally the government with the object of making more effective the action of justice passing the jurisdiction of Banga the scandalous barrio of Balete and this was nearing the year 1875. The robberies the assaults the plunders continued and the homicides assassinating have been done more often, the assault of the case of Antonio Dalida was committed at a distances of half a kilometer near the town of the Capital of Banga, the assassination on the certain council took place in broad daylight in the general way perhaps a distance of two kilometers from the town of Banga. Such state of things made the government.
In 1877 a company of Infantry No.5 under the command of Capt. Manuel Oñamaya in order to operate in combination with the forces of the rural guards of the towns of Banga, Balete, Libacao, Malinao and Madalag but the measure would have regulated useless if said captain commander of the force have not changed tactics, Mr. Lucas Venturanza ordered that will leave in Banga a person well known in the regions a better plan to surprise the wrong doers was planned and as a result of the conference of said gentleman a certain day was set aside by the said commandant for combined operation of the soldiers with the rural guards and before the designated came that lieutenants with some soldiers left jointly with said Mr. Venturanza and seven trusted persons by midnight of another day giving as a result of the operation the captures of the rest, thus establishing the tranquility of the towns, referred to above. Because of the work of the said Mr. Lucas Venturanza he managed the captured of the assassin Paulo, the death of the Civil Guard of Valiente and famous evil-doer and assassin Ninong and the questioning by the authorities of Eleuterio Lloy.
So great was Mr. Venturanza's help, the Spanish Government agreed that the barrio would be re-named Venturanza. This event happened when the governor of the province was Primo de Rivera in the year 1882. The barrio Venturanza extends to some 2,500 hectares and comprises the actual barrio of the San Isidro but after the re-organization of the municipality of Banga after the revolution the election of municipal official was conducted those who were then elected managed to separate the barrio of San Isidro from Venturanza. These were facilitated by those who signed the present narration. Barrio of Venturanza, Municipality of Calivo, Province of Capiz, P.I. on July 30,1911.
The Philippines , officially known as the Republic of the Philippines , is a country in Southeast Asia in the western Pacific Ocean. To its north across the Luzon Strait lies Taiwan. West across the South China Sea sits Vietnam...
. This small town has repeatedly won national competitions for the "Most Beautiful Town" contests in the country. It is the site of the Aklan State University
Aklan State University
The Aklan State University is an educational institution in the Western Visayas region of the Philippines. Its main campus is located in the town of Banga in Aklan, with four other campuses across the province...
. the mayor was Antonio T. Maming and the Vice Mayor was Joseph Pierre Raz Teodosio.
At the religious sanctuary of Manduyog Hill
Manduyog Hill
Manduyog Hill is a religious sanctuary located at the Aklan State University, Banga, Aklan, the Philippines.Manduyog Hill serenely stands at the eastern side of the Aklan State University in the municipality of Banga. Covered with lush green vegetation that turns to varied hues in summer, the hill...
an annual pilgrimage is conducted on Good Friday
Good Friday
Good Friday , is a religious holiday observed primarily by Christians commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. The holiday is observed during Holy Week as part of the Paschal Triduum on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday, and may coincide with the Jewish observance of...
visiting the 14 Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross refers to the depiction of the final hours of Jesus, and the devotion commemorating the Passion. The tradition as chapel devotion began with St...
, praying the rosary, and placing candles at each stop while climbing towards the peak where a 40m cross, sometimes lighted, is visible from due North to Kalibo
Kalibo, Aklan
Kalibo is the capital of the province of Aklan, in the northwest of Panay Island, Philippines. It is a First Class Municipality in the Western Visayas Region practically located at the center of all coastal municipalities of Aklan province...
and the sea beyond.
The history of Banga dates back to the 15th century upon arrival in Panay Island of the ten datus from Borneo. While some skeptics considered this information a legend, still, Banganhons believed that Datu Manduyog ruled over the place with his seat of government located in Bakan, the ancient name of Banga. The site was at the foot of the Manduyog Hill that was named after Datu Manduyog. Being a legitimate successor to Datu Dangandanan who ruled what was called Akean in the late 1390s, Datu Manduyog became the ruler of Akean in 1437 and made Bakan the capital of Akean.Another version of Banga's history from Panublion cited that Banga's ancient site was the present location of the Municipality of Malinao. In 1792 the town site was transferred across the Aklan River at the foot of Manduyog Hill. Several prominent families decided to remain in the “old town” which became a barrio and named Malinao after a placid tributary of the Aklan River.
The families of Bernabe Teodosio, Diego Eulalio Teodosio, Esteban Masigon and the Muntuyas established a settlement in 1676 in what is now Sitio Opong-opong of Barrio Cupang. However, these families moved to a higher ground due to its closeness to the Aklan River that overflowed annually. In 1781 they settled in sitio Agbueakan in Barrio Tabayon.
Due to the clayish soil conditions of the sitio, they again decided to resettle in 1783 in what is now the location of Banga poblacion. They named the place Banga after the Banga palm trees that were in abundance. Because of their growing families they had to cut down most of the trees to give way to their layout plans to establish a town close to their farmlands for residential purposes.
American sovereignty over the country started in August 13, 1898. With the natives resisting foreign domination, a revolutionary association was organized. Hostilities between the natives and the Americans began but did not take long since the natives were ill equipped.
The American hostilities ended upon the signing on March 29, 1901 of the “Pas de Aklan”, a historical document in the Aklan Section of the Province of Capiz. The signing was done at the present municipal park at the corner of Rizal and San Jose Streets.
From January 1, 1904 to December 31, 1911 Banga was merged with Numancia and Lezo to form an “arabal” of the Municipality of Kalibo. Through the efforts of Don Baltazar Teodosio, Banga was separated from Kalibo on January 1, 1912.
A year after, Francisco Lachica was elected the first Municipal President. The following were the leaders of the town from 1912 to 1945:
- 1912 - 1913 Baltazar Teodosio
- 1913 - 1916 Francisco Lachica
- 1916 - 1919 Jacinto Repiedad
- 1919 - 1925 Edecio Venturanza
- 1925 - 1931 Baltazar Teodosio
- 1931 - 1937 Pedro Recto
- 1937 - 1943 Lorenzo Duran
- 1943 - 1945 Ereneo Icotanim
On April 17, 1942 at 2:00 a.m., the Japanese Imperial Forces landed at Culasi, Capiz. An hour later the 5th Capiz Cadre at Libas, Banga, Aklan (now Camp Jizmundo) was burned down by the United States Armed Forces in the Far East (USAFFE). Six hours later the Banga Rural High School, Banga Elementary School Building and Home Economics Building were likewise burned. About 95% of all the permanent structures in the Municipality of Banga were burned down both by the USAFFE and the Filipino guerrillas to prevent the Japanese forces from occupying the buildings.
There was a surprising and infamous incident in Banga during the Japanese occupation. Civilians were massacred at 10:00 on October 21, 1943 at the junction of Rizal and Mabini Streets - now the Rotunda - and at the national road fronting the 5th Capiz Cadre at Libas, Banga. It was in these two places where civilians, who merely desired to please and welcome the Japanese forces, were ordered to squat and haplessly massacred. About 70 persons were killed. The Japanese soldiers conducted a further four-day operation killing about 200 more in order to paralyze the increasing guerrilla activities.
On March 18, 1945, after the landing of the American Liberation Forces in Panay, the Philippine Civil Affairs Unit appointed Dr. Boanerjes Venturanza as the first Municipal Mayor. The first elected Mayor after the Liberation was Mr. Jose Urquiola. He served from 1945 to 1951 and was succeeded by the following:
- 1951 – 1959 Atty. Vicente Teodosio
- 1959 - 1963 Dr. Napoleon Macahilig
- 1963 - 1971 Atty. Tomas Raz
- 1971 - 1986 Atty Sergio Rigodon
- 1986 - 1995 Mr. Jose Urquiola, Jr.
- 1995 - 2004 Dr. Stevens Fuentes
- 2004 - 2007 Atty. Jeremy Fuentes
- 2007 - Present Mr. Antonio Maming
Historical Events
1812 - During this year there was a flood, 7 feet high reaching the top of the young coconuts and bananas.1823 - During this year an order came from higher authority that the governadorcillos shall be called constitutional alcaldes there were two in every town every year these was the first and second alcalde. These governed the town helped by other officials called regidores or ministers.
1825 - The governadorcillos were gained resume.
1835 - During this year there was a strong typhoon which they called "Oguis".
1857 - During this year there was a scarcity of palay because of the long drought. The natives in and out of the poblacion lived on roots.
1863 - The practice of ruling by the office of the governadorcillos was for two years.
1871 - On the 7th of December the Parish Church was burned due to the carelessness of the caretakers. The fire was started in the scarcity and burned down all the houses in the Sto. Niño St. in the southern part of the town.
1875 - The town was occupied by the 5th and 6th Infantry, the 5th commanded by Seña Osis and the 6th by Marcelino Oru-a.
1880 - Guillermo Ricaforte assumed office after accusing the incumbent to the court of the first instance of Capiz and during the election Dalmacio Ricaforte was again installed.
1881 - During this year the Guardia Civil arrived headed by the chief Forestal.
1883 - Braulio Lachica died at T.B. and his teniente was appointed governadorcillos.
1887 - During this year Señor Torres died and Francisco Ricaforte succeeded him. There was an election during this year and Catalino Macahilig was elected by majority.
1888 - During this year the church was constructed and the old cemetery with the chapel was destroyed by the storm with all its walls.
1889 - During this year all burials were transferred to the new cemetery.
1890 - During this year all the 58 groups of cabezas de Barangay was reorganized to only 38 cabezas.
1892 - During this year the commision (?) headed by Ignacio Recio, by order of the governor, to confiscate all the properties of the cabezas who were without personal cedulas.
1893 - Pedro Cerrudo committed suicide.
1895 - A reform was introduced that the governadorcillo be called Capitan Municipal and was good four years.
1896 - During this year the revels arrived commanded by Rafael Maraingan in the same year the work on the Parish Church was stopped.
1897 - During this year the rebels stayed overnight in town, commanded by Francisco Castillo and left an March 19 for Kalibo.
1898 - During this year the cazadores (government force) arrived hunting the rebels, who fled to the hills of Nag-utad and in the town, volunteers were recruited healed by Alejandro Isturis, Ambrosio Pastrana and Luis Masangya, to defend the Poblacion. During this year Juan Alba resigned due to differences between the Spanish authorities and the Philippines Government and was succeeded by Catalino Macahilig elected by majority for the remaining months.
History of Barangays
The official name of this barrio at the present time is Bacan, the name comes from a tree called thus. The founding of this barrio dates back to 1904. It was not known who were the first families. The following had been lieutenants of this barrio: Repolito Rigodon, Pantaleon Trompeta, Benito Ibardolaza, Esteban Remon, Esteban Torres, Cirilo Nalakag and Paulino Ilarde. These data were facilitated by Repolito Rigodon, Paulino Ilarde, Benito Ibardolaza, Balmino de la Vega, Cirilo Retos, Esteban Remon, Pascual Torres, Paustino Remon, Esteban Torres, Pedro Gonzales and Anastacio Morales. Barrio of Bacan, Municipality of Calivo, Province of Capiz. P.I. on June 25, 1911.
The official name of this barrio at the present time is Badyangan. This comes from the name "Badyang" a plant called thus, whose leaves are the same style as gabi but larger and bigger than those which is called "Biga" and whose juice when applied to the skin produce blisters. Badyangan, place where there is an abundance of Badyang. It was founded on December 25, 1865. The first family that inhabited it was that of Fulgencio Teodosio. The following were lieutenants of this barrio Policarpio Teodosio, Alejandro Roselo, Evangelista Roselo, Lorenzo Roselo, Santiago Pebana, Vicente Remula, Bernabe Rebala, Andres Teodosio, Nazario Zabal, Telesfores Ranigo, Gregorio Recoter, Juan Mationg, Pelagio Napat, Manuel Rufin and Nazario Zabal. When the Spanish-American revolution broke in these parts in 1900, the revolutionaries chose this barrio as a base of operations and here they constructed their trenches. These data were facilitated by Ignacio Roce, Fermin Teodosio and Francisco Inguin. There is no information as to the existence of the same book on act which refers to the Philippines. Barrio of Badiangan, Municipality of Calivo, Province of Capiz, P.I. on June 25, 1911.
The official name of the Barrio at the present time is like its original name daguitan which comes from Visayan word "daguit" which means "Coger Volanda, una casa". Daguitan means a site where "Daguit" takes place. It was founded in 1849. The first family who inhabited it was that of the Patricio Namayan. The following were lieutenants of this barrio, Santiago Nalayas, Nicodemus Nahilas, Inocencio Nabida, Tiburcio Nabida, Jacinto Teodosio, Rafael Sunico, Dalmacio Rebaño, Aquilino Requetes, Telesforo Salazar, Juan Nahilat and Dalmacio Rebaño. These data were facilitated by Cirilo Teodosio. Barrio of Daguitan, Municipality of Calivo, Province of Capiz P.I. on June 30, 1911.
The official name of this barrio at the present time is like its primitive name Dingle and is taken from the name of a tree called thus. This was founded in the year 1866. It is not known who the first families were to inhabit this barrio. The following were lieutenants of this barrio: Isidro Cajilig, Pedro Rebotar, Andres Mation, Felipe Natalio, Alaejandro Zabal, Honario Zabal, Francisco Rabal, Catalino Rebocia, Marcelino Tabasis, Marcelino Rebocio and Protasio Sidoso. These data were facilitated by Basilio Rebotar Barrio of Dingle, Municipality of Calivo, Province of Capiz, P.I. on July 22, 1911.
Jumarap also forms a part of the first settlement established in the year 1714 at sitio Opong-opong. The first settlement had gone to the extent of clustering the nearby sitios as its "sakop". Jumarap being near to the site together with Palale, Cerudo and Cupang was repeated lately under the efforts of the late Valentin Sta. Maria who was then the Teniente del Barangay of Palale. The name Jumarap was taken from a deep creek going through the Barangay. The existence of the Jumarap creek could still be seen only that the NIA siphon which constructed right on the center of the creek made it of use as some farmers utilize some parts of it into rice land. The first families as well as their barangay leaders were consecutively as follows: Montuya Valentin, Justo Montuya, Ramos Sta. Maria and Beneto Repedro. The next was Amado Revesencio followed by Esperideon Policarpio. After World War II Tiniente Valentin Sta. Maria again took over the reign of the barangay government of Jumarap. Now under the able stewardship of the young hardworking Barangay Captain Alejandro Sta. Maria a direct descendant of the late Valentin Sta Maria was able to move forward the progress of barangay Jumarap.
The official name of this barrio at the present time is like its primitive name Sigcay and Lapnag, words that means "Sigcay" which was the name of rustic which has lived in said place, and Lapnag, which is the name of a river that is found in the same whose water are not so deep and without current "Tubig nga Lapnag" soft and tranquil water. It was founded in 1886. It was solem who was the first to live in the place. The following were lieutenants of this barrio, Candido Retos, Juan de la Cruz, Claudio Rampola, Tiburcio Rentina, Benito Seraspi, Aquilino Retos, Bernabe Retos, Valentin Tuma-ob and Hilarion Reloj those data were facilitated by Sinforio Retos, Juan de la Cruz, Claudio Rampola, Tiburcio Retos and Aquilino Retos. Barrio of Sigcay and Lapnag, Municipality of Calivo, Province of Capiz, P.I. on June 15, 1911.
The official name of this barrio at the present time is like its primitive name "Libas" name of a tree called thus and its called also by the other name "Alabihig". It was founded in 1725. The first families that inhabited it were those of Gregorio Teodosio, Isidro Rago and Juan Retoran. The following were lieutenants of this barrio: Severino Recasa, Juan Abayon, Isidro Relator, Epifanio Rebaco, Marcis Renoy, Balbino Isidro, Jose Fernandez, Liberato Isidro, Pascual Ruan, Andres Palmon, Lazaro Bernabe and Isaac Retino. These date were facilitated by Isaac Retino barrio of Libas, Municipality of Calivo, Province of Capiz P.I. on June 10, 1911.
The official name of this barrio is the same as its primitive name Linabuan Sur which means place where bloody disputes are yielded by bolos or where injuries are caused by this implement. It is even told that in those times when the Moras arrived in this parts, to each victim that they sacrificed, they hunged the cut piece that they killed, in a tree, a word that means in Visaya "Linabu-an" existed onother barrio of the same name belonging to the north to the interior municipality of Calivo neither in another municipality and the south to the former municipality of Banga today annexed to barrio before the designation of the boundaries of the one and with the same name, the date of the constitution of the barrio is not remembered well. The names of the first settlers of this barrio is not also remembered. The following were barrio lieutenants of this barrio Benito delos Santos, Felipe Limbana, venancio Tolentino, Vicente Arboleda, Hilario Muya, Crisento Muya, Regino dela Cruz, Tito Javier, Alvaro Delgado, Severo Isturis, Felipe Reboldia, Eleuterio Casina, Vicente Alba, Severo Lozada, ignacio Regado, Gabriel Rebogbog, Bonifacio Ramos, Severino Rabe, Roque Ramo, Bernabe Pamatian, Rafael Perucho, Redra Palomar, Alberta Javier, Bartolome Torres and Pacion Muya. These date were facilitated by Gregorio Magdaluyo, Anastacio Lachica and Hermogenes Requeje. Barrio of Linabuan, municipality of Calivo, province of Capiz P.I. on June 23, 1911.
The official name of this barrio at the present time is like its original name Muguing which means to say "Espiga" of Palay which is found "Flowering". It was founded December 25, 1865. The early families who inhabited it were those of: Tabing Tamayo, Vega Morales and Malihan. The following were lieutenants of this barrio: Jose Relado, Lorenzo Rector, Epifanio Abayon, Simeon Reynaldo, Felife Reynaldo, Pedro Lachica, Mario Reynaldo, Juan Mercado, Martin Ruiz, these data were facilitated by Eleuterio Ruiz, Teresa Gregorio, Victor Simeon, Felipe Reynaldo and Baltazar Teodosio. Barrio of Muguing, Municiplaity of Calivo, Province of Capiz P.I. on June 1, 1911.
Pagsanghan is the official name of the barrio at the present time and was also its primitive name. This name has been given to said barrio because the same is situated at the end where a branch at the river "Kailahan" denominated "Muguing" and it is for this that is called Pagsangahn or Gisangahan, place where a branch is born. The foundation of this barrio were took place in the year and the first settlers of this barrio were the through Estancio Rosales and their sons Vicente and Eleuterio. The lieutenant were the same person cited Estanislao, Vicente and Eleuterio Rosales, Eleno Santamaria, Simeon Reynaldo, Felipe Reynaldo, Lorenzo Recoter, Euselerio Nidua, Francisco Xavier, C. Venturanza, Bartolome Montoya. Basilio Rico, Guillermo Prado and Miguel Restiso. This is the process of the history of this barrio. In the year 1877, Banga which was then an independent town of Calivo, enjoyed the greater part of its existence with much income from sugar cane and its commerce expanded. It was at the time that the Justice of the Peace in said town who was the chief of the barrio of Pagsanghan was Mr. Julian Fuentes. The importances determined the barrio of Pagsanghan aside from the elect, and for the same native the barrio obtained a greater importance appointing an absolute lieutenant, a judge and an (Aguacil) to administer the town in the year 1883, this fell to the hands of Mr Dominga Silvestro.
Therefore in Banga there was established a group of civil guard under the command of a lieutenant and with this circumstances made the tips easier to said town of Banga passing through the barrio, for those who came to obtain orders or instructions from the authorities and the Province colonels, commandant, captain of the army. The Barrio of Pasanghan has not been evacuated by its inhabitants as it was within the other barrios of Banga, as a result of the insurrection, but on the contrary, it has been the refuge of other barrios because those who live in the same were sure for staying under the defense of Mr. Lucas Venturanza. Those data were facilitated by those who subscribed the present narration. Barrio of Pagsanghan Municipality of Calivo, Province of Capiz P.I. on July 30, 1911.
Palale form a part of the first settlement of Banga at Sitio Opong-opong in the year 1714. The founder and the first Gobernadorcillo was Don Esteban Masigon. The official name derived from the primitive name Palale taken from the trees growing abundantly in the place, permanently were Esteban Masigon, Enrique Rosales, the Laurentes and the Montuya, Hermogenes Reindalacio, Tomas Masigon, Fernando Regimen and was sanctioned by the founder Esteban Masigon. Founded by: Emiliano Acevedo, Municipal President: Remegio Redison, Luis Rizan, Nazario Redison, Nicolas Guarino, Teodoro Ramos, Eugenio Montuya, Valentin Muntuya, Justo Ramos, Rufo Rampola, Valentin Sta. Maria and Beneto Repedro. After the separation of the two Barangay having different Barangay Cerudo and Jumarap, Palale became an independent barangay officilas consecutively as follows: Pedro Recio, Nathaniel dela Cruz, Romulo R. Masigon and followed by the incumbent Barangay Captain Arnaldo R. Recoter. Palale despite of its season blessing of heavy floods inuduation and erosion, stand with its two feet competing with other Barangay to seeks a place in the sun. The Barangay has sought for the construction of the two spurs dikes during the administration of Mayor Sergio R. Rigodon and is now beginning to re-claim number of hectares of agricultural land being eroded by the Aklan River. Palale being close to the Poblacio a beginner in the production of calamansi is now boosting of its calamansi plantation and all other fruit trees in place of coconut trees and with its peace loving people can now be called a better place to live in.
The official name at the present time of this barrio, like its primitive name is Polocate, name of a tree called thus that grew a middle of the streamlet that is found in the said barrio. It was founded in 1866. It was told that before this barrio was created it was an uncultivated place uninhabited, storked by the trees of certain extension until 1865, after having been separated from the town of Banga a certain number of soldier of Infantry No. 6 under the command of Captain. Vicente Flores ordered the gathering of separated groups in that place to form a barrio with the object of facilitating the presentation of residents and the controlling of taxes owning to the government. The first family who inhabited it was that of Balabao the following were lieutenants of this barrio: Nicolas Reportizo, Feliciano Rovitoy, Victoriano Rapio, Alfonso Redubla, Silverio de Andres, Ramon Barrera, Guillermo Manalo, Santiago de la Cruz, Andres Navarra, Agustin Rensio, Salustia and Florentino Montuya. Barrio of Polocate, Municipality of Calivo, Province of Capiz on June 10, 1911.
The official name of this bario at the present time is San Isidro. The primitive name is "Nag-utod" words that means short a broken, which name is applied only at first to the mountain of a certain height that was in the place that resembled a truncate and from that came said name. Later the same name is applied to all the place that forms a barrio, the barrio of Nag-utod, ultimately and it has been a few years when they established and constructed a chapel in the place. The 13the of July 1899 designated as Patron to San Isidro and this name they applied also the barrio of Nag-utod, conserving this last name to the referred mountain. The barrio of Nag-utod presently San Isidro, was founded in 1875. The following were lieutenants of this barrio. Luis Conception, Bartolome Rogan, Regino Ruzgal, Pedro Ruzga and Patricio Carpio. These data were facilitated by San Tiago Geronimo Celedonia Residro, Regino Ruzgal, Narciso Vicente and Patricio Carpio. The one who inhabited it was Inggan. Barrio of San Isidro, Municipality of Calivo, province of Capiz P.I. on June 10, 1911.
The official name of this barrio at the present time is Taba-ao. This name comes from "Tabaw" name of a tree that abounds in that place. The first family that inhabited it was that of Juan Teodosio. This barrio was founded in the year 1867. The following were lieutenants of this barrio: Domingo Toma-ob, Faustino Rimon, Carpio Retino, Clemente Reynando, Donato Rodrigo, Santiago Robiras, Pedro Toma-od, Gabriel Iglesias, Ambrosio Fuentes and Isidro Iglesia. These data were facilitated by Catalino Serapi, Sinfroso Retos and Gabriel Iglesias. There is no information that there exists some books or act that deals of the Philippines. Barrio of Taba-ao, Municipality of Calivo a Province of Capiz, P.I. on June 20, 1911.
The official name of the barrio at the present time is like its primitive name Tinapuay or Tinap-ay that means "downfall", because in that place that is occupied by the barrio there is hilly part which leans backward "Tino-ay". It was founded in 1790. The lieutenants of this barrio were the following: Estafano Nazareta, Relacio Rambunay, Manuel Belala, Serapio Reterva, Pablo Rebustes, Seneo Ricafuente, Saturnino Cajilig, Leon Retamar, Pedro Rebustes, Seneo Ricafuente, Gaspar Rebustes, Maximo Inguing, Eugenio Rebucan, Numeriano Regalado, Aquilino Resquites, Francisco Lachica, Juan Nazareta and Tomas Igharas. The original families that inhabited it were Cayo Igharas, Anastacio Rebustes and Ino Ropa. These data were facilitated by Isidro Rebustes, Grandson of Nicolas Rebustes who was the one who facilitated these data before the death of his grandfather, Nicolas Rebustes. In 1906 the first public school in this barrio was constructed Barrio of Tinapuay, Municipality of Calivo, Province of Capiz P.I. on June 30, 1911.
The official name of this barrio at the present time is Torralba. Its primitive name is Tangdol which means strong or sudden contact. A streamlet gave origin to said name which is found in that barrio that has its water in epochs of rain or floods, that upon giving its sudden imperousity over some stones it joined with the Aklan river. It was rebaptized to Torralba in 1886 in said place Felipe Torres y Torralba. The founding of the barrio of this Tangdal or Torralba dates since 1868. The name of the first settlers of this barrio is not known. The following were lieutenants of this barrio Marcelino Inbuena, Leon Isagan, Geronimo Ingalla, Ambrosio Intasado, Mamerto Naur, Estefano Teodosio, Apolinario Teodosio, Juan Teodosio, Gregorio Teodosio, Luis Ricamonte, Magdalena Rentoy, Redro Teodosio, Domingo Reloj, Francisca Nabor, Vidal Ricamonte, Josef Alba, Severo Isagan, Bernardo Rata and Agapito Teodosio. These data were facilitated by Cirilo Teodosio Barrio of Torralba, Municipality of Calivo, Province of Capiz P.I. on June 30, 1911.
The official name of this barrio at the present time is Ugsod. The name has its origin from the Visayan word "Ugsod" which means the act of falling vertically or obliquely over a hole or concavity a tree or a post so as a result of a big in certain occasion, an old coconut tree planted at the shore of Aklan River, in the said place fell to the water almost standing and at the monument, the old folks called this act "Ugsod" where it has its origin. This barrio formed with that of Taba-oa one barrio but separated in the year 1868 to form another barrio. The names of the early families who inhabited it are not remembered. The following were lieutenants of this barrio: Faustino Rimo, Carpio Retino, Lucas Reyanando, Esteban Retino, Vidal Rolda, Clemente Reynando, Donato Rodrigo, Alvaro Respino, Rufino Reynando and Lorenzo Retiro. These date were faciliatted by Lorenzo Retiro. Barrio of Ugsod, Municipality of Calivo, Province of Capiz P.I. on July 2, 1911.
Venturanza is the official name that carries the barrio, that in the fusion in 1903 of the municipalities of Banga and Calivo this belonged to the jurisdiction of the first. Its primitive name was Matinggala name of a streamlet that washes the region known with the same name. The founding of the said barrio took place in the year 1882 Mr. Lucas Venturanza being the justice and Peace (Gobernadorcillo) of the town of Banga, and the first settlers of the community were families who were emigrants from other barrios of Banga and the founding towns of Balete, Libakaw, Madalag and Malinao and this was done so through the good policy of the reverred Mr. Lucas Venturanza who was, its founder at the start the town was being administered by a corporal office which was served by Elias Abayon but later they appointed barrio lieutenants like the following:
Como Rogan and Sabino Quitong, the latter holding this cargo until the introduction of the Marra Reform in the islands in the year 1895, by virtue of Mr. Lorenzo Relator was appointed head lieutenant who continued in the office until the termination of the Spanish-American Government and succeeded during the revolution until the pacification of the province by the American Government by the son of the said Relator named Isidro. Subsequently before the operation of the present municipal Code until the date, Mr. Quitong Rufo and Tiburcio Palmon were successively entrusted lieutenants by the District Councilors. This barrio is probably or not has more interesting political history among the barrio of Aklan in the province of Capiz. The same is found among the towns of Banga and Balete not very far from the general drive and before its foundation the barrio belong to the territorial jurisdiction of the last town.
This was the refuge of bad men, like certain Felife two times assassin and Paulo also assassin, these being the first settlers of those thickets. In the years 1872 up to 1877 the evil doers of the said town have come to terrify all the boundary towns until the finally the government with the object of making more effective the action of justice passing the jurisdiction of Banga the scandalous barrio of Balete and this was nearing the year 1875. The robberies the assaults the plunders continued and the homicides assassinating have been done more often, the assault of the case of Antonio Dalida was committed at a distances of half a kilometer near the town of the Capital of Banga, the assassination on the certain council took place in broad daylight in the general way perhaps a distance of two kilometers from the town of Banga. Such state of things made the government.
In 1877 a company of Infantry No.5 under the command of Capt. Manuel Oñamaya in order to operate in combination with the forces of the rural guards of the towns of Banga, Balete, Libacao, Malinao and Madalag but the measure would have regulated useless if said captain commander of the force have not changed tactics, Mr. Lucas Venturanza ordered that will leave in Banga a person well known in the regions a better plan to surprise the wrong doers was planned and as a result of the conference of said gentleman a certain day was set aside by the said commandant for combined operation of the soldiers with the rural guards and before the designated came that lieutenants with some soldiers left jointly with said Mr. Venturanza and seven trusted persons by midnight of another day giving as a result of the operation the captures of the rest, thus establishing the tranquility of the towns, referred to above. Because of the work of the said Mr. Lucas Venturanza he managed the captured of the assassin Paulo, the death of the Civil Guard of Valiente and famous evil-doer and assassin Ninong and the questioning by the authorities of Eleuterio Lloy.
So great was Mr. Venturanza's help, the Spanish Government agreed that the barrio would be re-named Venturanza. This event happened when the governor of the province was Primo de Rivera in the year 1882. The barrio Venturanza extends to some 2,500 hectares and comprises the actual barrio of the San Isidro but after the re-organization of the municipality of Banga after the revolution the election of municipal official was conducted those who were then elected managed to separate the barrio of San Isidro from Venturanza. These were facilitated by those who signed the present narration. Barrio of Venturanza, Municipality of Calivo, Province of Capiz, P.I. on July 30,1911.
Banga is politically subdivided into 30 barangayBarangay
A barangay is the smallest administrative division in the Philippines and is the native Filipino term for a village, district or ward...