Balthasar Beschey
Balthasar Beschey who was born at Antwerp in 1708, studied under Pieter Strick, an unimportant painter, but imitated the styles of Van Balen
Hendrick van Balen
Hendrik van Balen was a Flemish Baroque painter.-Biography:Van Balen was born and died in Antwerp. He was a pupil of Adam van Noort and studied art while traveling in Italy...

 and of De Craeyer
Caspar de Crayer
Gaspar de Crayer , sometimes called Gaspard or Caspar de Crayer was a Flemish painter.Crayer was born in Antwerp. He learned the art of painting from Michael Coxcie. He matriculated in the Guild of St Luke at Brussels in 1607, resided in the capital of Brabant till after 1660, and finally settled...

. In 1753 he was admitted as a freeman of the Guild of St. Luke
Guild of Saint Luke
The Guild of Saint Luke was the most common name for a city guild for painters and other artists in early modern Europe, especially in the Low Countries. They were named in honor of the Evangelist Luke, the patron saint of artists, who was identified by John of Damascus as having painted the...

, and two years later became one of the six directors of the Academy in the above town, and in the year following that was elected dean of St. Luke. He died in 1776, at Antwerp, while holding the post of professor in the Academy of that city. He painted landscapes at the commencement of his artistic career, but confined himself in after life to sacred history and portraiture. In the two latter branches of art he is well represented. His works display a taste for harmony, and are for the most part carefully executed, but are wanting in delicacy of colouring. The following may be mentioned:

Antwerp. Museum:
Joseph sold hy his brethren (signed and dated 1744).
Joseph viceroy of Egypt {signed and dated 1744).
Portrait of himself (signed — presented by him to the Academy of St. Luke in 1763).
Portrait of Martin Joseph Geeraerts.

Paris. Louvre
The Musée du Louvre – in English, the Louvre Museum or simply the Louvre – is one of the world's largest museums, the most visited art museum in the world and a historic monument. A central landmark of Paris, it is located on the Right Bank of the Seine in the 1st arrondissement...

A Flemish Family (signed and dated 1721).

Saint Petersburg
Saint Petersburg is a city and a federal subject of Russia located on the Neva River at the head of the Gulf of Finland on the Baltic Sea...

. Hermitage
Hermitage Museum
The State Hermitage is a museum of art and culture in Saint Petersburg, Russia. One of the largest and oldest museums of the world, it was founded in 1764 by Catherine the Great and has been opened to the public since 1852. Its collections, of which only a small part is on permanent display,...

The Five Senses. An allegory. B. BESCHEIJ, 1733.
The Five Senses. An allegory. B. BESCHEIJ.

It has been recorded that Beschey had a son who was a painter, but this is a mistake. He had, however, three younger brothers who followed his profession, under his instruction, and one elder brother, who was a pupil of Goovaert's. This last mentioned was Carel Beschey, who was born at Antwerp in 1706. Then, after Balthasar, came Jacob Andreas Beschey, born at Antwerp in 1710, and still living in 1773. He also was 'doyen' of St. Luke. Next came Joseph Hendrik Beschey, who was born at Antwerp in 1714; and lastly, Jan François Beschey, who was born in 1717, at Antwerp, where he established himself as a picture dealer, and became celebrated for the copies he made of the works of Rubens, Van Dyck
Anthony van Dyck
Sir Anthony van Dyck was a Flemish Baroque artist who became the leading court painter in England. He is most famous for his portraits of Charles I of England and his family and court, painted with a relaxed elegance that was to be the dominant influence on English portrait-painting for the next...

, Teniers
David Teniers the Younger
David Teniers the Younger was a Flemish artist born in Antwerp, the son of David Teniers the Elder. His son David Teniers III and his grandson David Teniers IV were also painters...

, Pijnacker
Adam Pynacker
Adam Christiaensz Pynacker or Pijnacker was a Dutch Golden Age painter, mostly of landscapes.-Biography:...

, Moucheron
Frederik de Moucheron
-Biography:Frederik de Moucheron was the son of the painter Balthazar de Moucheron and Cornelia van Brouckhoven. His father came from a wealthy family of wine traders and is portrayed as one of the younger sons in the Moucheron Family portrait, 1563. Frederik trained with Jan Asselijn and became a...

, and other great masters. He was dean of the Guild of St. Luke in 1767.
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