Ashley Bowen
Ashley Bowen was the first American sailor
A sailor, mariner, or seaman is a person who navigates water-borne vessels or assists in their operation, maintenance, or service. The term can apply to professional mariners, military personnel, and recreational sailors as well as a plethora of other uses...

 to write an autobiography
An autobiography is a book about the life of a person, written by that person.-Origin of the term:...

. Although Bowen's career as a sailor was not particularly remarkable, his writings are of great value in understanding the life of an average sailor at that time. Bowen was a sailor from the age of 13 to the age of 35.


Ashley Bowen was born on January 8, 1728. He grew up in the town of Marblehead, Massachusetts
Marblehead, Massachusetts
Marblehead is a town in Essex County, Massachusetts, United States. The population was 19,808 at the 2010 census. It is home to the Marblehead Neck Wildlife Sanctuary and Devereux Beach...

, until going to sea at age eleven. Bowen's mother died when he was twelve, and he suffered personal turmoil when his father re-married soon after. At the age of "13 year and three month" Bowen was apprenticed to Captain
Captain (naval)
Captain is the name most often given in English-speaking navies to the rank corresponding to command of the largest ships. The NATO rank code is OF-5, equivalent to an army full colonel....

 Peter Hall of Boston
Boston is the capital of and largest city in Massachusetts, and is one of the oldest cities in the United States. The largest city in New England, Boston is regarded as the unofficial "Capital of New England" for its economic and cultural impact on the entire New England region. The city proper had...


Seafaring years

Bowen went to sea as a living from the age of 13 on, suffering cruelly under the harsh beatings of his master. Although repeated escape attempts failed, Bowen was finally able to escape Hall at the age of 17. Finally away from his master, Bowen spent the next eighteen years in the employment of several organizations, including the Royal Navy
Royal Navy
The Royal Navy is the naval warfare service branch of the British Armed Forces. Founded in the 16th century, it is the oldest service branch and is known as the Senior Service...

 and British traders. During this time, Bowen made money transporting cargo
Cargo is goods or produce transported, generally for commercial gain, by ship, aircraft, train, van or truck. In modern times, containers are used in most intermodal long-haul cargo transport.-Marine:...

, serving in the British navy, and trading goods. Bowen was also held prisoner during the Seven Years War by the French.

Family life and giving up the sea

In 1758, Bowen married Dorothea Chadwick, who bore him six children during their marriage. At the time, Bowen was 30 years old, and the fact that he had a wife on land made him think of retirement. Eventually, Bowen gave up seafaring at the age of 35, and set up a rigging business in Marblehead, Massachusetts. The business was a moderate success, providing enough income to get by, but never by much.
Dorothea died in 1771; the same year, Bowen married Mary Shaw. Shaw died in 1781, and the next year Bowen married Hannah Graves. Bowen's final child was born in 1797.
Although Bowen had amassed some wealth through his business and his adventures at sea, as he grew elderly, he was completely dependent upon his children for his upkeep. Bowen died in 1813.

Impact of Bowen's life and autobiography

Although Bowen did not become a master of his own ship or have notable seafaring adventures for his time, his historical contribution is important. Because Bowen was the first American
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

sailor to write an autobiography, his account gives historians valuable insight into life as an 18th century sailor. Bowen's autobiography and journal had been an important archival source for scholars and in 1973 it was edited by Phillip Chadwick Foster Smith and published by the Colonial Society of Massachusetts. More recently, in 2006, The Autobiography of Ashley Bowen was published by itself by Broadview Editions, edited with an Introduction by Daniel Vickers.
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