Armies and Hosts of Middle-earth warfare
In J. R. R. Tolkien
's fictional Middle-earth
much of the history of the three ages of his legendarium
are concerned with wars and the battles and armies of those wars.
and the others indicating forces smaller than an army, are used with a remarkable general consistency over the time of Tolkien's writings from 1917–1972, as well as an in-universe consistency over the three ages of Middle-earth.
There are certainly times when some of these words: host, army, company, band are used outside of this context. For example: host can refer to the whole of a people which includes males, females and children, not just the warriors, or "the war-high", to use Tolkien's own phrase. At times, army can mean a singular fighting force of no set size, as can company, or host. Within the context of most battle, or war, descriptions these terms are generally consistent throughout the canon. More modern military terms such as battalion
and regiment
see occasional use, but are not widespread.
While estimates of numbers can be often supported textually by simple extension of textually cited numbers, they are only estimates when there is not a specific number stated by Tolkien. However, it can be said with some certainty that a description of strength using the Names, such as: Name-host (e.g. Great-host) as a number of the Name-armies (e.g. Orc-armies), is supported textually across the board in the canon, as the selected, but by no means only, references demonstrate.
It is important to consider the context in which these terms appear in the stories since, as a writer of fiction, Tolkien's primary purpose is to engage and entertain the reader while not being tied to a set terminology the way a military historian must be. Tolkien sometimes adopts just that historian stance going into great detail about tactical movements, weapons and formations as he does in The Battles of the Fords of Isen, or Cirion and Eorl. He can apply the same attention to detail to the drill of a shield-wall formation as to the intricacies of family relationships of the Sackville-Baggins.
of Middle-earth. They demonstrate that there is little variation or change to the structure of Armies and Hosts through the fictional and literary history of Tolkien's Middle-earth canon
At the end of the First Age
, Morgoth
is defeated in a final campaign called the War of Wrath
by the host of the Valar made up of the Elves of Valinor
led by Eönwë
, the Herald of Manwë
. This host of the Valar, or host of Valinor, is described as a host and contains the armies of Elven
warriors of the Vanyar
as well as those of the Noldor
that remained behind in Aman
. Ingwion, the son of the High-king of all Elves, Ingwë
, leads the Vanyar
and Finarfin
, son of Finwë
and king of the Noldor in Valinor, leads the Noldor. The size of the host of the Valar is ascertained by relative statements by Elrond
, who was present, and a similar statement in The Silmarillion
, Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age, in which it is described as the only host greater than that of the great host of the Last Alliance of Elves and Men.
As shown in the following section, the great host of the Last Alliance is composed of other hosts which are composed of armies. Since the host of the Valar is greater than the host of the Last Alliance, it too would be composed of hosts and there is evidence that this is so. In March of the Elves of Kôr the encampment in the Land of Willows of the "first host" is noted indicating, at least, a second host. Furthermore, the outline suggests that this host is that of the Noldor, or Noldoli. At minimum, a host of Noldor and a host of Vanyar whose combined strength exceeds the great host of the Last Alliance which is estimated below at 105,000 to 140,000.
It is possible to develop a general proportional picture of the host of the Valar. In Quendi and Eldar the proportions of the three original clans are given and adjusted for the divisions during the migration march from Middle-earth to Aman. The proportional factors given by Tolkien are: 14 for the Minyar
(Vanyar) in Aman; 28 for the Tatyar (Noldor) in Aman; and 26 Nelyar (Sindar and Nandor) remaining in Middle-earth. It is told most of the Noldor return in the rebellion but that first a "tithe", or 10%, refuse to follow Fëanor
and then later Finarfin
with "many of his people" turned back. and that Fingolfin
has the greater of the two hosts, including Finarfin and it remains greater than the Fëanorians even after Finarfin leaves and Helcaraxë is crossed. Further, it is stated that the Elves of Beleriand
outnumber the returning Noldor so that the factor for the returning Noldor must be considerably less than the factor of 26 for the Sindar
and Nandor. Finarfin needs a factor of at least 6 or 7 to allow a noticeable difference between the Noldor and Sindar, or 19 or 20 Noldor to 26 Sindar. This would leave 6 to 7 Noldor in Aman and 14 Vanyar, about 2 to 1. This suggests that the host of the Valar is composed of a host of Noldor and a host of Vanyar that is twice as large, or two hosts of Vanyar.
Having used the hierarchy established in the subsection of the War of the Last Alliance to show the structure of the forces in the War of Wrath, the numbers for these structures demonstrated in subsection The War of the Ring below can be applied and general estimates shown in the list for the Host of the Valar and the Hosts of Morgoth.
exemplifies the effect that Tolkien employs to create a grand panoramic distance from the event. However, he continues to use the same hierarchical organization and terms. This can be seen in the various descriptions of the Great Host of the Last Alliance
attacked Gondor in S.A. 3429. In response, Elendil
, formed an alliance with Gil-galad
. Over 2 years they gathered their armies. Their great host then marched to Rivendell
. Then they went over the Misty Mountains
and were joined by the army of the Dwarves of Moria
. The Alliance host crossed over the river Anduin
meeting the armies of the Silvan
Elves of Lórien and Greenwood the Great in the host of Oropher. The Last Alliance marched south down the east bank of Anduin and join the army of Gondor, finally meeting Sauron's forces before Mordor.
It can be seen that the Host of the Alliance is made up of the great host of Gil-galad and Elendil
: containing the armies of Elves of the Noldor
of Forlindon
and the Sindar
of Harlindon
and the army of the Men of Arnor
and a company from Rivendell; and the host of Silvan Elves
: containing the greater army of Greenwood and the army of Lórien; an army of Dwarves from Moria
and the army of Men of Gondor. Altogether, this great host contains 7 armies. Using a median strength of 15,000 to 20,000 for each army taken from the chart above of Hosts and Armies of Elves, Men and Dwarves, then an estimated overall strength of the Great Host of the Alliance adds up to 105,000 to 140,000.
In the War of the Ring
, the Siege of Gondor and the Battle of Pelennor Fields are good examples of a mix of precise military detail and panoramic narrative. The catalogue of companies from the outlying provinces that come to Gondor
's aid is numbered at less than 3000, with company sizes ranging from a stated 100 to 700 men in precise detail. The numbers of the original garrison of Minas Tirith
and the forward garrison of Osgiliath and Faramir
's company of Ithilien
are not specified. However, it is described panoramically that, following his defeat at Osgiliath, Faramir is outnumbered by ten times and that he loses one third of his men. The muster of Rohan adds another 6,000 horsemen to the total of the defence of Minas Tirith.
The sent allies were from the areas threatened by Corsairs of Umbar
, and therefore were much less numerous than initially expected. Lossarnach, for example, only sent one tenth, and less than three thousands arrived in all. Assuming similar reduction in other forces spared by the allies, that would mean that around 20-30 thousands remained, along with those who may not have been expected to be spared anyway. A large number of those people were gathered by Aragorn and came to Pelennor on Umbar ships, turning the tide of battle by arriving where (and when) the allies of Minas Tirith were least expected. Slaves and captives were released as well, but it is unclear whether they were in good enough condition to fight (the rowers probably were, since the Pirates would have needed them in good working condition for the next few days), or whether arms could be found for them in time for departure. More still came later on their own ships, and 4,000 were sent by land. It is said that all the comers (and the remaining Rohirrim) were sufficient to more than replace the losses of the Battle of the Pelennor Fields
, as well as the 7,000 going to the Morannon.
There are no specific totals given for the forces of Mordor
, but there are comparisons to stated numbers that imply totals within the panoramic narrative. When the army of the West comes to the Morannon it is less than 6,000 strong and is outnumbered "ten times and more than ten times" by a "great host" out of the Morannon, Orcs from the hills flanking the Morannon, and an army of Easterlings, or some 60,000 to 75,000. This force is later called "hosts", indicating at least 2 hosts, each 30,000–40,000 strong.
The Morgul
-host, led by the Witch-king, is described as the greatest army to "issue from that vale since Isildur
, no host so fell and strong in arms...yet it was but one and not the greatest of the hosts that Mordor now sent forth..." and it has a "great cavalry of horsemen" in advance of it. At the Pelennor Fields, the Haradrim, consisting of footmen, horsemen and mûmakil, are said to "thrice" outnumber the 6,000 Riders of Rohan, a possibility that the army consists of more than 18,000. These regiments of Haradrim are said to have joined the Morgul-host at Osgiliath. At the same time, infantry from the city sally against "the legions of Morgul that were still gathered there in strength", or at least 2 legions and there arrives the Morgul-host reserves composed of forces from the Rhûn
, Khand, Southrons, and Far Harad.
Additionally, north of the city near Cair Andros, another host of Orcs and Men out of the East advancing from the Morannon cuts the road north to Rohan
. This host of Mordor blocking the road to Minas Tirith is "very many, more than Horse-men (of Rohan)", according to Ghân-buri-Ghân
. Further north, forces from Dol Guldur
attack Thranduil
and thrice assault Lórien, and Eastern Rohan is attacked from the north by a force elsewhere described as an Orc-host, a host of Easterlings attacks Dale in the far north.
At least 5 distinct hosts from Mordor can be identified: 2 hosts of the Great Host at the Morannon
; the Morgul-host (which later in the battle is called "hosts" and therefore contains at least 2 hosts); the host near Cair Andros. According to Gandalf
, Sauron
used more than half his strength for the assault on Gondor
. This leaves something less than that for the 4 forces elsewhere. 2 of these are distinctly identified as hosts: the Host of Easterling allies at Dale; the Orc-host invading East Rohan from the north while another host, at least, is implied by the attacks, 3 on Lórien and 1 on Thranduil, out of Dol Guldur. Taking a median total strength for any host of 40,000, a general minimum estimate for the 8 to 9 hosts (16 to 18 armies) of Sauron in the War of the Ring is therefore about 320,000–360,000. All arms, which includes the fleet and crews out of Umbar
, would add somewhat to the total.
's Hosts during the War of the Ring can be shown to fall within the parameters of the above charts even though they are unusual in that it is where Tolkien uses the more modern terms of battalion
and regiment
for some smaller formations.
In The Two Towers
Merry states "... there must have been ten thousand at the very least.". This number is later qualified by Gandalf: "I have about ten thousand Orcs to manage.", that is to say at Helm's Deep, not including other members of Saruman's hosts: "troops on great wolves", "battalions of Men", "half-orcs". The chart above shows that a host can be composed of two armies or, an army and auxiliaries. The chart also shows that an army may be ten thousand strong.
The above first hand eyewitness accounts from the characters are not the only sources of information on the hosts of Saruman. There is an historical essay style analysis of the two battles of the Fords of Isen
in Unfinished Tales
in which the compositions and organizations of Saruman's forces are further explained. While Grimbold
of Rohan's command struggles with one army, " "He (Saruman's commander) was now in doubt. He awaited, maybe, some signal from the other army that had been sent down the east side of Isen." author's note". Grimbold did not know that "a large army had already some hours passed southward" to Helm's Deep
. This army east of Isen is also stated to be "more than half of Saruman's force...". The east army also has auxiliaries of wolf riders, a large body that scatters Elfhelm
's force on the east bank of Isen.
An additional source is the book The War of the Ring in which Saruman's army west of Isen is joined by an auxiliary force of Dunlending Men that "came up from the land away west".
All these sources support Christopher Tolkien
's descriptions of Saruman's overall strength as a "great host" and the east army as a "great army" and can account for J.R.R. Tolkien's description of Saruman's forces at the Battle of the Hornburg
: " The hosts of Isengard roared..." as defined on the charts: host as an army with auxiliaries and a great host as two such hosts, therefore: one host of Saruman's army west of Isen with its allied Dunland Men from the west and another host of more than half his force composed of Saruman's great army east of Isen with wolf riders.
The forces Saruman has at his disposal are unique in that they do not outnumber the forces opposed to them, unlike the usual war situations in Middle-earth in which the forces of darkness nearly always vastly outnumber the forces of light. Saruman's east army, which is more than half his strength, is estimated at ten thousand. With the west army and auxiliaries he originally had perhaps twenty thousand or so at Isengard
and is later joined at the fords of Isen by some additional thousands of the Men of Dunland from the west. This twenty thousand is opposed to the overall strength of Rohan which it does not outnumber by much, if at all. Rohan's forces are also given as twenty thousand: ten thousand horsemen with spears, the Éoherë, or Horse army, and another ten thousand foot and mounted infantry. Saruman's main advantages are that he has seized the initiative with his concentrated force in attacks against piecemeal fractions. First, at the Fords of Isen, some thirty-five hundred Rohirrim are defeated and then Helm's Deep is stormed where the garrison is only two thousand strong and includes Théoden, the King of Rohan, while the rest of Rohan's strength is dispersed. After all the losses, Théoden says he would have sent ten thousand spears to aid Minas Tirith, but he cannot spare more than 6,000 from the defence of his own strongholds.
As a clear example of how context should be considered, in the Tale of the Years, the force that Aragorn
leads to the Gates of Mordor is called the "Host of the West" and it does not have the strength estimate found above in the charts. But, in this context, the word Host is used as a general description of a disparate group of warriors from different armies, for whom specific numbers have preceded the use of the word elsewhere in the book. Host of the West, as a title, indicates it is an encompassing phrase. In earlier chapters in The Return of the King
, Tolkien consistently calls it an army initially, even having the character of Imrahil
say ironically that, " ... this is the greatest jest in all the history of Gondor: that we should ride with seven thousands, scarce as many as the vanguard of its army in the days of its power...".
The seven thousands of the Host of the West are one thousand men of Rohan under Éomer
, five hundred on horse, five hundred on foot and the five hundred knights of Dol Amroth
with some Dúnedain
; two thousand foot under Aragorn from Lebennin and the southern fiefs; and finally thirty-five hundred foot under Imrahil composed of the great companies of Minas Tirith
. The great companies of Minas Tirith probably include: at least three companies of the Tower of Guard; one or more companies of the Men of the City; some two companies, or more, of archers from Ithilien
, one from Henneth Annûn commanded by Mablung
J. R. R. Tolkien
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, CBE was an English writer, poet, philologist, and university professor, best known as the author of the classic high fantasy works The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion.Tolkien was Rawlinson and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon at Pembroke College,...
's fictional Middle-earth
Middle-earth is the fictional setting of the majority of author J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy writings. The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings take place entirely in Middle-earth, as does much of The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales....
much of the history of the three ages of his legendarium
Legendary may refer to:*A hagiography, or study of the lives of saints and other religious figures**The South English Legendary, a Middle English legendary*A legend-Entertainment:*Legendary, an album by Kaysha*Legendary...
are concerned with wars and the battles and armies of those wars.
Armies of Middle-earth, hierarchy and organization
The charts below show the general hierarchical terms used by Tolkien to describe military formations and organization, and how these relate to specific or estimated strengths in battles throughout the history of Middle-earth. These terms, with host indicating military forces larger than an armyArmy
An army An army An army (from Latin arma "arms, weapons" via Old French armée, "armed" (feminine), in the broadest sense, is the land-based military of a nation or state. It may also include other branches of the military such as the air force via means of aviation corps...
and the others indicating forces smaller than an army, are used with a remarkable general consistency over the time of Tolkien's writings from 1917–1972, as well as an in-universe consistency over the three ages of Middle-earth.
There are certainly times when some of these words: host, army, company, band are used outside of this context. For example: host can refer to the whole of a people which includes males, females and children, not just the warriors, or "the war-high", to use Tolkien's own phrase. At times, army can mean a singular fighting force of no set size, as can company, or host. Within the context of most battle, or war, descriptions these terms are generally consistent throughout the canon. More modern military terms such as battalion
A battalion is a military unit of around 300–1,200 soldiers usually consisting of between two and seven companies and typically commanded by either a Lieutenant Colonel or a Colonel...
and regiment
A regiment is a major tactical military unit, composed of variable numbers of batteries, squadrons or battalions, commanded by a colonel or lieutenant colonel...
see occasional use, but are not widespread.
While estimates of numbers can be often supported textually by simple extension of textually cited numbers, they are only estimates when there is not a specific number stated by Tolkien. However, it can be said with some certainty that a description of strength using the Names, such as: Name-host (e.g. Great-host) as a number of the Name-armies (e.g. Orc-armies), is supported textually across the board in the canon, as the selected, but by no means only, references demonstrate.
It is important to consider the context in which these terms appear in the stories since, as a writer of fiction, Tolkien's primary purpose is to engage and entertain the reader while not being tied to a set terminology the way a military historian must be. Tolkien sometimes adopts just that historian stance going into great detail about tactical movements, weapons and formations as he does in The Battles of the Fords of Isen, or Cirion and Eorl. He can apply the same attention to detail to the drill of a shield-wall formation as to the intricacies of family relationships of the Sackville-Baggins.
Hosts and Armies of Elves, Men and Dwarves
Name | Strength | Subordinate Forces | Commander |
Realm, Region | All arms | All Hosts, Armies, Companies | High-king, King, Lord |
Great Host, Great Army, Great Force | 60,000–100,000 + | 2+ Hosts, or Host + Army, or + Auxiliaries | High-king, King, High-captain, Herald, Captain |
Host | 20,000–50,000+ | 2+ Armies, or Army + Auxiliaries | King, High-captain, Lord, Captain |
Army | 10,000–25,000 | 2+ Great Companies, or numerous Companies | King, Captain, or Lord |
Great Company | 1,000–3,000 | 2+ Companies, or numerous Bands | Captain, or Chief |
Company | 100–1,000 | 2+ Bands | Captain, or Chieftain |
Band | 10–200 | 2+ Troops | Chieftain |
Armies and Hosts through the three ages of Middle-earth
In the subsections that follow, the hierarchy and organization described above is shown and applied to an exemplar war from each of the three ages of Tolkien's fictional legendariumLegendarium
Legendary may refer to:*A hagiography, or study of the lives of saints and other religious figures**The South English Legendary, a Middle English legendary*A legend-Entertainment:*Legendary, an album by Kaysha*Legendary...
of Middle-earth. They demonstrate that there is little variation or change to the structure of Armies and Hosts through the fictional and literary history of Tolkien's Middle-earth canon
Middle-earth canon
The term Middle-earth canon, also called Tolkien's canon, is used to loosely define the published writings of J. R. R. Tolkien regarding Middle-earth as a whole...
War of Wrath in the First Age

First Age
In the fiction of J. R. R. Tolkien, the First Age, or First Age of the Children of Ilúvatar is the heroic period in which most of Tolkien's early legends are set...
, Morgoth
Morgoth Bauglir is a fictional character from J. R. R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth legendarium. He is the main antagonist of The Silmarillion, figures in The Children of Húrin, and is mentioned briefly in The Lord of the Rings.Melkor was the most powerful of the Ainur, but turned to darkness and became...
is defeated in a final campaign called the War of Wrath
War of Wrath
The War of Wrath, or the Great Battle, is a key plot development in J.R.R. Tolkien's legendarium, portraying the final war against Morgoth at the end of the First Age....
by the host of the Valar made up of the Elves of Valinor
Valinor is a fictional location in J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium, the realm of the Valar in Aman. It was also known as the Undying Lands, along with Tol Eressëa and the outliers of Aman. This is something of a misnomer; only immortal beings were allowed to reside there, but the land itself,...
led by Eönwë
Eönwë is a supporting character in J.R.R. Tolkien's legendarium. He first appears in print in the posthumously published The Silmarillion, though his character had existed long before its original publication in 1977.-Biography:...
, the Herald of Manwë
Manwë is a god or Vala of the Elven pantheon imagined by J. R. R. Tolkien. He is described in The Silmarillion.Manwë was the King of the Valar, husband of Varda Elentári, brother of the Dark Lord Melkor, and King of Arda. He lived atop Mount Taniquetil, the highest mountain of the world, in the...
. This host of the Valar, or host of Valinor, is described as a host and contains the armies of Elven
Elf (Middle-earth)
In J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium, Elves are one of the races that inhabit a fictional Earth, often called Middle-earth, and set in the remote past. They appear in The Hobbit and in The Lord of the Rings, but their complex history is described more fully in The Silmarillion...
warriors of the Vanyar
In the works of J. R. R. Tolkien, the Vanyar are the fairest and most noble of the High Elves. They are the smallest of the three clans of the Eldar, and were the first to arrive in Aman. According to legend, the clan was founded by Imin, the first Elf to awake at Cuiviénen, his wife Iminyë, and...
as well as those of the Noldor
In the works of J. R. R. Tolkien, the Noldor are Elves of the Second Clan who migrated to Valinor and lived in Eldamar. The Noldor are called Golodhrim or Gódhellim in Sindarin, and Goldoi by Teleri of Tol Eressëa. The singular form of the Quenya noun is Noldo and the adjective is Noldorin...
that remained behind in Aman
-External links:*...
. Ingwion, the son of the High-king of all Elves, Ingwë
Ingwe may be:* Ingwë - a character in the fictional universe of J.R.R. Tolkien* Ingwe - a South African anti-tank guided missile* Ingwe Coal - a division of the BHP Billiton mining company* Ingwe - the Zulu word for leopard...
, leads the Vanyar
In the works of J. R. R. Tolkien, the Vanyar are the fairest and most noble of the High Elves. They are the smallest of the three clans of the Eldar, and were the first to arrive in Aman. According to legend, the clan was founded by Imin, the first Elf to awake at Cuiviénen, his wife Iminyë, and...
and Finarfin
Finarfin is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium, featured in The Silmarillion.-Personality:Unlike the warlike Fëanor and Fingolfin, Finarfin was something of a pacifist...
, son of Finwë
Finwë, sometimes surnamed Noldóran, is a fictional character from J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium. He was the first High King of the Elven Noldor to lead his people on the journey from Middle-earth to Valinor in the blessed realm of Aman. He was a great friend of Elu Thingol, the King of Doriath...
and king of the Noldor in Valinor, leads the Noldor. The size of the host of the Valar is ascertained by relative statements by Elrond
Elrond Half-elven is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium. He is introduced in The Hobbit, and plays a supporting role in The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion.-Character overview:...
, who was present, and a similar statement in The Silmarillion
The Silmarillion
The Silmarillion is a collection of J. R. R. Tolkien's mythopoeic works, edited and published posthumously by his son Christopher Tolkien in 1977, with assistance from Guy Gavriel Kay, who later became a noted fantasy writer. The Silmarillion, along with J. R. R...
, Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age, in which it is described as the only host greater than that of the great host of the Last Alliance of Elves and Men.
As shown in the following section, the great host of the Last Alliance is composed of other hosts which are composed of armies. Since the host of the Valar is greater than the host of the Last Alliance, it too would be composed of hosts and there is evidence that this is so. In March of the Elves of Kôr the encampment in the Land of Willows of the "first host" is noted indicating, at least, a second host. Furthermore, the outline suggests that this host is that of the Noldor, or Noldoli. At minimum, a host of Noldor and a host of Vanyar whose combined strength exceeds the great host of the Last Alliance which is estimated below at 105,000 to 140,000.
It is possible to develop a general proportional picture of the host of the Valar. In Quendi and Eldar the proportions of the three original clans are given and adjusted for the divisions during the migration march from Middle-earth to Aman. The proportional factors given by Tolkien are: 14 for the Minyar
Minyar is a town in Ashinsky District of Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia, located in the valley of the Sim River at its confluence with the Minyar River, west of Chelyabinsk. Population:...
(Vanyar) in Aman; 28 for the Tatyar (Noldor) in Aman; and 26 Nelyar (Sindar and Nandor) remaining in Middle-earth. It is told most of the Noldor return in the rebellion but that first a "tithe", or 10%, refuse to follow Fëanor
Fëanor is a fictional character from J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium who plays an important part in The Silmarillion. He was the eldest son of Finwë, the High King of the Noldor, and his first wife Míriel Serindë...
and then later Finarfin
Finarfin is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium, featured in The Silmarillion.-Personality:Unlike the warlike Fëanor and Fingolfin, Finarfin was something of a pacifist...
with "many of his people" turned back. and that Fingolfin
Fingolfin is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium, appearing in The Silmarillion.-Internal history:He was a High King of the Noldor in Beleriand, second eldest son of Finwë, full brother of Finarfin, and half-brother of Fëanor, who was the eldest of Finwë's sons. His mother was...
has the greater of the two hosts, including Finarfin and it remains greater than the Fëanorians even after Finarfin leaves and Helcaraxë is crossed. Further, it is stated that the Elves of Beleriand
In J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional legendarium, Beleriand was a region in northwestern Middle-earth during the First Age. Events in Beleriand are described chiefly in his work The Silmarillion, which tells the story of the early ages of Middle-earth in a style similar to the epic hero tales of Nordic...
outnumber the returning Noldor so that the factor for the returning Noldor must be considerably less than the factor of 26 for the Sindar
In the works of J. R. R. Tolkien, the fictional Sindar are Elves of Telerin descent. They are also known as the Grey Elves. Their language is Sindarin...
and Nandor. Finarfin needs a factor of at least 6 or 7 to allow a noticeable difference between the Noldor and Sindar, or 19 or 20 Noldor to 26 Sindar. This would leave 6 to 7 Noldor in Aman and 14 Vanyar, about 2 to 1. This suggests that the host of the Valar is composed of a host of Noldor and a host of Vanyar that is twice as large, or two hosts of Vanyar.
Having used the hierarchy established in the subsection of the War of the Last Alliance to show the structure of the forces in the War of Wrath, the numbers for these structures demonstrated in subsection The War of the Ring below can be applied and general estimates shown in the list for the Host of the Valar and the Hosts of Morgoth.
The War of the Last Alliance in the Second Age
This war that ends the Second AgeSecond Age
The Second Age is a time period from J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth fantasy writings. Tolkien intended for the history of Middle-earth to be considered fictionally as a precursor to the history of the real Earth....
exemplifies the effect that Tolkien employs to create a grand panoramic distance from the event. However, he continues to use the same hierarchical organization and terms. This can be seen in the various descriptions of the Great Host of the Last Alliance
Last Alliance
is a Japanese rock band based in Machida, Tokyo. They have performed opening and ending theme songs for various anime series such as Ouran High School Host Club, RD Sennō Chōsashitsu, and Hajime No Ippo: New Challenger...
Sauron is the primary antagonist and titular character of the epic fantasy novel The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien.In the same work, he is revealed to be the same character as "the Necromancer" from Tolkien's earlier novel The Hobbit...
attacked Gondor in S.A. 3429. In response, Elendil
Elendil is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium. He appears in The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales....
, formed an alliance with Gil-galad
Ereinion Gil-galad is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium. He is mentioned in The Lord of the Rings, and featured in The Silmarillion.- Character overview :...
. Over 2 years they gathered their armies. Their great host then marched to Rivendell
Rivendell is an Elven outpost in Middle-earth, a fictional realm created by J. R. R. Tolkien. It was established and ruled by Elrond in the Second Age of Middle-earth...
. Then they went over the Misty Mountains
Misty Mountains
In J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy world of Middle-earth, the Misty Mountains is a mountain range, running for 795 miles from north to south, between Eriador and the valley of the Great River, Anduin, and...
and were joined by the army of the Dwarves of Moria
Dwarf (Middle-earth)
In the fiction of J. R. R. Tolkien, the Dwarves are a race inhabiting the world of Arda, a fictional prehistoric Earth which includes the continent Middle-earth....
. The Alliance host crossed over the river Anduin
In J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional Middle-earth, Anduin is the Sindarin name for the Great River of Wilderland, the longest river in the Third Age . The ancestors of the Rohirrim called it Langflood. It flowed from its source in the Grey and Misty Mountains to the Mouths of Anduin in the Great Sea...
meeting the armies of the Silvan
Silvan Elves
Silvan Elves are an ethnic group of Elves in J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional universe of Middle-earth, mainly the Elves of Mirkwood and Lothlórien.In the First Age the Elves of Ossiriand, or Laiquendi, were also referred to as wood-elves....
Elves of Lórien and Greenwood the Great in the host of Oropher. The Last Alliance marched south down the east bank of Anduin and join the army of Gondor, finally meeting Sauron's forces before Mordor.
It can be seen that the Host of the Alliance is made up of the great host of Gil-galad and Elendil
Elendil is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium. He appears in The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales....
: containing the armies of Elves of the Noldor
In the works of J. R. R. Tolkien, the Noldor are Elves of the Second Clan who migrated to Valinor and lived in Eldamar. The Noldor are called Golodhrim or Gódhellim in Sindarin, and Goldoi by Teleri of Tol Eressëa. The singular form of the Quenya noun is Noldo and the adjective is Noldorin...
of Forlindon
Lindon (Middle-earth)
Lindon is the land beyond the Ered Luin, the Blue Mountains, in the northwest of Middle-earth in the fictional universe of J. R. R. Tolkien. It is the westernmost land of the continent. The Gulf of Lune divides it into Forlindon and Harlindon...
and the Sindar
In the works of J. R. R. Tolkien, the fictional Sindar are Elves of Telerin descent. They are also known as the Grey Elves. Their language is Sindarin...
of Harlindon
Lindon (Middle-earth)
Lindon is the land beyond the Ered Luin, the Blue Mountains, in the northwest of Middle-earth in the fictional universe of J. R. R. Tolkien. It is the westernmost land of the continent. The Gulf of Lune divides it into Forlindon and Harlindon...
and the army of the Men of Arnor
Arnor is a fictional kingdom in J. R. R. Tolkien's writings. Arnor, or the Northern Kingdom, was a kingdom of the Dúnedain in the land of Eriador in Middle-earth. The name probably means "Land of the King", from Sindarin Ara- + dor...
and a company from Rivendell; and the host of Silvan Elves
Silvan Elves
Silvan Elves are an ethnic group of Elves in J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional universe of Middle-earth, mainly the Elves of Mirkwood and Lothlórien.In the First Age the Elves of Ossiriand, or Laiquendi, were also referred to as wood-elves....
: containing the greater army of Greenwood and the army of Lórien; an army of Dwarves from Moria
Moria (Middle-earth)
In the fiction of J. R. R. Tolkien, Moria was the name given by the Eldar to an enormous underground complex in north-western Middle-earth, comprising a vast network of tunnels, chambers, mines and huge halls or 'mansions', that ran under and ultimately through the Misty Mountains...
and the army of Men of Gondor. Altogether, this great host contains 7 armies. Using a median strength of 15,000 to 20,000 for each army taken from the chart above of Hosts and Armies of Elves, Men and Dwarves, then an estimated overall strength of the Great Host of the Alliance adds up to 105,000 to 140,000.
The War of the Ring in the Third Age

War of the Ring
In the fictional high fantasy-world of J. R. R. Tolkien, the War of the Ring was fought between Sauron and the free peoples of Middle-earth for control of the One Ring and dominion over the continent. The War of the Ring took place at the end of the Third Age. Together with the Quest of Mount Doom,...
, the Siege of Gondor and the Battle of Pelennor Fields are good examples of a mix of precise military detail and panoramic narrative. The catalogue of companies from the outlying provinces that come to Gondor
Gondor is a fictional kingdom in J. R. R. Tolkien's writings, described as the greatest realm of Men in the west of Middle-earth by the end of the Third Age. The third volume of The Lord of the Rings, The Return of the King, is concerned with the events in Gondor during the War of the Ring and with...
's aid is numbered at less than 3000, with company sizes ranging from a stated 100 to 700 men in precise detail. The numbers of the original garrison of Minas Tirith
Minas Tirith
Minas Tirith , originally named Minas Anor, is a fictional city and castle in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth writings. It became the heavily fortified capital of Gondor in the second half of the Third Age...
and the forward garrison of Osgiliath and Faramir
In J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium, Faramir is a fictional character appearing in The Lord of the Rings. He is introduced as the younger brother of Boromir of the Fellowship of the Ring and second son of Denethor II, the Steward of the realm of Gondor...
's company of Ithilien
In J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional Middle-earth, Ithilien is a region and fiefdom of Gondor.Ithilien, or "Moon-land," is the easternmost province of Gondor, the only part of Gondor across the Great River Anduin lying between the river and the Mountains of Shadow , subdivided by the stream of...
are not specified. However, it is described panoramically that, following his defeat at Osgiliath, Faramir is outnumbered by ten times and that he loses one third of his men. The muster of Rohan adds another 6,000 horsemen to the total of the defence of Minas Tirith.

Corsairs of Umbar
The Corsairs of Umbar were a fleet of Men of Umbar in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium, allied to Sauron in his war against Gondor.-Literature:...
, and therefore were much less numerous than initially expected. Lossarnach, for example, only sent one tenth, and less than three thousands arrived in all. Assuming similar reduction in other forces spared by the allies, that would mean that around 20-30 thousands remained, along with those who may not have been expected to be spared anyway. A large number of those people were gathered by Aragorn and came to Pelennor on Umbar ships, turning the tide of battle by arriving where (and when) the allies of Minas Tirith were least expected. Slaves and captives were released as well, but it is unclear whether they were in good enough condition to fight (the rowers probably were, since the Pirates would have needed them in good working condition for the next few days), or whether arms could be found for them in time for departure. More still came later on their own ships, and 4,000 were sent by land. It is said that all the comers (and the remaining Rohirrim) were sufficient to more than replace the losses of the Battle of the Pelennor Fields
Battle of the Pelennor Fields
In J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy fiction, the Battle of Pelennor Fields is the battle for the city of Minas Tirith between the forces of Gondor and its allies, and the forces of the Dark Lord Sauron...
, as well as the 7,000 going to the Morannon.
There are no specific totals given for the forces of Mordor
In J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional universe of Middle-earth, Mordor or Morhdorh was the dwelling place of Sauron, in the southeast of northwestern Middle-earth to the East of Anduin, the great river. Orodruin, a volcano in Mordor, was the destination of the Fellowship of the Ring in the quest to...
, but there are comparisons to stated numbers that imply totals within the panoramic narrative. When the army of the West comes to the Morannon it is less than 6,000 strong and is outnumbered "ten times and more than ten times" by a "great host" out of the Morannon, Orcs from the hills flanking the Morannon, and an army of Easterlings, or some 60,000 to 75,000. This force is later called "hosts", indicating at least 2 hosts, each 30,000–40,000 strong.
The Morgul
Morgul is a Norwegian black metal band formed in Råde, Norway in the year 1991.- Biography :In 1991 Morgul soon recorded two demo-tapes: Vargvinter & In Gowns Flowing Wide, which were spread through the underground. Eventually this managed to garner them a deal with Napalm Records.The band at this...
-host, led by the Witch-king, is described as the greatest army to "issue from that vale since Isildur
Isildur is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium. He appears in the author's books The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, and Unfinished Tales....
, no host so fell and strong in arms...yet it was but one and not the greatest of the hosts that Mordor now sent forth..." and it has a "great cavalry of horsemen" in advance of it. At the Pelennor Fields, the Haradrim, consisting of footmen, horsemen and mûmakil, are said to "thrice" outnumber the 6,000 Riders of Rohan, a possibility that the army consists of more than 18,000. These regiments of Haradrim are said to have joined the Morgul-host at Osgiliath. At the same time, infantry from the city sally against "the legions of Morgul that were still gathered there in strength", or at least 2 legions and there arrives the Morgul-host reserves composed of forces from the Rhûn
In the fictional world of Middle-earth created by J. R. R. Tolkien, Rhûn was a large region of eastern Middle-earth. Rhûn was the name used for all lands lying east of Rhovanion, around and beyond the inland Sea of Rhûn, whence came many attacks on Gondor and its allies during the Third Age of...
, Khand, Southrons, and Far Harad.
Additionally, north of the city near Cair Andros, another host of Orcs and Men out of the East advancing from the Morannon cuts the road north to Rohan
Rohan is a realm in J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy era of Middle-earth. It is a grassland which lies north of its ally Gondor and north-west of Mordor, the realm of Sauron, their enemy . It is inhabited by the Rohirrim, a people of herdsmen and farmers who are well-known for their horses and cavalry....
. This host of Mordor blocking the road to Minas Tirith is "very many, more than Horse-men (of Rohan)", according to Ghân-buri-Ghân
Ghân-buri-Ghân, or simply Ghân, is a character in the epic fantasy The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. Ghân is the chief of the Drúedain, also known as the Woses, the wild men who inhabit Drúadan Forest...
. Further north, forces from Dol Guldur
Dol Guldur
Dol Guldur was Sauron's stronghold in Mirkwood in the fictional world of J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth. It is first mentioned in The Hobbit. The hill itself, rocky and barren, was the highest point in the southwestern part of the forest. Before Sauron's occupation it was called Amon Lanc...
attack Thranduil
Thranduil is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium. He is a supporting character in The Hobbit, and is referenced briefly in The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales.-In literature:...
and thrice assault Lórien, and Eastern Rohan is attacked from the north by a force elsewhere described as an Orc-host, a host of Easterlings attacks Dale in the far north.
At least 5 distinct hosts from Mordor can be identified: 2 hosts of the Great Host at the Morannon
Battle of the Morannon
In J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium, the Battle of the Morannon or Battle of the Black Gate is a fictional event that took place at the end of the War of the Ring...
; the Morgul-host (which later in the battle is called "hosts" and therefore contains at least 2 hosts); the host near Cair Andros. According to Gandalf
Gandalf is a character in J. R. R. Tolkien's novels The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. In these stories, Gandalf appears as a wizard, member and later the head of the order known as the Istari, as well as leader of the Fellowship of the Ring and the army of the West...
, Sauron
Sauron is the primary antagonist and titular character of the epic fantasy novel The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien.In the same work, he is revealed to be the same character as "the Necromancer" from Tolkien's earlier novel The Hobbit...
used more than half his strength for the assault on Gondor
Gondor is a fictional kingdom in J. R. R. Tolkien's writings, described as the greatest realm of Men in the west of Middle-earth by the end of the Third Age. The third volume of The Lord of the Rings, The Return of the King, is concerned with the events in Gondor during the War of the Ring and with...
. This leaves something less than that for the 4 forces elsewhere. 2 of these are distinctly identified as hosts: the Host of Easterling allies at Dale; the Orc-host invading East Rohan from the north while another host, at least, is implied by the attacks, 3 on Lórien and 1 on Thranduil, out of Dol Guldur. Taking a median total strength for any host of 40,000, a general minimum estimate for the 8 to 9 hosts (16 to 18 armies) of Sauron in the War of the Ring is therefore about 320,000–360,000. All arms, which includes the fleet and crews out of Umbar
Umbar is a fictional place in J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium. It was a great haven and seaport to the far south of Gondor in Middle-earth.'Umbar' was a name—of unknown meaning—given to the area by its original inhabitants...
, would add somewhat to the total.
Saruman the White is a fictional character and a major antagonist in J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy novel The Lord of the Rings. He is leader of the Istari, wizards sent to Middle-earth in human form by the godlike Valar to challenge Sauron, the main antagonist of the tale, but later on aims at gaining...
's Hosts during the War of the Ring can be shown to fall within the parameters of the above charts even though they are unusual in that it is where Tolkien uses the more modern terms of battalion
A battalion is a military unit of around 300–1,200 soldiers usually consisting of between two and seven companies and typically commanded by either a Lieutenant Colonel or a Colonel...
and regiment
A regiment is a major tactical military unit, composed of variable numbers of batteries, squadrons or battalions, commanded by a colonel or lieutenant colonel...
for some smaller formations.
In The Two Towers
The Two Towers
The Two Towers is the second volume of J. R. R. Tolkien's high fantasy novel The Lord of the Rings. It is preceded by The Fellowship of the Ring and followed by The Return of the King.-Title:...
Merry states "... there must have been ten thousand at the very least.". This number is later qualified by Gandalf: "I have about ten thousand Orcs to manage.", that is to say at Helm's Deep, not including other members of Saruman's hosts: "troops on great wolves", "battalions of Men", "half-orcs". The chart above shows that a host can be composed of two armies or, an army and auxiliaries. The chart also shows that an army may be ten thousand strong.
The above first hand eyewitness accounts from the characters are not the only sources of information on the hosts of Saruman. There is an historical essay style analysis of the two battles of the Fords of Isen
Fords of Isen
In J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional universe of Middle-earth, the Fords of Isen were fords in the river Isen, guarded by the Rohirrim. As the only crossing of the Isen into Rohan, they were of enormous strategic importance....
in Unfinished Tales
Unfinished Tales
Unfinished Tales is a collection of stories and essays by J. R. R. Tolkien that were never completed during his lifetime, but were edited by his son Christopher Tolkien and published in 1980.Unlike The Silmarillion, for which the narrative fragments were modified to connect into a consistent and...
in which the compositions and organizations of Saruman's forces are further explained. While Grimbold
Grimbold of Grimslade is a character in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium. He appears in The Two Towers and The Return of the King, the second and third volumes of the fantasy novel The Lord of the Rings as originally published...
of Rohan's command struggles with one army, " "He (Saruman's commander) was now in doubt. He awaited, maybe, some signal from the other army that had been sent down the east side of Isen." author's note". Grimbold did not know that "a large army had already some hours passed southward" to Helm's Deep
Helm's Deep
In J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth writings, Helm's Deep was a large valley in the north-western Ered Nimrais .The valley was described as being blocked over its entire width by the natural series of hills called Helm's Dike and behind that lay the fortress of Aglarond or the Hornburg, at the...
. This army east of Isen is also stated to be "more than half of Saruman's force...". The east army also has auxiliaries of wolf riders, a large body that scatters Elfhelm
In J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium, Elfhelm was a lord of Rohan and Marshal of the East-mark.He appears in The Two Towers and The Return of the King, the second and third volumes of the fantasy novel The Lord of the Rings as originally published...
's force on the east bank of Isen.
An additional source is the book The War of the Ring in which Saruman's army west of Isen is joined by an auxiliary force of Dunlending Men that "came up from the land away west".
All these sources support Christopher Tolkien
Christopher Tolkien
Christopher Reuel Tolkien is the third and youngest son of the author J. R. R. Tolkien , and is best known as the editor of much of his father's posthumously published work. He drew the original maps for his father's The Lord of the Rings, which he signed C. J. R. T. The J...
's descriptions of Saruman's overall strength as a "great host" and the east army as a "great army" and can account for J.R.R. Tolkien's description of Saruman's forces at the Battle of the Hornburg
Battle of the Hornburg
The Battle of the Hornburg is a fictional battle in J. R. R. Tolkien's novel The Lord of the Rings. The battle pitted the forces of the Wizard Saruman against the Rohirrim under King Théoden, who had taken refuge in the mountain fortress of the Hornburg at Helm's Deep...
: " The hosts of Isengard roared..." as defined on the charts: host as an army with auxiliaries and a great host as two such hosts, therefore: one host of Saruman's army west of Isen with its allied Dunland Men from the west and another host of more than half his force composed of Saruman's great army east of Isen with wolf riders.
The forces Saruman has at his disposal are unique in that they do not outnumber the forces opposed to them, unlike the usual war situations in Middle-earth in which the forces of darkness nearly always vastly outnumber the forces of light. Saruman's east army, which is more than half his strength, is estimated at ten thousand. With the west army and auxiliaries he originally had perhaps twenty thousand or so at Isengard
In J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional universe of Middle-earth, Isengard , a translation of the Sindarin Angrenost, was a large fortress. Both names mean "Iron fortress" In J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional universe of Middle-earth, Isengard , a translation of the Sindarin Angrenost, was a large fortress....
and is later joined at the fords of Isen by some additional thousands of the Men of Dunland from the west. This twenty thousand is opposed to the overall strength of Rohan which it does not outnumber by much, if at all. Rohan's forces are also given as twenty thousand: ten thousand horsemen with spears, the Éoherë, or Horse army, and another ten thousand foot and mounted infantry. Saruman's main advantages are that he has seized the initiative with his concentrated force in attacks against piecemeal fractions. First, at the Fords of Isen, some thirty-five hundred Rohirrim are defeated and then Helm's Deep is stormed where the garrison is only two thousand strong and includes Théoden, the King of Rohan, while the rest of Rohan's strength is dispersed. After all the losses, Théoden says he would have sent ten thousand spears to aid Minas Tirith, but he cannot spare more than 6,000 from the defence of his own strongholds.
As a clear example of how context should be considered, in the Tale of the Years, the force that Aragorn
Aragorn II is a fictional character from J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium, one of the main protagonists of The Lord of the Rings. He is first introduced by the name Strider, which the hobbits continue to call him...
leads to the Gates of Mordor is called the "Host of the West" and it does not have the strength estimate found above in the charts. But, in this context, the word Host is used as a general description of a disparate group of warriors from different armies, for whom specific numbers have preceded the use of the word elsewhere in the book. Host of the West, as a title, indicates it is an encompassing phrase. In earlier chapters in The Return of the King
The Return of the King
The Return of the King is the third and final volume of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, following The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers.-Title:...
, Tolkien consistently calls it an army initially, even having the character of Imrahil
Imrahil is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium. He is introduced in Return of the King as the twenty-second Prince of Dol Amroth.-Biography:...
say ironically that, " ... this is the greatest jest in all the history of Gondor: that we should ride with seven thousands, scarce as many as the vanguard of its army in the days of its power...".
The seven thousands of the Host of the West are one thousand men of Rohan under Éomer
Éomer is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium. He appears in The Two Towers and The Return of the King, the second and third volumes of Tolkien's fantasy novel The Lord of the Rings....
, five hundred on horse, five hundred on foot and the five hundred knights of Dol Amroth
Dol Amroth
In J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium, Dol Amroth was a hill along the coast of Gondor, on a peninsula on the Bay of Belfalas; and also the city that grew up there, mainly in the Third Age as the seat of the principality of the same name. The Prince of Dol Amroth was one of the principal subjects of...
with some Dúnedain
In J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium, the Dúnedain were a race of Men descended from the Númenóreans who survived the sinking of their island kingdom and came to Eriador in Middle-earth, led by Elendil and his sons, Isildur and Anárion...
; two thousand foot under Aragorn from Lebennin and the southern fiefs; and finally thirty-five hundred foot under Imrahil composed of the great companies of Minas Tirith
Minas Tirith
Minas Tirith , originally named Minas Anor, is a fictional city and castle in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth writings. It became the heavily fortified capital of Gondor in the second half of the Third Age...
. The great companies of Minas Tirith probably include: at least three companies of the Tower of Guard; one or more companies of the Men of the City; some two companies, or more, of archers from Ithilien
In J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional Middle-earth, Ithilien is a region and fiefdom of Gondor.Ithilien, or "Moon-land," is the easternmost province of Gondor, the only part of Gondor across the Great River Anduin lying between the river and the Mountains of Shadow , subdivided by the stream of...
, one from Henneth Annûn commanded by Mablung
Mablung is a fictional character from J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium.Mablung was a Sindarin Elf who served in the army of King Elu Thingol of Doriath...
See also
- List of Middle-earth weapons
- War of the RingWar of the RingIn the fictional high fantasy-world of J. R. R. Tolkien, the War of the Ring was fought between Sauron and the free peoples of Middle-earth for control of the One Ring and dominion over the continent. The War of the Ring took place at the end of the Third Age. Together with the Quest of Mount Doom,...
- War of WrathWar of WrathThe War of Wrath, or the Great Battle, is a key plot development in J.R.R. Tolkien's legendarium, portraying the final war against Morgoth at the end of the First Age....
- Tolkien's legendariumTolkien's legendariumThe phrase Tolkien's legendarium is used in the literary discipline of Tolkien studiesto refer to the part of J. R. R. Tolkien's high fantasy fiction being concerned with his Elven legends; that is, historic events that have become legendary from the perspective of the characters of The Lord of the...