Anti-Scl-70 antibodies
Anti-Scl-70 is an anti-topoisomerase antibody-type of anti-nuclear autoantibodies, seen mainly in diffuse systemic scleroderma (with a sensitivity
Sensitivity and specificity
Sensitivity and specificity are statistical measures of the performance of a binary classification test, also known in statistics as classification function. Sensitivity measures the proportion of actual positives which are correctly identified as such Sensitivity and specificity are statistical...

 of 28–70%), but is also seen in 10–18% of cases of the more limited form of systemic scleroderma called CREST syndrome
CREST syndrome
The limited cutaneous form of systemic scleroderma is often referred to as CREST syndrome. "CREST" is an acronym for the five main features:* Calcinosis* Raynaud's syndrome* Esophageal dysmotility* Sclerodactyly* Telangiectasia...

. Anti Scl-70 antibodies are associated with more severe scleroderma disease.

The etymology of scl-70 consists of an abbreviation of scleroderma and a 70 kD extractable immunoreactive fragment that can be obtained from the otherwise larger (100–105 kD) target topoisomerase antigen
An antigen is a foreign molecule that, when introduced into the body, triggers the production of an antibody by the immune system. The immune system will then kill or neutralize the antigen that is recognized as a foreign and potentially harmful invader. These invaders can be molecules such as...

(called the SCL-70 Antigen) of the antibodies.
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