Anthropometric cosmetology
Anthropometric cosmetology
Anthropometric cosmetology (Anthropometry (Gr. Ανθρωπος, "a man") and (Gr. μετρεω - "to measure") is the scienceScience
Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe...
of correction of congenital or acquired deformities of the upper and lower extremities (i.e. lengthening, straightening) for aesthetic purposes or to eliminate physical and/or psychological discomfort. Additionally, the term can refer to a science that investigates ways to alter the proportions of the human body to those that are considered the best from an aesthetic point of view.
Also known as Orthopedics (Gr. ορθος, "straight/right") and (Gr. "παιδεία", education).
Anthropometric (orthopedic) cosmetology, as a scientific and medical school, appeared in 90-s of the 20th century based on traumatology, orthopedics and esthetic surgery, having taken all their experience and previous achievements. In 1955 G. A. Ilizarov using his apparatus determined that if bony fragments are not squeezed, but are carefully stretched them without disturbing their coaxiality, then the bone starts to regenerate in the space between the fragments. So the bone fragments knit filling the space with a new bone. This discovery turned to be epochal. All the previous conceptions in traumatology and orthopedics were upended by this discovery. Using Ilizarov method in case of complex comminuted fractures it has become possible not to squeeze the remain fragments for binding, leaving shortened arms and legs after the treatment, but having fixed the fragments with the apparatus to grow an adequate limb with all vessels, nerves and muscles, i. e. to restore traumatic loss.Apart from traumatic injuries there are deformations related to supporting-motor apparatus diseases both congenital and acquired. People may be born with underdeveloped bones, legs and arms of different length.There is a disease – chondrodysplasia, when a child stops growing, staying an adult dwarf with shortened and often deformed arms and legs. With the help of his apparatus Ilizarov began to solve these problems either. Constructions for finger bones lengthening were made and the first experiments in bone stretching of arms and legs in people with chondrodysplasia were carried out. But in this case new technique was developed which involves artificial fractures, i. e. bone dissection during the operation is necessary for correct bones position and their further stretching by the apparatus.For the first time the technique of anthropometric cosmetology was used in Volgograd, Russia in 1992 by Ilizarov's followers A. G. Kaplunov and M. F. Yegorov. The peculiarity of operative intervention consisted in the fact that the operation was performed in a healthy man with a cosmetic purpose. The positive effect was achieved – the tibia were lengthened up to 6cm during 11 months. Later the offered technique was used in other cities and towns. The book “Orthopedic cosmetology” by M. F. Yegorov, A. P. Chernov and M. S. Nekrasov was the first scientific publication in this field.
Surgical intervention:
• Operations for legs lengthening and correction are recommended to perform since 18 years old, after the complete growth zone closure in the organism.
Anthropometric cosmetology can be used when the patient
A patient is any recipient of healthcare services. The patient is most often ill or injured and in need of treatment by a physician, advanced practice registered nurse, veterinarian, or other health care provider....
- X-shaped curvature of the legs
- O-shaped curvature of the legs
- Relative shortening of the legs relative to body length
- Psychological problems related to lack of body height.
Types of anthropometric cosmetology:
• Anthropometric correction for tibia or femurs extension in a patient
• Anthropometric distraction for tibia or femurs lengthening in a patient
• Simultaneous distraction and correction in the process of changing the form of the patient's legs
The period of rehabilitation
In anthropometric correction (extension) the process of legs alignment using Ilizarov apparatus takes about 15 days after the operation. Then the period of fixation till removal of the apparatus takes place. Depending on the organism's abilities duration of the apparatus wearing from the moment of the operation to the removal of the apparatus may take 45-60 days. After removal of the apparatus the patient should avoid extensive loads on legs and shouldn't wear high heeled shoes for about 2 months. Legs take the final form after correction in 7-8 months after the operation. In anthropometric distraction (lengthening) the process of lengthening may continue depending on what length is supposed the tibia or femurs to be stretched to. The legs may be lengthen not more than 1 mm a day. At present the average period of lengthening in patients takes 3-4 months. The whole period of lengthening from the moment of operation till the moment of the removal of apparatus may last 7-9 months. About three months after the removal of apparatus a patient may feel a great discomfort which should be eliminated with therapeutic and physical exercises, swimming is very helpful.Complications after anthropometric cosmetology:
1. Soft tissues inflammation around the pin of Ilizarov apparatus. At present it is not dangerous if it's treated in time. If it's impossible to eliminate it with drugs, then the pin can be replaced. It produces no difficulties either for a doctor or a patient.
2. A slow bone regeneration at the place of dissection. Particularly it's commonly occurred in smoking patients if they continue to smoke intensively in the period after the operation and before the removal of the apparatus.
3. Appearance of contracture of knee and talocrural joints which are treated by intensive medical gymnastics before and after the removal of the apparatuses.
4. Dissatisfaction with the legs form after anthropometric correction. Generally the result depends on a surgeon's experience.
Results of the operations
The change of legs form and increasing of height often veers the whole further patient's life. It involves both their private life and career. Young military men having increased their height rise in career faster. Women having corrected the form of their legs got married or left their husbands. The majority of the patients experienced increasing of their spirit and flow of positive energy after the treatment.Subsequent anthropometric cosmetology: For the second time patients turn to the operation when they want to lengthen not only tibia but also femurs. Or if they are unsatisfied with the result of the first operation for legs correction. Subsequent operations are recommended to be performed not earlier than 1 year after the primary operation in legs correction and not less than 2 years in legs lengthening.