Andrew Crater
Andrew Crater is an American
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

 ex-professional road racing cyclist
Road bicycle racing
Road bicycle racing is a bicycle racing sport held on roads, using racing bicycles. The term "road racing" is usually applied to events where competing riders start simultaneously with the winner being the first to the line at the end of the course .Historically, the most...

. On 9 September 2010, it was announced by the United States Anti-Doping Agency
United States Anti-Doping Agency
The United States Anti-Doping Agency , is a non-profit organization and the national anti-doping organization for the United States. The organization is charged with managing the anti-doping program for the U.S...

 (USADA) that Crater accepted a three-month period of ineligibility for an anti-doping rule violation. His period of ineligibility began on 7 September 2010, the day he accepted the sanction. However, the period of ineligibility was suspended and reduced to time served because of Crater's cooperation with USADA.

Crater tested positive for Carboxy THC, a metabolite of marijuana in the class of Cannabinoids, in a sample collected on August 1, 2010, at the Tour of Elk Grove, in Elk Grove Village, Illinois.
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