Andre Garcia
Andre Garcia is a luxury
Luxury good
Luxury goods are products and services that are not considered essential and associated with affluence.The concept of luxury has been present in various forms since the beginning of civilization. Its role was just as important in ancient western and eastern empires as it is in modern societies...

 cigar case
Cigar case
A cigar case is a carrier or tote for carrying cigars. The key aspect of a cigar case is its portability, and easy of carrying the cigars in jacket pockets etc...

The American Marketing Association defines a brand as a "Name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers."...

 name. The company is privately held and has office in U.S and India.


Andre Garcia is a luxury cigar case brand started in 2003 by Abhik Roy from Calcutta India
India , officially the Republic of India , is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by geographical area, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world...

. Until the creation of the Andre Garcia line in 2003, Roy and his artisans toiled in relative anonymity, making cases that carried the brand names of other companies in its factory in Calcutta, India. Roy was the first to introduce a wide variety and style in cigar cases in an otherwise stagnant cigar case market.

Andre Garcia brand's guiding principle was "one size does not fit all". Roy pioneered a spectrum of sizes to accommodate anything from a short trip, for which one might like a solo smoke, to a party, at which one intend to offer cigars to all the guys. Striving for multiplicity, Andre Garcia crafted 1—, 2—, 4—, 5—, 6—, 8—, 10—, 16— and 20—finger cases in various designs, leather
Leather is a durable and flexible material created via the tanning of putrescible animal rawhide and skin, primarily cattlehide. It can be produced through different manufacturing processes, ranging from cottage industry to heavy industry.-Forms:...

 grains, dimensions and colors, as well as widths and lengths.
As an alternative to typical leather case,from which the top simply slides off the company launched a unique zipper—enclosed top (patent pending
Patent pending
The expressions "patent pending" or "patent applied for" refer to a warning that inventors are entitled to use in reference to their product or process once a patent application has been filed, but prior to the patent being issued or the application abandoned...

) cigar case
Cigar case
A cigar case is a carrier or tote for carrying cigars. The key aspect of a cigar case is its portability, and easy of carrying the cigars in jacket pockets etc...


The brand gained popularity only in recent years and received press coverage in several leading cigar journals such as European Cult, Cigar Aficionado
Cigar Aficionado
Cigar Aficionado is an American magazine that is dedicated to the world of cigars. Published since September 1992, the magazine is known for its articles about different brands of cigars worldwide, and for the celebrities that have appeared on its cover. It is also noted for its opposition to the...

, Robb Report
Robb Report
The Robb Report is an American, English-language, luxury-lifestyle magazine featuring products — including automobiles, real estate and watches — for affluent connoisseurs.-History:...

, Vintage Luxe, Smoke etc.

In present day, the company produces cigar cases and leather accessories under its private label and also produces cases for other brands.

External links

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