American Law Library
The "American Law Library" series are a series of Chinese books that are translated from American law textbooks.

In 2000, the Public Affairs Section of the American Embassy to the People's Republic of China
People's Republic of China
China , officially the People's Republic of China , is the most populous country in the world, with over 1.3 billion citizens. Located in East Asia, the country covers approximately 9.6 million square kilometres...

 and the China University of Political Science and Law Publishing House -- as part of the US and China Presidential Rule of Law Initiative
Presidential Rule of Law Initiative
Presidential Rule of Law Initiative, or US-China Rule of Law Initiative, was a project between the United States and People's Republic of China to expand bilateral cooperation in the field of law....

 -- agreed to cooperate to translate hundreds of American law textbooks into Chinese and publish Chinese editions.

List of translated books

  1. Jonathan Rosenoer, Cyber law: the Law of the Internet
  2. Karl N. Llewellyn
    Karl N. Llewellyn
    Karl Nickerson Llewellyn was a prominent American jurisprudential scholar associated with the school of legal realism. The Journal of Legal Studies has identified Llewellyn as one of the twenty most cited American legal scholars of the 20th century.-Biography:He was born on May 22, 1893 in Seattle...

    , The Common Law Tradition
  3. Edward H. Levi
    Edward H. Levi
    Edward Hirsch Levi was an American academic leader, scholar, and statesman who served as United States Attorney General. He is regularly cited as the "model of a modern attorney general," the "greatest lawyer of his time," and considered, along with Yale's Whitney Griswold, the greatest of...

    , An Introduction to the Legal Reasoning
  4. Richard A. Posner, Overcoming Law
  5. Cass R. Sunstein, Free Markets and Social Justice
  6. Henry Hansmann, The Ownership of Enterprise
  7. Paul Brest
    Paul Brest
    Paul Brest is an American scholar of constitutional law, the president of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and a former dean of Stanford Law School...

    , Sanford Lexinson, Akhil Reed Amar
    Akhil Reed Amar
    Akhil Reed Amar is an American legal scholar, an expert on constitutional law and criminal procedure. Having been the Southmayd Professor of Law at Yale Law School, he was named the Sterling Professor of Law there in 2008...

    , et al., Process of Constitutional Decisionmaking
  8. Robert A. Gorman, Basic Text on Labor Law: Unionization and Collective Bargaining
  9. Robert C. Ellickson, Order without Law: How Neighbors Settle Disputes
  10. David G. Epstein et al., Bankruptcy
  11. Roscoe Pound
    Roscoe Pound
    Nathan Roscoe Pound was a distinguished American legal scholar and educator. He was Dean of Harvard Law School from 1916 to 1936...

    , Law and Morals
  12. Robert C. Stevens, Law School
  13. Mirjan R. Damaska, Evidence Law Adrift
  14. Thomas Lee Hazen, The Law of Securities Regulation
  15. Howell E. Jackson, Edward L. Symmons, Regulation of Financial Institutions
  16. Morton J. Horwitz, The Warren Court and the Pursuit of Justice
  17. Eric A. Posner, Law and Social Norms
  18. George P. Fletcher
    George P. Fletcher
    George P. Fletcher is the Cardozo Professor of Jurisprudence at Columbia University School of Law.Fletcher attended Cornell University from 1956 to 1959, studying mathematics and Russian. He received a B.A. in 1960 from University of California, Berkeley and his J.D. in 1964 from the University of...

    , Basic Concepts of Criminal Law
  19. Christopher Wolfe, Judicial Activism
  20. Richard A. Epstein, Simple Rules for a Complex World
  21. Robert P. Merges, Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age
  22. John W. Strong, Mccormick on Evidence
  23. Stephen Judge, Business Law
  24. Mary Kay Kane et al., Civil Procedure
  25. Wayne R. LaFave, Criminal Procedure
  26. Morton J. Horwitz, The Transformation of American Law
  27. Stephen N. Subrin et al., Civil Procedure: Doctrine
  28. Kate Standley, Family Law
  29. Robert G. Mccloskey and Sanford Levinson
    Sanford Levinson
    Sanford Victor Levinson is a prominent American liberal law professor and acknowledged expert on Constitutional law and legal scholar and professor of government at the University of Texas Law School...

    , The American Supreme Court
  30. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
    Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
    Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. was an American jurist who served as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States from 1902 to 1932...

    , Common Law
  31. George B. Vold et al., Theoretical Criminology
  32. Henry Mather, Contract Law and Morality
  33. Stephen M. Feldman, American Legal Thoughts from Pre-medoenism to Post-modernism
  34. Akhil Reed Amar
    Akhil Reed Amar
    Akhil Reed Amar is an American legal scholar, an expert on constitutional law and criminal procedure. Having been the Southmayd Professor of Law at Yale Law School, he was named the Sterling Professor of Law there in 2008...

    , The Constitution and Criminal Procedure: First Principles
  35. John Finnis
    John Finnis
    John Finnis , is an Australian legal scholar and philosopher, specializing in the philosophy of law. He is Professor of Law at University College, Oxford and at the University of Notre Dame, teaching jurisprudence, political theory, and constitutional law...

    , Natural Law and Natural Rights
  36. P. S. Atiyah, Form and Substance in Anglo-American Law
  37. Judith N. Shklar
    Judith N. Shklar
    Judith Nisse Shklar was a political theorist, and the John Cowles Professor of Government at Harvard University.-Biography:...

    , Legalism: Law, Morals and Political Trials
  38. Matthias W. Stecher, Webvertising: Unfair Competition and Trademarks on the Internet
  39. Graham Romp, Game Theory Introduction and Applications
  40. H. L. A. Hart
    H. L. A. Hart
    Herbert Lionel Adolphus Hart was an influential legal philosopher of the 20th century. He was Professor of Jurisprudence at Oxford University and the Principal of Brasenose College, Oxford. He authored The Concept of Law....

    , Causation in the Law
  41. Bernard Schwartz, A History of the Supreme Court
  42. Louis Henkin
    Louis Henkin
    Louis Henkin , widely considered one of the most influential contemporary scholars of international law and the foreign policy of the United States, was a former president of the American Society of International Law and of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy and University...

    , International Law: Politics and Values
  43. David Luban, Legal Modernism
  44. Stephen B. Goldberg, Frank E. A. Sander, Nancy H. Rogers
    Nancy H. Rogers
    Nancy Hardin Rogers is a former Attorney General of Ohio, a former Dean of the Ohio State University Moritz College of Law and the current holder of the Michael E. Moritz Chair in Alternative Dispute Resolution at the Moritz College of Law....

    , Sarah Rudolph Cole, Dispute Resolution: Negotiation, Mediation, and Other Processes

External links

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