Alto de Santana
Alto de Santana is a name commonly used, especially by business
A business is an organization engaged in the trade of goods, services, or both to consumers. Businesses are predominant in capitalist economies, where most of them are privately owned and administered to earn profit to increase the wealth of their owners. Businesses may also be not-for-profit...

, to refer to a Upper middle class
Upper middle class
The upper middle class is a sociological concept referring to the social group constituted by higher-status members of the middle class. This is in contrast to the term "lower middle class", which is used for the group at the opposite end of the middle class stratum, and to the broader term "middle...

 area of Santana
Santana (São Paulo)
Santana is a northern district in the subprefecture of Santana-Tucuruvi of the city of São Paulo, Brazil, and is located between 4-7 km from downtown São Paulo.-History:...

 district in São Paulo
São Paulo
São Paulo is the largest city in Brazil, the largest city in the southern hemisphere and South America, and the world's seventh largest city by population. The metropolis is anchor to the São Paulo metropolitan area, ranked as the second-most populous metropolitan area in the Americas and among...

 city, Brazil
Brazil , officially the Federative Republic of Brazil , is the largest country in South America. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population with over 192 million people...

. The term is used informally to refer to the bairro
Bairro is a Portuguese word and refers to a community or region within a city or municipality. Bairros exist in the majority of large cities in the world. Related words in English include neighborhood, district, borough or subdivision...

 of Vila Santana (Santana Village) and the elevated region of the Santana
Santana (São Paulo)
Santana is a northern district in the subprefecture of Santana-Tucuruvi of the city of São Paulo, Brazil, and is located between 4-7 km from downtown São Paulo.-History:...

Bairro is a Portuguese word and refers to a community or region within a city or municipality. Bairros exist in the majority of large cities in the world. Related words in English include neighborhood, district, borough or subdivision...


Among the major routes that pass through the region are: Voluntários da Pátria street, Francisca Júlia street, Pedro Doll street, Doutor Guilherme Cristoffel street and Doutor Luis Lustosa da Silva street. In Alto de Santana is located the Baruel Mansion
Baruel Mansion
Baruel Mansion is the castle built in the nineteen century by a rich family. It is located in Alto de Santana, northern area of São Paulo city....

, an old castle
A castle is a type of fortified structure built in Europe and the Middle East during the Middle Ages by European nobility. Scholars debate the scope of the word castle, but usually consider it to be the private fortified residence of a lord or noble...

 fouded in 19th century.

The region is classified by CRECI (Federal Council of Real Estate) as Value of Zone B like other Upper middle class
Upper middle class
The upper middle class is a sociological concept referring to the social group constituted by higher-status members of the middle class. This is in contrast to the term "lower middle class", which is used for the group at the opposite end of the middle class stratum, and to the broader term "middle...

 areas of the capital: Brooklin
Brooklin (São Paulo)
Brooklin is a neighborhood in the southern end of the Brazilian city of São Paulo, located between the districts of Itaim Bibi and Campo Belo. It is considered one of the richest, safest and quietest neighborhoods in the downtown São Paulo area...

, Cerqueira César e Paraíso.
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