Alliance Royale
Alliance Royale is a French political party dedicated to the restoration of the monarchy in France
Monarchism in France
Monarchism in France is the advocacy of restoring the monarchy in France, which was abolished after the 1870 defeat against Prussia, arguably before that in 1848 with the establishment of the French Second Republic....

 and to increasing debate about the monarchy amongst the general public. The party was established in 2001 using the French symbol of the Fleur-de-lis
The fleur-de-lis or fleur-de-lys is a stylized lily or iris that is used as a decorative design or symbol. It may be "at one and the same time, political, dynastic, artistic, emblematic, and symbolic", especially in heraldry...

 as a logo, which was originally used by the monarchy in pre-revolutionary France. The party is also marked by its euroscepticism
Euroscepticism is a general term used to describe criticism of the European Union , and opposition to the process of European integration, existing throughout the political spectrum. Traditionally, the main source of euroscepticism has been the notion that integration weakens the nation state...

, and seeks to re-establish a constitutional monarchy
Constitutional monarchy
Constitutional monarchy is a form of government in which a monarch acts as head of state within the parameters of a constitution, whether it be a written, uncodified or blended constitution...

 as an institution that identifies France within European culture.


The party was established in 2001 by Yves-Marie Adeline
Yves-Marie Adeline
Yves-Marie Adeline Soret de Boisbrunet better known as Yves-Marie Adeline, is a French Catholic writer...

 as a popular channel seeking to connect with the public at large in order to widen the debate in France about monarchy, which is not a commonly discussed topic, and to encourage people to see the benefits of constitutional monarchy.

Ideology and policy

The party has established itself with the aim of "encouraging France to prepare her future within her institutions," i.e., the institution of monarchy. The party believes in the restoration of a monarchy as a constitutional body, and although considers the Orleanist pretender to be a viable candidante, does not specify any dynasty that it prefers. The party cites cultural identity within Europe as one reason for which to re-establish monarchy, and is thus markedly Eurosceptic
EuroSceptic is the second album of British singer Jack Lucien. It was released in October 2009.Due to being an album influenced by Europop, it features songs with parts in different languages...

, describing the European Union as a body of European states with common objectives and not as a political union or superstate.


The party is split into regional groupings, with party activists in each region responsible for the promotion of the party and its cause.
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