and cover boy of Mad
magazine. The face had drifted through American pictography for decades before being claimed and named by Mad editor Harvey Kurtzman
. He currently appears in the animated Mad
Since his debut in Mad, Neuman's likeness, distinguished by jug ears, a missing front tooth, and one eye lower than the other has graced the cover of all but a handful of the magazine's 500 issues.
"What, Me Worry?"
"A college jock is someone who minds his build instead of vice versa!"
"A plastic surgeon's office the only place where no one gets offended when you pick your nose!"
"A teacher is someone who talks in our sleep!"
"Blood is thicker than water... but it makes lousy lemonade!"
"Getting old is when a narrow waist and a broad mind change places!"
"How come stealing from one book is plagiarism, but stealing from many is research?"
"How come we choose from just two people for President, and fifty for Miss America?"
"If opera is entertainment, then falling off a roof is transportation!"
"If you repeat the same grade once you're a dummy-if you repeat it 20 times you're a teacher"