Alfonso Sánchez Izquierdo
Alfonso Sánchez Izquierdo (born 1949 in Sidi Ifni
Sidi Ifni
Sidi Ifni is a city located in southwest Morocco, on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. It has a population of 20,000 people. The economic base of the city is fishing. It belongs to the Sous-Massa-Draa economic region and to the Sidi Ifni province. Its inhabitants are mainly Chleuhs from the Ait...

) is a Spanish journalist and broadcast executive. In May 2009, he was appointed director general of Compañía de Radio Televisión de Galicia
Compañía de Radio Televisión de Galicia
The Compañía de Radio-Televisión de Galicia is the public broadcaster for the autonomous community of Galicia, Spain.-Organisation:CRTVG was created on the 11 July 1984 with the Lei de Galicia 9/1984...

, the public broadcaster for the autonomous community of Galicia, Spain
Spain , officially the Kingdom of Spain languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Spain's official name is as follows:;;;;;;), is a country and member state of the European Union located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula...


He holds a Diploma in Information Sciences at the Escuela de Periodismo de Madrid (Madrid School of Journalism) (1973) and Bachelor of Laws (1978) from Complutense University, as well as a degree in sociology from the Instituto León XIII,

He began his journalism career as a correspondent for EFE in the U.S. In 1973 he joined the newspaper La Región
La Región
La Región is a daily newspaper in the city and province of Ourense, in the Southeastern part of Galicia, an autonomous community of Spain. Founded in 1910, most of its stock still belongs to the founding Outeiriño family...

as its editor.

He became editor of the newspaper, to which he remained linked professionally for 35 years. He held other positions within the La Región group, including CEO of the newspaper Diario de Vigo (1987), of the Axencia Galega de Noticias news agency (1990) and president and CEO of Telemiño.

In 2005 he was awarded the Diego Bernal prize, named in memory of another prominent journalist now deceased, by the Asociación de Periodistas de Galicia (Association of Journalists of Galicia).

In July 2008, Sánchez Izquierdo left La Región and was replaced by Xosé Manuel Pastoriza.

From July 2008 until May 2009 he carried out research work and taught as an associate professor at the University of Santiago de Compostela
University of Santiago de Compostela
The Royal University of Santiago de Compostela - USC is a public university located in the city of Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain. A second campus is located in Lugo, Galicia....


Since 2008 he also taught at the University of Vigo
University of Vigo
The University of Vigo is a public university located in the city of Vigo, Galicia, Spain. There are three campuses:* Lagoas-Marcosende, between the municipalities of Vigo and Mos;* A Xunqueira, in Pontevedra;* As Lagoas, in Ourense;...

 and served on the board of directors of Acioavia Wises, S.L.

Alfonso Sánchez Izquierdo is the co-author of the books Diálogo Social en Galicia (Social Dialogue in Galicia) (2008) and Veinticinco años de autonomía de Galicia (Twenty-five years of autonomy of Galicia) (2005). He also chaired the committee for the media language standardization plan of Galicia.

In 2008 he was named president of the Asociación Galega de Xestión da Comunicación. In November 2009 he was named chairperson of FORTA
The Federation of Regional Organizations of Radio and Television is the association of the public broadcasting networks from 12 autonomous communities of Spain.-Members:*Extremadura's CEXMA has not joined the FORTA by self-decision...

, the Federation of Regional Organizations of Radio and Television (Spanish
Spanish language
Spanish , also known as Castilian , is a Romance language in the Ibero-Romance group that evolved from several languages and dialects in central-northern Iberia around the 9th century and gradually spread with the expansion of the Kingdom of Castile into central and southern Iberia during the...

: Federación de Organismos de Radio y Televisión Autonómicos).

External links

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