Alfonso Blanco
Alfonso Blanco Antunez (born July 31, 1987 in Tamiahua
Tamiahua is a municipality located in the north zone in the State of Veracruz. It has a surface of 985.4 km2. It is located at . The name comes from the náhuatl...

, Veracruz
Veracruz, formally Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave officially Estado Libre y Soberano de Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave , is one of the 31 states that, along with the Federal District, comprise the 32 federative entities of Mexico. It is divided in 212 municipalities and its capital city is...

) is a Mexican footballer
Football (soccer)
Association football, more commonly known as football or soccer, is a sport played between two teams of eleven players with a spherical ball...

. He is currently playing for Club Leon
Club León
Club León, is a Mexican professional football club based in the city of León, in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico. They currently play in the Liga De Ascenso formerly known as "Primera A", the second tier of football in Mexico since their relegation from the Primera Division in 2002.León has won...

Blanco began in Pachuca's youth division teams and then was transferred on loan for Indios de Ciudad Juarez
Indios de Ciudad Juarez
Club de Futbol Indios de Ciudad Juárez commonly known as Indios or Los Indios de Juárez is a Mexican football team. It emerged after the Pachuca Juniors team moved to Ciudad Juarez. Most of the players belonged to Pachuca as reserves from the first team or are younger talent...

 in the 2007 Season after having a good performance during the U-20 World Cup in Canada
Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean...

 in 2006.

Blanco arrived to Indios as one of the main bookings for the season but after 4 games and receiving 10 goals he was relegated to the bench for the rest of the season.

The truth emerging from this scattered picture of nuclear proliferation is simple: there is a stronger chance of a nuclear bomb being used now than at almost any point in the Cold War.

The climate-change deniers are rapidly ending up with as much intellectual credibility as Creationism|creationists and Flat Earth Society|Flat Earthers... They are denying the reality of a force that — unless we change the way we live pretty fast — will kill millions.

There is an emerging scientific consensus that global warming is making hurricanes more intense and more destructive. It turns out that Hurricane Katrina|Katrina fits into a pattern that scientists and greens have been trying to warn us about for a long time.

My feeling about the war was — given a choice between these two things — obviously I want to see a world with much better choices than that — but given that was the choice we were confronted with, the best way through it was to try to find out what Iraqis prefer.

The bombs held in current nuclear arsenals are seventy times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Nagasaki|Nagasaki. If we don’t begin opposing the drift towards more and more of them, we will live in the shadow of the mushroom cloud for the rest of our lives — and millions may die there.

For all the chatter that Britain has moved beyond class, recent studies have found that it determines the life chances of British people more today than at any point since the Second World War... A child born into a rich family in Britain will almost certainly live and die rich, while a child born into a poor family will almost certainly live and die poor.

The greatest trick the rich — and their cheerleaders on the right — ever pulled was convincing the world that class didn’t exist. Out here in the real world, it is more real and more rigid than it has been for a century.

The lamest defence I could offer — one used by many supporters of the war as they slam into reverse gear — is that I still support the principle of invasion, it's just the Bush administration screwed it up. ... The evidence should have been clear to me all along: the Bush administration would produce disaster.

We are entering a world of rapidly multiplying nuclear stand-offs like this. India vs Pakistan. Iran vs Israel. America vs.China. Within decades, North Korea vs Japan and South Korea. Not one Cold War, but many — and the risk is doubled each time.
