Alexander Lenard
Alexander Lenard is a unitary parliamentary republic in South-Central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and...
. His brother Károly died in 1944 in a Nazi labour camp (Arbeitslager
Arbeitslager is a German language word which means labor camp.The German government under Nazism used forced labor extensively, starting in the 1930s but most especially during World War II....
). His sister settled in England. In 1951 he immigrated to Brazil, where he won the São Paulo Television Bach competition in 1956. He settled in the Dona Emma valley, where he bought a small farm with a house he made "invisible" by surrounding it with his favourite trees. He treated the local population until his death in 1972.
two of his books have been published in English – "The valley of the Latin bear" (1965), and "The Fine Art of Roman Cooking" (1966). He wrote fiction (proseProse
Prose is the most typical form of written language, applying ordinary grammatical structure and natural flow of speech rather than rhythmic structure...
and poetry
Poetry is a form of literary art in which language is used for its aesthetic and evocative qualities in addition to, or in lieu of, its apparent meaning...
), and non-fiction such as musical, culinary, linguistic and medical essays and studies.
- The valley of the Latin bear -in English: Dutton,1965, in Hungarian(Völgy a világ végén): Magveto,1967, in German (Die Kuh auf them Bast): Stuttgart,1963
- "A day in the invisible house" - in Hungarian(Egy nap a láthatatlan házban): Magveto,1969, in German (Ein Tag im unsichtbaren house): Stuttgart,1970
- "The Cagliostro Case"
- "The Great Bear drowns in the sea in Charleston"
- "Roman stories" - in Hungarian(Római történetek): Magveto,1969
- "The fine art of Roman Cooking" - in English: Dutton,1966, in German (Die Römische Küche): Stuttgart,1963, in Hungarian (A romai konyha): Magveto,1986
- My family-stories - in Hungarian(Csaladtorteneteim): Typotex,2010
- Adventures of three mondern Hungarian knights - in Hungarian (Három modern magyar lovag kalandjai - Irodalmi Újság, 1957. október 1. (Párizs))
- Mussolini's "Liberation" - in Hungarian (Mussolini "felszabadítása" (olvasói levél) - Irodalmi Újság, 1960. Július 15. (Párizs))
- A Few Words About Winnie-Ille-Pu - in Hungarian (Néhány szó a latin Micimackóról - Élet és irodalom, LIV. évf. 11. sz. 2010. márc.12)
- The Byzantine Schnitzel - in Hungarian (A bizánci szelet - in: Magyar Nemzet, 1966. május 7., p. 7)
In addition to his fiction writing, Lenard authored essays and treatises on literary and medical topics.Linguistic and literary
- The living Latin - in Hungarian (Az élő latin - Filológiai közlöny, 1972/1-2.)
- Seven days in Babylon - in German (Sieben Tage Babylonisch): Stuttgart,1964, - in Hungarian (Egy magyar idegenvezető Bábel tornyában): Typotex,2003
- "Hello Sadness" and "A certain smile" - in Hungarian ("Jónapot búbánat" és "Egy bizonyos mosoly" - Ertekezés Francois Sagan regényéről - Kultura, 1957.február-március (Sao Paulo))
- The poems of Weöres Sándor - in Hungarian (Weöres Sándor versei - Kultura, 1959. június (Sao Paulo))
- Walk on an old map of Budapest - co-author with Landy Dezso - in Hungarian (Séta egy régi pesti térképen - Kultura, 1958. januar (Sao Paulo))
- The science and the piglet - in Hungarian (A tudomány és a kismalac - Kultura, 1957. januar (Sao Paulo))
- Brazil - in Hungarian (Brazília - Irodalmi Újság, 1957. December 15. (Párizs))
- About the Eugenics - in Hungarian (Az eugenikáról - Kortárs, 1985/2)
- Giving birth without pain - in Italian (Partorire senza dolore - Casa Editrice Mediterranea, Roma, 1950)
- The healthy and sick child - in Italian (Il Bambino Sano e Ammalato, [Róma], 1950)
- Controlling conception and the number of offsprings - in Italian (Controllo della concezione e limitazione della prole, [Róma], 1947)
- The medical office; contribution to the history of the medical ethics - in Italian (De officio medici; contributo alla storia dell'etica medica. [Rome],Tipografia della Bussola, 1947)
- Ex Ponto [Róma], 1947
- Orgelbuechlein [Róma], 1947
- Andrietta [Róma], 1949
- Asche [Róma], 1949
- Die Leute sagen [Róma], 1949
Film Portrayal
In 2009, the New York Film FestivalNew York Film Festival
The New York Film Festival has been a major film festival since it began in 1963 in New York. The films are selected by the Film Society of Lincoln Center...
premiered Lynne Sachs
Lynne Sachs
Lynne Sachs is an American experimental filmmaker who makes films, videos, installations and web projects exploring the relationship between personal observations and broader historical experiences. She is known for weaving together poetry, collage, painting, politics and layered sound design...
' "The Last Happy Day", an experimental retelling of Lenard's life story from the intimate perspective of his distant cousin turned filmmaker. The film features unpublished letters from 1940's-1970's written by Lenard to his relatives in the United States, as well as interviews and archival photos. A year after the film's premiere, the Hungarian Quarterly published an essay by Sachs along with some of Lenard's letters .