Alex Chapple


Film Director
Year Film Notes
2002 in film
The year 2002 in film involved some significant events. The first significant releases of sequels took place between The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, Men in Black II, Analyze That, Spy Kids 2: The Island of...

Made in Canada, Volume 1: Best of the CFC
1994 in film
1994 was a significant year in film.The top grosser worldwide was The Lion King, which to date stands as the highest-grossing traditionally-animated film of all time...

The Passion of John Ruskin
The Passion of John Ruskin
The Passion of John Ruskin is a Canadian short film released in 1994 based on the love life of writer and critic John Ruskin. It is directed by Alex Chapple, starring Mark McKinney as Ruskin, and Neve Campbell as his first wife Effie Gray...

Short Film
TV Director
Year Title Episode(s) Notes
2009 in television
The following is a list of events affecting American television in 2009. Events listed include television show debuts, finales, cancellations, and new channel launches.-January:-February:-March:-April:-May:-June:-July:-August:...

Stargate Universe
Stargate Universe
Stargate Universe is a Canadian-American military science fiction television series and part of MGM's Stargate franchise. It follows the adventures of a present-day, multinational exploration team traveling on the Ancient spaceship Destiny many billions of light years distant from the Milky Way...

Subversion (2010)
Life (2009)
Law & Order
Law & Order
Law & Order is an American police procedural and legal drama television series, created by Dick Wolf and part of the Law & Order franchise. It aired on NBC, and in syndication on various cable networks. Law & Order premiered on September 13, 1990, and completed its 20th and final season on May 24,...

Brilliant Disguise (2010)
Fed (2009)
Anchors Away (2009)
Crimebusters (2009)
Pledge (2009)
Bones (TV series)
Bones is an American crime drama television series that premiered on the Fox Network on September 13, 2005. The show is based on forensic anthropology and forensic archaeology, with each episode focusing on an FBI case file concerning the mystery behind human remains brought by FBI Special Agent...

The Bond in the Boot (2009)
Being Erica Being Dr. Tom (2009)
This article is about the movie. For other uses, see DiversionDiverted is a 2009 CBC made-for-TV movie. It was directed by Alex Chapple. The movie was written by Tony Marchant.- Synopsis:...

2008 in television
The following is a list of events affecting American television in 2008. Events listed include television show debuts, finales, cancellations, and new channel launches.-January:-February:-March:-April:-May:-June:-July:-August:...

Crusoe may refer to:* Crusoe , a 2008 television series based on the novel Robinson Crusoe* Crusoe , a 1989 film by Caleb Deschanel, based on the novel* Transmeta Crusoe, a computer processor family by Transmeta Corporation...

Smoke and Mirrors (2009)
Bad Blood (2008)
2007 in television
2007 in television may refer to:*2007 in American television*2007 in Australian television*2007 in British television*2007 in Canadian television*2007 in Japanese television...

Bionic Woman
Bionic Woman
Bionic Woman may refer to:* The Bionic Woman, a television series that aired from 1976 to 1978 on ABC and NBC** Jaime Sommers , the main character* Bionic Woman , a 2007 remake of the series on NBC...

Trust Issues
Kidnapped (TV series)
Kidnapped is an American television drama series from Sony Pictures Television which aired on NBC from September 20, 2006, to August 11, 2007...

2006 in television
2006 in television may refer to:*2006 in American television*2006 in Australian television*2006 in British television*2006 in Canadian television*2006 in Japanese television...

Shades of Black: The Conrad Black Story
Shades of Black: The Conrad Black Story
Shades of Black: The Conrad Black Story is a 2006 Drama about ambition, love, betrayal and greed. The film chronicles the private and public struggles of Lord Conrad Black, one of the world's most controversial press barons.-Cast:...

TV movie
Blade: The Series
Blade: The Series
Blade: The Series is a 2006 American live-action television program based on the Marvel Comics character and film series. It premiered on Spike on June 28, 2006...

Conclave (2006)
Delivery (2006)
2004 in television
The year 2004 in television involved some significant events.Below is a list of television-related events in 2004.For the American TV schedule, see: 2004–05 United States network television schedule.-Events:-Debuts:-1940s:...

Law & Order: Criminal Intent
Law & Order: Criminal Intent
Law & Order: Criminal Intent is an American police procedural television drama series set in New York City, where it was also primarily produced. Created and produced by Dick Wolf and René Balcer, the series premiered on September 30, 2001, as the second spin-off of Wolf's successful crime drama...

Ten Count (2008)
Watch (2006)
Sex Club (2005)
View from Up Here (2005)
Inert Dwarf (2004)
2003 in television
The year 2003 in television involved some significant events.Below is a list of television-related events in 2003.For the American TV schedule, see: 2003-04 United States network television schedule.-Events:-Debuts:-1940s:...

Mafia Doctor TV movie
2002 in television
The year 2002 in television involved some significant events.Below is a list of television-related events in 2002.For the American TV schedule, see: 2002–03 United States network television schedule.-Events:-Debuts:-1940s:...

Street Time High Holly Roller (2003)
Watching the Watchers (2003)
Betrayal (2002)
Torso: The Evelyn Dick Story
2001 in television
The year 2001 in television involved some significant events.Below is a list of television-related events in 2001.-Events:-Debuts:-1940s:*Meet the Press .*Candid Camera .*CBS Evening News ....

Leap Years
Leap Years
Leap Years is a 2001 drama television series that aired on the Showtime cable network. The show was created by Ron Cowen and Daniel Lipman, who had created the American version of the series Queer as Folk. It followed a group of friends in New York City...

1999 in television
The year 1999 in television involved some significant events.Below is a list of television-related events in 1999.For the American TV schedule, see: 1999-00 United States network television schedule.-Events:-Debuts:-Miniseries:...

Murder Most Likely
I Was a Sixth Grade Alien
I Was a Sixth Grade Alien
I Was a Sixth Grade Alien was a live-action/comedy television show following the chronicles of Pleskit, a purple skinned, blue haired alien with an antenna positioned on his head. He tries to fit in and make some friends but due to his strange appearance he doesn't succeed very well...

Alien Dinner Massacre! (1999)
Aliens to Blow Up Earth! (1999)
Jake and the Kid
Jake and the Kid
Jake and the Kid is a collection of short stories by W. O. Mitchell, originally published in 1961. Many stories in the series appeared in Maclean's prior to the book's publication...

The Circus (1999)
Looks Can Be Deceiving (1996)
1996 in television
The year 1996 in television involved some significant events.Below is a list of television-related events in 1996.For the American TV schedule, see: 1996-97 United States network television schedule.-Events:-Debuts:-1950s:...

Traders History Lesson (1999)
In Toto (1998)
In Vacuo (1998)
Dark Sanctuary (1997)
Dancing with Mr. D. (1996)
Ready or Not Get a Life (1997)
First Serious Party (1996)
Flash Forward
Flash Forward
Flash Forward is a Disney Channel Original Series produced in Canada for pre-teens and teenagers which aired on both the Disney Channel and ABC from 1996-1997....

Saboteurs (1996)
Skate Bait (1996)
1995 in television
The year 1995 in television involved some significant events.Below is a list of television-related events in 1995.For the American TV schedule, see: 1995-96 United States network television schedule.-Events:-Debuts:-1950s:...

Side Effects
Side Effects (TV series)
Side Effects was a Canadian television series, which aired from February, 1994 to January, 1996 on CBC Television.A hospital-themed drama created by Brenda Greenberg and Guy Mullally, the cast included Elizabeth Shepherd, Albert Schultz, Joseph Ziegler, Jovanni Sy and Arsinée Khanjian....

Time Enough to Say Good-bye
Nancy Drew
Nancy Drew
Nancy Drew is a fictional young amateur detective in various mystery series for all ages. She was created by Edward Stratemeyer, founder of the Stratemeyer Syndicate book packaging firm. The character first appeared in 1930. The books have been ghostwritten by a number of authors and are published...

Who's Hot, Who's Not (1995)
Welcome to the Callisto (1995)
1994 in television
The year 1994 in television involved some significant events.Below is a list of television-related events in 1994.For the American TV schedule, see: 1994-95 United States network television schedule.-Events:-Debuts:-Miniseries:...

The Odyssey Tug of War
unknown Liberty Street
Liberty Street
Liberty Street was a Canadian drama television series, which aired on CBC Television in 1995.Produced by Kit Hood and Linda Schuyler, the team behind the long-running Degrassi series of television shows, Liberty Street was an attempt to create a similar series depicting the lives of a group of...

All Work and No Play
Caged Heat
Even Bradys Get the Blues
In the Heat of the Night
Reality Bites
Manić is a suburban settlement of Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. It is located in the municipality of Barajevo.Manić developed on the eastern slopes of the Kosmaj mountain...

External links

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