Albania at the 2004 Summer Olympics
Albania , officially known as the Republic of Albania , is a country in Southeastern Europe, in the Balkans region. It is bordered by Montenegro to the northwest, Kosovo to the northeast, the Republic of Macedonia to the east and Greece to the south and southeast. It has a coast on the Adriatic Sea...

was represented at the 2004 Summer Olympics
2004 Summer Olympics
The 2004 Summer Olympic Games, officially known as the Games of the XXVIII Olympiad, was a premier international multi-sport event held in Athens, Greece from August 13 to August 29, 2004 with the motto Welcome Home. 10,625 athletes competed, some 600 more than expected, accompanied by 5,501 team...

in Athens
Athens , is the capital and largest city of Greece. Athens dominates the Attica region and is one of the world's oldest cities, as its recorded history spans around 3,400 years. Classical Athens was a powerful city-state...

 by the National Olympic Committee of Albania.


Women's 400 meters Hurdles:
  • Klodiana Shala
    Klodiana Shala
    Klodiana Shala is one of Albania's most popular athletes. She is a track and field athlete, and competes in the 200m and 400m sprints, where her best times are 24.34s and 53.87s, respectively. She was the bearer of the Flag of Albania in the opening ceremony of the 2004 Summer Olympics...

    • Round 1 — 1:00.00 (→ did not advance)

Men's Hammer:
  • Dorian Collaku
    • Round 1 — 70.06 metres (→ did not advance)


Men's 50 metre Freestyle:
  • Kreshnik Gjata
    • Heat — 26.61 (→ did not advance, 66th place)

Women's 50 metre Freestyle:
  • Rovena Marku
    Rovena Marku
    Rovena Marku is an Olympic freestyle swimmer from Albania, who represented her native country at the 2004 and 2008 Olympics....

    • Heat — 30.51 (→ did not advance, 60th place)


Men's 62 kg:
  • Gert Trashha
    • Round 1 — 255.0 kg (→ 14th place, Snatch: 115.0 kg, Clean & Jerk: 140.0 kg)

Men's 77 kg:
  • Theoharris Traasha
    • Round 1 — 342.5 kg (→ 13th place, Snatch: 160.0 kg, Clean & Jerk: 182.5 kg)


Men's Freestyle (– 60 kg):
  • Sahit Prizreni
    Sahit Prizreni
    Sahit Prizreni is a male freestyle wrestler from Albania. He participated in Men's freestyle 60 kg at 2008 Summer Olympics...

     — Eliminated Pool E


  • President: Hysen Domi
  • Secretary General: Stavri Bello
  • Chef de Mission: Fidel Ylli
  • Administrative Staff: Elda Gjoka
  • Administrative Staff 2: Vladimir Gjoni

See also

  • Albania at the 2005 Mediterranean Games
    Albania at the 2005 Mediterranean Games
    Albania competed at the 2005 Mediterranean Games in Almería, Spain with a total number of 58 participants .- Silver:30px Weightlifting*Men's – 85 kg : Ilirian Suli...

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