Ajdin Muzaka
Ajdin Muzaka was the brother in law
A brother-in-law is the brother of one's spouse, the husband of one's sibling, or the husband of one's spouse's sibling.-See also:*Affinity *Sister-in-law*Brothers in Law , a 1955 British comedy novel...

 of George Kastrioti Skanderbeg and one of his commanders. He was converted to Islam
Islam . The most common are and .   : Arabic pronunciation varies regionally. The first vowel ranges from ~~. The second vowel ranges from ~~~...

 and served in Ottoman army
Military of the Ottoman Empire
The history of military of the Ottoman Empire can be divided in five main periods. The foundation era covers the years between 1300 and 1453 , the classical period covers the years between 1451 and 1606 , the reformation period covers the years between 1606 and 1826 ,...

 before joining Skanderbeg in 1443. He was the commander of the central group in the Battle of Torvioll
Battle of Torvioll
The battle of Torvioll, also known as the battle of Lower Dibra, was fought on June 29 of 1444 in Albania. Skanderbeg was an Ottoman captain of Albanian origin who decided to go back to his native land and take the reins of a new Albanian rebellion...

 and he played a crucial role in the Albanian victory. He was wounded in that battle and died soon afterwards. He was known for his extreme courage and was the first high-rank Albanian
Albanians are a nation and ethnic group native to Albania and neighbouring countries. They speak the Albanian language. More than half of all Albanians live in Albania and Kosovo...

 commander who died in Skanderbeg's battles against Ottoman
Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman EmpireIt was usually referred to as the "Ottoman Empire", the "Turkish Empire", the "Ottoman Caliphate" or more commonly "Turkey" by its contemporaries...

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