Ahmed Adil
On March 3, 2006, in response to a court order from Jed Rakoff the Department of Defense
United States Department of Defense
The United States Department of Defense is the U.S...

 published a six page summarized transcript from his Combatant Status Review Tribunal.

Letter to the Secretary of State

Adil wrote to Secretary of State
Secretary of State
Secretary of State or State Secretary is a commonly used title for a senior or mid-level post in governments around the world. The role varies between countries, and in some cases there are multiple Secretaries of State in the Government....

 Condoleezza Rice
Condoleezza Rice
Condoleezza Rice is an American political scientist and diplomat. She served as the 66th United States Secretary of State, and was the second person to hold that office in the administration of President George W. Bush...

 on January 19, 2006. In it he wrote that his Tribunal determined he was innocent on May 9, 2005. He said he was appealing directly to Rice because he had tried all other options.

Asylum in Albania

On May 5, 2006 the Department of Defense
United States Department of Defense
The United States Department of Defense is the U.S...

 announced that they had transferred five Uyghurs who had been determined not to have been enemy combatants, to Albania
Albania , officially known as the Republic of Albania , is a country in Southeastern Europe, in the Balkans region. It is bordered by Montenegro to the northwest, Kosovo to the northeast, the Republic of Macedonia to the east and Greece to the south and southeast. It has a coast on the Adriatic Sea...

Seventeen other Uyghurs continue to be held at Guantanamo, because their CSRTs determined they were enemy combatants.

The McClatchy interview

On June 15, 2008 the McClatchy News Service published articles based on interviews with 66 former Guantanamo captives. McClatchy reporters interviewed Ahmed Adil.
During his interview Ahmed Adil described life in the Uyghur construction camp:
Ahmed Adil told his interviewers that he spent long periods in solitary confinement, in a cell that was only 3 x 6 feet, and that he was always chained to the floor during his interrogations.
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