Acro-yoga is a physical practice which blends elements of Yoga
Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline, originating in ancient India. The goal of yoga, or of the person practicing yoga, is the attainment of a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility while meditating on Supersoul...

, Acrobatics
Acrobatics is the performance of extraordinary feats of balance, agility and motor coordination. It can be found in many of the performing arts, as well as many sports...

, and Healing Arts. These three ancient practices form the foundation of a practice that cultivates trust, connection and playfulness between partners.

The term was put into popular use by Jason Nemer and Jenny Klein in 2006. They co-founded the practice and wrote the first manual to spread the practice. There are many people from many differing backgrounds that have done elements of Acroyoga but they were the first to formally create a practice and certify teachers globally to share it.


There are three primary roles in an Acro-yoga practice: base, flyer, and spotter.
  • Base - this is the individual who has the most points of contact with the ground. Often this person is lying on the ground with the entire back torso in full contact. This enables both the arms and legs to be "bone-stacked" for maximum stability and support of the flyer. Main points of contact with the flyer are the feet (generally placed on the Flyers hips or belly) and the hands (which either form handholds or grasp the shoulders). The base represents stability and grounding.
  • Flyer - this is the individual who is elevated off the ground by the base. The Flyer can move into a series of dynamic positions, and generally lets gravity do the work for them. A flier needs balance, confidence, and core strength. The Flyer represents freedom and dynamic balance.
  • Spotter - this is the individual who has an objective view of the partners, and whose entire focus is on making sure that the Flyer lands safely in case of any slips. The spotter can also make recommendations to the Base and Flyer to improve their form. The spotter represents safety and guidance.


The Practice
AcroYoga has 3 main elements:
Lunar Therapeutic Practices that cultivate listening, loving and letting go.
Solar Acrobatic Practices that cultivate trust, empowerment and joy.
Yoga Philosophic Practices that cultivate breathe awareness, peace and connection.

Lunar Therapeutic Practice

The Lunar Therapeutic Practice includes Thai massage, therapeutic flying and partner yoga. In these practices both the giver and receiver will feel more full and balanced. Thai massage is an ancient gift from Thailand. It is a practice that was cultivated by monks to open the body using bodyweight, loving touch and mindfulness. Therapeutic flying is an inverted aerial Thai massage! The base supports the flyer with their feet as the flyer hangs passively. The base uses gravity, stretching and metta, “loving kindness” to open the flyers upper body. When the flyer comes down they do Thai massage on the bases warmed up legs. The session is complete when both partner have given and received, based and flown, inhaled and exhaled. Partner yoga is the art of using each other’s body weight and breath to open and warm the body. This is a way for us to use a partner’s strength or bodyweight to open our bodies in new ways. In all of these practices gravity and loving touch help us to let go of fear and pain.

Solar Acrobatic Practice

The Solar Acrobatic Practices are the tools to unlock that power in others and ourselves. The solar elements are strength building, inversions with spotting, and partner acrobatics.
AcroYogis build strength by using acrobatic and gymnastic training techniques like; Push ups, down dog push ups, abdominal exercises and other partner conditioning drills. At the same time they coach each other to encourage positively and teamwork.
The inversions and spotting give the chance to build trust and efficient acrobatic techniques for headstands, handstands etc. This takes coaching and teamwork to the next level
Partner Acrobatics is it all goes together, in a group of 3: Base, Flyer & Spotter. The base creates the foundation for the acrobatics, the flyer trusts and dances through the air and the spotter makes sure this all happens safely! All of these practices build a playful, strong community that can help us all realize our true potential.

Yoga Philosophy Practices

Yoga is the glue between the Solar and the Lunar Practices and draws a connecting thread between the two. It is a Physical Practice as well as a life philosophy that is honed through postures, breathing exercises, mantras, etc. All partner practices are fed by solo practices. In AcroYoga we have designed a Solar and Lunar solo Practice that will help students embody the techniques that will feed into partner practices. As we delve deeper and self reflect in all areas of our life, Yoga Philosophy helps us to understand our divine gifts and puts them to good use.
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