27 October 2003 Baghdad bombings
The 27 October 2003 Baghdad bombings were the simultaneous suicide car bombings targeting the Red Cross compound, and four Iraqi police stations in Baghdad
Baghdad is the capital of Iraq, as well as the coterminous Baghdad Governorate. The population of Baghdad in 2011 is approximately 7,216,040...

. The attacks killed 35 people, as well as injuring 244.

The bombings all occurred within about 45 minutes of each other. Four suicide bombers died but the fifth, a Syrian
Demographics of Syria
Syrians today are an overall indigenous Levantine people. While modern-day Syrians are commonly described as Arabs by virtue of their modern-day language and bonds to Arab culture and history...

, who attempted to blow up the fourth police station failed after the man's car apparently failed to explode. He was shot and wounded by the Iraqi police and arrested.

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