245 (number)
245 is the natural number
Natural number
In mathematics, the natural numbers are the ordinary whole numbers used for counting and ordering . These purposes are related to the linguistic notions of cardinal and ordinal numbers, respectively...

 following 244 and preceding 246.

245 in online public access (library) catalogs

Two hundred forty-five 245 = 5·72. In the MARC
MARC standards
MARC, MAchine-Readable Cataloging, is a data format and set of related standards used by libraries to encode and share information about books and other material they collect...

 format for records in online public access (library) catalog
An Online Public Access Catalog is an online database of materials held by a library or group of libraries...

s, in which each type of information about a book (or other library material) is identified with a 3-digit number, 245 identifies the title of the item; most library catalog software requires that each record have at least a 245 tag, even if no other information is entered about the item.

Other references to 245

  • The number of Jewish singers who returned from captivity in Babylon in circa 538 BCE BC following the rise of Cyrus the Great
    Cyrus the Great
    Cyrus II of Persia , commonly known as Cyrus the Great, also known as Cyrus the Elder, was the founder of the Achaemenid Empire. Under his rule, the empire embraced all the previous civilized states of the ancient Near East, expanded vastly and eventually conquered most of Southwest Asia and much...

     and the Persian Empire. ...besides their male and female slaves, of whom there were seven thousand three hundred thirty-seven; and they had two hundred forty-five singers, male and female. They had seven hundred thirty-six horses, two hundred forty-five mules, four hundred thirty-five camels, and six thousand seven hundred twenty donkeys. (see Nehemiah chapter 7, verses 67 to 69 -- Also, an almost identical reference in Ezra chapter 2, verses 65 to 67 states that there were only 200 singers, and that the slaves were "servants").

  • 245T or 2,4,5-T is a common abbreviation for the widely-used herbicide 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid
    2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid
    2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid , a synthetic auxin, is a chlorophenoxy acetic acid herbicide used to defoliate broad-leafed plants. It was developed in the late 1940s and was widely used in the agricultural industry until being phased out, starting in the late 1970s due to toxicity concerns....


  • "245" is the name of a jazz instrumental by Eric Dolphy
    Eric Dolphy
    Eric Allan Dolphy was an American jazz alto saxophonist, flutist, and bass clarinetist. On a few occasions he also played the clarinet and baritone saxophone. Dolphy was one of several multi-instrumentalists to gain prominence in the 1960s...

    , featured on his 1960 album Outward Bound
    Outward Bound (album)
    Outward Bound is a jazz album by Eric Dolphy, released in 1960. It was his first album as leader, and is considerably less adventurous and more standardly beboppish than his later recordings, though there are unorthodox elements that point to what was to come...


  • 245 is the international country calling code for Guinea-Bissau
    The Republic of Guinea-Bissau is a country in West Africa. It is bordered by Senegal to the north, and Guinea to the south and east, with the Atlantic Ocean to its west....

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