directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu
and written by Guillermo Arriaga
. It stars Sean Penn
, Naomi Watts
, Danny Huston
, and Benicio del Toro
Like Arriaga's and González Iñárritu's previous film, Amores perros
(2000), 21 Grams interweaves several plot lines, around the consequences of a tragic automobile accident. Penn plays a critically ill academic mathematician, Watts plays a grief
-stricken mother, and del Toro plays a born-again Christian ex-convict whose faith is sorely tested in the aftermath of the accident.
21 Grams is presented in a non-linear arrangement where the lives of the characters are depicted before and after the accident.
[From trailer] They say we all lose 21 grams... who will be next?
Did you know that eating alone could cause kidney damage? And that's BAD.
Just... disappear.
I can't keep going like this. The insemination, the child. It's like we're trying to put a Band-Aid on something that's just been bled dry.
[After waking up in the emergency room] So this is death's waiting room.
What I doing in this precorpse club?
[Quoting a poem] The earth turned to bring us closer. It turned on itself and in us, until it finally brought us together in this dream.
There's a number hidden in every aspect of life.
We've been a fraud for a long time, Mary.
There are so many things that have to happen for two people to meet.