356 BC Alexander is born in Born in Pella, Macedon.
336 BC Alexander becomes ruler of Macedonia after the murder of his father Philip.
335 BC Alexander defeats the Triballians at the Battle of Lyginus.
333 BC Alexander solves the riddle of the Gordian knot in Gordium.
333 BC Alexander defeauts Darius III of Persia in the Battle of Granicus and captures the Persian royal family.
332 BC Alexander beseiges the island of Tyre.
332 BC Alexander is crowned Pharoh of Egypt in Memphis, Egypt.
331 BC Alexander founds the city of Alexandria, Egypt.
331 BC Alexander visits the oracle of Siwa who informs him that he is the son of Zeus and therefore a God.
330 BC After looting the treasures of the Persian capital city of Persepolis, Alexander and his men burn its famous palace and the surrounding city to the ground.
327 BC Alexander invades India.
326 BC Alexander defeats King Porus of Paurava at the battle of Battle of the Hydaspes.
326 BC Alexander defeats King Porus of Paurava at the battle of Battle of the Hydaspes.
325 BC Alexander and his men begin their march through the Gedrosian desert. Much of his army would be lost during this march.
323 BC Alexander dies of an unknown illness in Babylon.