This Is Spinal Tap
This Is Spinal Tap

This is Spinal Tap is a 1984 "rockumentary" about the world's loudest band, the British heavy metal group Spinal Tap.
Does for rock and roll what "The Sound of Music" did for hills
- Directed by Rob Reiner and largely improvised by the main players Rob Reiner, Christopher Guest, Michael McKean, and Harry Shearer.
David St. Hubbins
- [Asked what his epitaph should be]: "Here lies David St. Hubbins... and why not?"
- [After the disastrous "Stonehenge" concert]: I do not think the problem was that the band was "down". I think the problem was that there was a Stonehenge monument on stage that was in danger of being crushed...by a dwarf!
Mick Shrimpton
- I used to say "sex, drugs, and rock and roll" As long as there's sex and drugs, I can do without rock and roll.
- [Nigel plays the piano]
- Marty DiBergi: It's pretty.
- Nigel Tufnel: Yeah, I like it. I've been fooling around with it for a few months now. Very delicate.
- Marty DiBergi: It's a bit of a departure from what you normally play.
- Nigel Tufnel: Yeah, well, it's part of a trilogy, a musical trilogy that I'm doing in D... minor, which I always find is really the saddest of all keys, really, I don't know why. It makes people weep instantly to play [plays and sings]
- Nigel Tufnel: It's a horn part.
- Marty DiBergi: It's very pretty.
- Nigel Tufnel: You know, just simple lines intertwining, you know, very much like — I'm really influenced by Mozart and Bach, and it's sort of in between those, really. It's like a Mach piece, really. It's sort of...
- Marty DiBergi: What do you call this?
- Nigel Tufnel: Well, this piece is called "Lick My Love Pump."
- Marty DiBergi: Why don't you make ten a little louder, make that the top number and make that a little louder?
- Nigel Tufnel: [pauses] These go to eleven.
- Marty DiBergi: David St. Hubbins... I must admit I've never heard anybody with that name.
- David St. Hubbins: It's an unusual name. Well, he was an unusual saint. He's not a very well-known saint.
- Marty DiBergi: Oh, there actually is, uh... there was a St. Hubbins?
- David St. Hubbins: That's right, yes.
- Marty DiBergi: What was he the saint of?
- David St. Hubbins: He was the patron saint of quality footwear.
Songs and lyrics
- Big Bottom:
- My baby fits me like a flesh tuxedo. I love to sink her with my pink torpedo! Big bottom, big bottom, talk about bum-cakes... my girl's got 'em. Big bottom, drive me out of my mind. How can I leave this... behind?
- The larger the waistband, the deeper the quicksand
- Rob Reiner - Marty DiBergi
- Christopher Guest - Nigel Tufnel
- Michael McKean - David St. Hubbins
- Harry Shearer - Derek Smalls
- R.J. Parnell - Mick Shrimpton
- David Kaff - Viv Savage
- Fred Asparagus - Joe "Mama" Besser
- Ed Begley Jr. - John "Stumpy" Pepys
- Danny Kortchmar - Ronnie Pudding
- Tony Hendra - Ian Faith
- June Chadwick - Jeanine Pettibone
- Bruno Kirby - Tommy Pischedda
- Fran Drescher - Bobbi Flekman
- Patrick Macnee - Sir Denis Eton-Hogg
- Billy Crystal - Morty the Mime
- Dana Carvey - Mime Waiter
- Howard Hesseman - Terry Ladd
- Paul Shaffer - Artie Fufkin
- Anjelica Huston - Polly Deutsch
- Fred Willard - Lieutenant Hookstratten
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