Queen Latifah
Queen Latifah

Queen Latifah is a Grammy-winning American rapper/singer and Academy Award-nominated actress.
- Next time... we will laugh more, we'll love more; we just won't be so afraid.
- As Georgia Byrd in Last Holiday
- Tanya, ain't such thing as a black country-western singer.
- As Georgia Byrd in Last Holiday
- What's with the K-Mart thing, huh? Is it cuz I'm black? IS IT CUZ I'M BLACK?!?
- As Gina Norris in Beauty Shop
- You know what, you could be black, white, ghetto pass, no ghetto pass, ain't nobody using the N word (nigger) up in here, and no bitches and hoes either, except for the ones who don't leave a tip!
- As Gina Norris in Beauty Shop
- You know what, you need to shut up because you're sounding really stupid right now. You are lazy, you're wasting your life and you're wasting my time. Why don't you take your money and go buy a clue?
- As Gina Norris in Beauty Shop
- "You wait and you wait for somethin' big to happen... and then you find out you gon' die.
- As Georgia Byrd in Last Holiday
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