Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is a 2005 murder mystery thriller/comedy film set in Los Angeles that brings together a private eye, a struggling actress, and a thief masquerading as an actor.
A bad week in a tough town. taglines
- Written and directed by Shane Black.
- [voiceover] I was wetter than Drew Barrymore at a grunge club.
- It was the first time I felt how pitying someone and wanting to fuck them can get all tangled up in your head. Overwhelming sadness, meanwhile you got a Rodney. Is that sick? I think… yeah… I think that's sick.
- Harry: Still gay?
- Gay Perry: Me? No, I'm knee-deep in pussy. I just love the name so much I can't get rid of it.
- Harry: Do you think I'm stupid?
- Gay Perry: I don't think you'd know how to feed yourself, if you didn't flap your mouth so much. Yes I think you're stupid.
- Gay Perry: Look up idiot in the dictionary. You know what you'll find?
- Harry: A picture of me?
- Gay Perry: No! The definition of the word "idiot"! Which you fucking are!
- Harry: What is it out here with these women?
- Harmony: Oh please, Harry, they're no different from anywhere else.
- Harry: Yes, they are. These are damaged goods, every one of them, from way back. I'm telling you, you take a guy who sleeps with 100 women a year, go into his childhood - dollars to doughnuts, it's relatively unspectacular... Now, you take one of these... gals, who sleeps with 100 guys a year, and I bet you if you look in their childhood, there's something rotten in Denver.
- Harmony: Denmark.
- Harry: That too! But it's abandonment, it's abuse, it's, "My uncle put his ping-ping in my papa!"... and then they all come out here! I swear to God, it's like somebody took America by the East Coast, and shook it, and all the normal girls managed to hang on.
- Harmony: OK, everyone who hates Harry raise your hand!
- [All the girls in the club raise their hands.]
- Gay Perry: See that? Obedient little bitches too.
- [Off-screen girl shouts "Fuck you!" and tosses a glass at Perry which he dodges]
- [Harry catches Agent Type feeling up Harmony, who's passed out.]
- Harry: You know what? You'd better be her doctor.
- [Agent Type looks up, busted.]
- Harry: Walk away, don't think, just do it.
- Agent Type: What are you, her brother or something? It's none of your business, man. I will fuck you up.
- Harry: [coolly] No. You'll try, and that little experiment will end in tears, my friend. So, again for the cheap seats, do not think, walk the fuck away - or let's you and me go outside right now. It's past my bedtime. Make a choice.
- [Cut to Harry getting the crap kicked out of him.]
- Harmony: [about the blonde woman in the room] She's been fucked more times than she's had hot meals.
- Harry: Mmmm, I heard about that. It was neck and neck until she skipped lunch.
- Gay Perry: I want you to picture a bullet inside your head right now. Can you do that for me?
- Gunman: Fuck you. Anyway, that's ambiguous.
- Gay Perry: Ambiguous. No, no, I don't think so.
- Harry: No, I think what he means is that when you say "Picture it inside your head" okay is that that a bullet will be inside your head. Or picture it in your head.
- Gay Perry: Harry will you shut up.
- Harry: Well he's got a point.
- Gunman: Look, I don't know anything about a girl, seriously. I was bluffing.
- [Harry begins unloading his revolver]:Harry: Oh okay, you know what? I think you are bluffing right now.
- Gay Perry: Harry what are you doing?
- [sticks one bullet in the cylinder and spins it.]:Harry: Well what I am doing for the guy who likes tobluff, is I am playing a little game called "Am I bluffing?" Where is she? Where the fuck is Harmony?
- Gay Perry: Harry,
- [Harry spins the cylinder again and closes it]
- Harry: You want to play hard ball, I can do that. Where...is...the girl![The gun unexpectedly fires into the gunman's head.]
- Gay Perry: What did you just do!?
- Harry: There was only one bullet in that right?
- Gay Perry: You put a live round into that gun?
- Harry: Well I didn't know, I thought there was like an...eight percent chance.
- Gay Perry: Eight? Who taught you math?
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