Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (キングダムハーツ チェインオブメモリーズ, Kingudamu Hātsu Chein obu Memorīzu) is the second installment in the Kingdom Hearts series of Game Boy Advance video games. It bridges the gap between Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II. The game was released in the United States on December 7, 2004 and in Europe on May 6, 2005. A remake of the game, Kingdom Hearts RE:Chain of Memories, is released in the United States in the fall of 2008.
Axel: How can we help you, Vexen? It's not very often we see you topside.
Vexen: I came to lend a hand. You obviously believe this Sora has much potential but I remain convinced he is truely worth such coddling. I think an experiment would show if he really of any value to us.
Larxene: Hmph. Well, here we go again. It's just an excuse so you can carry out your little experiments. That's all.
Vexen: I'm a researcher. Experiments are what I do, yes.
Axel: Whatever. You can do what you want. But you know, I think testing Sora is just for testing your valet.
Vexen': Valet? He's the product of pure research.
Larxene: What he actually is is a toy.
Vexen: Hmph. You should just learn to be quiet.
Axel: Anyway...Since you came all this way, you're gonna need this. A humble gift to my elder. I hope you use it to put on a very good show for us.(throwing a card to Vexen)
Vexen: I dare say I won't.
Riku Replica:Well, well. You've changed. Last time we met you were afraid of the darkness, but not anymore.
Riku: How can you tell?
Riku Replica: Because I'm you.
Riku: No, I'M me.
(Riku Replica pauses)
Riku Replica: "I'm me," he says. It must be nice, being real. A fake like me could never get away with saying that. That's right, I'm a phony! The way I look, the way I feel, everything! I thought by finding some new strength I could be someone, someone who's not you! But nothing changes... I'm still just empty! Everything about me is borrowed. As long as you're around, I'll never be anything better than a shadow!
Riku: I'm...Fading...? Fading away..Into the light...
Naminé: (As Kairi) You won’t fade. You can't fade. There’s no power that can defeat you. Not the light, not the dark. So don’t run from the light, and don’t fear the darkness. Because both will make you stronger.
Riku: Make me stronger? Darkness, too?
Naminé: Yeah.Strength that’s yours. The darkness inside your heart—it’s vast and it’s deep...But if you can truly stare into it and never try to look away...You won’t be afraid of anything again.
Riku: All this time I’ve tried to push the darkness away...
Naminé: You’ve gotta just remember to be brave. Know that the darkness is there and don’t give in. If you do that, you will gain strength—the kind that’s unlike any other. You’ll be able to escape the deepest darkness-
Riku: “—And I’ll be able to see through the brightest light...
Naminé:Follow the darkness. It’ll show you the way to your friends.
Riku: Can I face them?
Naminé: You don't want to?
Riku: You know I do. Of course.
Naminé:(smiles, disappearing)
Riku: And I will! With my strength! My dark strength!
Riku Hey, Voice. DiZ. Who are you?
DiZ: Nobody...or anybody. It all depends on whether you choose to believe in me or not.
Riku: Boy, you really like pushing decisions on other people.
DiZ: And you pushed away slumber and chose to face Ansem.
Riku: What, wrong answer?
DiZ: It was your answer. I'm just here to watch.
Riku: "Watch," as in support me, or "watch me get toasted"?
DiZ: You choose. Then you need only believe in your choice.
(Riku and Mickey walk towards DiZ, who stands at the middle of an intersection)
Riku: What are you making me choose now?
DiZ: Will you take the road to light — or the road to darkness?
Riku: Neither. I'm taking the middle road.
(Riku walks past DiZ)
DiZ: You mean the twilit road to nightfall?
(Riku turns around)
Riku: No...The road to dawn.
- How can I be anyone besides me?
- So if we keep going, we'll lose more...Guess it really is Castle Oblivion.
- Memories — even important ones — don't come back to us whenever we want them to. But that doesn't mean the memories are gone.
- The way I felt was no lie.
- Even if you take apart the chain of memories in my heart, the links will stay there. This memory will always be inside me somewhere.
- I know. Forgotten, but not lost.
- Remembering one thing leads to remembering another, and then another...Your memories are connected, like links in a chain. Those same chains are what anchor us all together. I don't destroy memories. I just take apart the links and rearrange them. You still have all your memories.
- Who needs false memories, right? Especially when you have real memories of people who are really important to you. (looks sad) Anyone would say the same.
- Follow the darkness, Riku. It'll show you the way to the friends you miss.
- Something smells...funny... What's this scent? It's so familiar...Darkness. It's the smells of darkness. I can't believe this is happening. The darkness even seeps into my skin...
- When this slacker wakes up, I'm gonna tell him off good. I told him to take care of Kairi, and here he is taking a nap! But I can't chew him out if I've been sleeping, too. Keep your lock. I'd rather just finish Ansem off once and for all.
- "Watch" as in support me or "watch me get toasted"?
- Hey, FAKE. I thought you were gonna wipe the floor with me.
- (to Vexen) "Darkness is my enemy... and so are you for reeking of that awful smell!"
- Fight
- Come on!
- Your majesty! (Summon Mickey)
- Time's up! (Inverse Burst)
- This one's mine (Barrage)
- Take this! (Maelstrom/Dark Maelstrom)
Riku Replica
- Surprised? I guess you would be. After all, I look just like you. I'll tell you what I am. I'm an extact replica of you that Vexen made from your data.
- Not a "fake"! I don't care if you're "real"! You're not better! We share the same body and the same talents. But there is one easy way to tell us apart, though! Unlike you...I fear nothing.
- No worries. The real Riku was nothing, Sora won't be either. They're no match for me.
- Looks like I win.
- What can you possibily think I ever have? Both my body and heart are fake. But...there is one memory I'll keep...even if it is a lie! Whetever it was a phantom promise or not..I will protect Naminé.
- It's sooo good to have Darkness on my side.
- Hold it, Real Thing.
- I'm you...(after Riku replies "No! I'M me!") "I'm me," he says, it must be nice being real, a fake like me could never get away with saying that.
- So...this is the end. Figures. But I'm not afraid. Good riddance to an artificial life. I never had a real heart. Even what I'm feeling now is probably fake.
- What happens when someone whose not real dies? Where will my heart go? That is, if it doesn't disappear completely...
- Hmm, how original. (Just before he vanishes as he lost for the final time)
- Fight
- How can I lose to you? (Defeat 1, Riku)
- Me, lose? (Defeat 1, Sora)
- You gotta be kidding?! (Defeat 2, Sora)
- You're the fake (Defeat 3, Sora)
- This isn't the end (Defeat 4, Sora)
- You're...the Real Thing... (Death)
- To reach the outside world, you passed through the door to darkness. Behind you, you left family, friends, home — everything — all in pursuit of darkness.
- You are special. You exist between light and dark. You stand in the twilight.
- Along the road ahead lies something you need. However — in order to claim it, you must lose something that is dear to you.
- In this place, to find is to lose and to lose is to find. That is the way in Castle Oblivion.
- It is a promise for the reunion you seek. Hold the card to open the door. And beyond it, a new world. Proceed, Sora. To lose and claim anew, or to claim anew only to lose...
- to Vexen
- I've been enrusted this castle and Naminé by our Leader. Defying me will be seen as treason against the Organization.
- Vexen, you cannot win against Sora.
- None of us wish to be suspicious of a comrade.
- Imbeclies... You would knowingly shackle your heart with a chain of memories born of lies? You would be the one who has a heart yet cast aside your heart's freedom? You turn from the truth because your heart is weak---You will never defeat me!
- Soon the emptiness will shatter your heart--here in this world of nothingness! As lightless oblivium devours you--Drown in the over-whelming darkness
- Fight 1
- Your heart shall be judged! (Deathsycthe)
- Perpare... (Readying Blossom Shower)
- You will be scattered (Blossom Shower)
- So you are a hero? (Defeat 1)
- Blade! (Fight 2)
- Your heart will be scattered! (Fight 2)
- Sink into the darkness! (Fight 2)
- You will now true fear! (Fight 2)
- Do you want to scream? (Fight 2)
- Lose Everything/Sulk in Despair/Scatter into Oblivion (Whirlwind to the Wind)
- Quake (Circle Reject)
- Behold (Doom/Omni Laser)
- This...This is the Heart of a Hero. (Killed)
- My show now, Keyblade master. Who am I? Oh, my name's Axel. Got it memorized?
- You have lose sight of the light within the darkness. And it seems that forgotten that you forget.
- Just what I'd expect from the Keyblade master. But be forewarned... When your sleeping memories awaken, you may no longer be who you are now.
- But unlocking its secrets is the whole reason we, the Organization, exist.
- We are just Nobodies who have no one to be, yet we still "are." But now you can be nothing instead of just being Nobody. You're off the hook.
- Now THIS should be interesting. Try and make it enjoyable, Sora. It's the least you can do for me, you know. Hm hmm... Ha ha haaa! Hey, wait. I'm enjoying this. You guys ARE something else!
- Hm hmm... Ha ha haaa! Now THIS should be good. All the actors are in place. Now, Sora! Naminé! Riku! Marluxia! Larxene! It's about time you gave me one hell of a show!
- Remember the order, "You must eliminate the traitor." I always follow orders, Marluxia.
- Fight:
- Burn! (Fire wall)
- Burn, Baby! (Firetooth)
- Is this is it? (Defeat 2)
- I am Vexen. I've come to collect your debt, Sora.
- I'm a researcher. Experimentation is what I do.
- Sora is not such an interesting existence. The enity that holds true value--is Riku, the hero of darkness.
- To Marluxia
- Disappoint YOU? You go too far! In this Organization, you're No. 11. I am No. 4, and I will not have you--
- To Sora
- As I expected, you weren't one to die very easily.
- The memory's wiles are cruel. In its silence, we forget. And in its perversion, it binds our hearts firmly.
- If you remain bound by the chains of memories and refuse to believe what is truely found inside your heart...then throw it away. You're no Keyblade master--just a slave to twisted memories. Yes...Exactly like my Riku. Your existence is worth nothing!
- Fight
- Taste this!
- You're just a experiment!
- I have enough of this!
- You're too much trouble
- No Good (Block)
- I shall freeze you! (Freeze)
- You're pushing it!/ You imbecile (Ice Needles)
- Come to me, Ice Blade! (Readies Slide Break)
- Here you go! Away you go!/Shatter! (Slide Break)
- How do you like this?/Now, feel the fury of the chill! (Diamond Dust)
- Gloat while you still can. (Defeat 1, Riku)
- Too clever. I'm Larxene. So...are you enjoying your stay at the castle? I bet it's nice to peel all the worthless memories away...and awaken the true memories...that lie deep in your heart.
- Talking about Sora
- Hmph. You're not as bad as I thought. You really are a hero. A heartless hero.
- Oh, does it hurt because it the truth? You are just a baby. And if you are going to be a baby, here you go. (throwing Sora a world card) I created another card from your memories, you know. Be a good boy and say "thanks". Ta-ta!
- All right, have it your way, then. It'll kill you to hear this, but I think I can live with that. That thing lying there is just a puppet that Vexen made as an experiment. No more but a toy. It's laughable, really. It called you a fake, but IT was the fabrication all along.
- Oh you do get it! Lies! lies! All lies! Just Naminé's illusions, nothing more. Binding you in the chains of your own memory was central to our trap. It makes me tingle to think how easily you were duped. So close to it---we were almost there. This was our only chance to turn the Keyblade master into out puppet, but--that jerk Axel used Naminé to betray us! So now, I'm left with no choice but to eliminate you!
- Broke his heart, I'd say more like she smashed it, really.
- Huh? It's a little late for the witch to grow a conscience. Last I checked---YOU'RE the one who fooled around with his memories creating this mess.
- I should tell you that I am in an EXTREMELY foul mood. Thanks to you, all our plans are ruined!
- Hmph. You're such an idiot! There is no promise, there never was! YOU'RE JUST DELUSIONAL. Must you insist on playing the hero? Whatever, If that's the way you want it...You're going down alone!
- Okay...Have it your way. More pain for you means more fun for me!
- Fight
- Vanish!
- No escape!
- You have no heart
- Lightning !(Mega Volt)
- I'm gonna break you! (Teleport Rush)
- You're just a toy (Defeated)
- This can't be happening (Killed)
- People who lose their hearts also lose their minds, their feelings...They're consumed by the darkness.
- I'm not going to BREAK the toy Axel, just play with it.
- It's such a shame, The Organization used to be the rope that bounds us together. And now it's full of kinks.
- Sora's fate is to battle the darkness. He must oppose anyone who hosts the dark — in other words, it's you. If you don't believe the words I say...(throws Riku the Destiny Islands world card) then you have better see the truth with your own eyes.
- You destroyed your home!
- Ngahh...Hypocrite!
- after Riku accepts his darkness and attacks Zexion
- Fight
- Go!
- I feel so bad for you.
- Why, Thank You
- Looks like I have enough.
- What is this?
- Your end is here (Dark Punisher)
- See my illusion! (Catastrophe)
- I, Lexaeus, will not yield to a frail-heart--of an infantile coward! Now, stop resisting--and let the darkness in!
- Forgive me, Zexion. This was a fight I should have no started. (dies)
- Fight
- Not bad
- Try your best! (Powers up Orange aura)
- Can't Run/Just give up! (Bommerang)
- I'll show you power.
- I'll crush you/I'll break you!
- Rockshatter
- Darkness give me power! See how weak you are!
- Nothing! (Guard)
- Return to the Earth (Impact Quake)
- I misjudged you (Defeat)
- I don't know whether to say "nice to meet you" or "good to see you again." It feels like a little of both. I don't think I know you, but I still feel like you belong here.
- In the journey to come, you'll be faced with more illusions. Sometimes the shadows of your memory will deceive you, try to lead you astray.
- The more you think of me, the closer my return draws. And when I have awoken, I will take hold...Your heart will be mine!
- Fight
- Come, Guardian!
- Open your heart
- Why do you refuse the darkness?! (defeat)
Jiminy's Journal
- And Sora - he wants to keep the promise he remembers. Naminé may not be his friend, but in his heart, protecting her is the only choice.
- Sora's Tale IV
- But we've made a promise. No distance can separate us and we'll be friends even if we can't remember it to be so.
- Castle Oblivion
- Sora knows that promises don't fade as easily as memories.
- Castle Oblivion
- Hard to read... half the time he seems to be messing around, but for all we know he's done more thinking than everyone else put together.
- Axel
- Cheshire Cat: If you can't remember something, it's like it never happened. Likewise, if something never happened, you can't remember it. Try too hard to remember, and your memory might lie to you.
- Jack: Fear and insecurity are signs of a strong heart. Without that strength, your zest for life would fade...as would your taste for fear. And believe me, that would really ruin my fun.
- Gepetto: There's nothing better than being reunited with someone you care about.
- Beast: The memories of our days together are my most precious. I won't cast them aside. So I'm sorry, but I can't leave you here... even if you hate me for it. Consider it my final selfish act.
- Winnie The Pooh: Even if you forget Pooh, I won't forget you!
- Goofy: It's easier to face the scary stuff when you've got a promise to keep!
- King Mickey: Your darkness belongs to you. Just like your light. Until now, I thought darkness was nothing but bad. But my time with you made me change my mind. You've chosen a road I never thought of. Light and dark, back to back. With you, they mingle in a way no one's ever seen before. I want to see where that road leads. And if it's okay, I want to walk the road with you.
- Goofy: Castle Oblibbity?
Axel: How can we help you, Vexen? It's not very often we see you topside.
Vexen: I came to lend a hand. You obviously believe this Sora has much potential but I remain convinced he is truely worth such coddling. I think an experiment would show if he really of any value to us.
Larxene: Hmph. Well, here we go again. It's just an excuse so you can carry out your little experiments. That's all.
Vexen: I'm a researcher. Experiments are what I do, yes.
Axel: Whatever. You can do what you want. But you know, I think testing Sora is just for testing your valet.
Vexen': Valet? He's the product of pure research.
Larxene: What he actually is is a toy.
Vexen: Hmph. You should just learn to be quiet.
Axel: Anyway...Since you came all this way, you're gonna need this. A humble gift to my elder. I hope you use it to put on a very good show for us.(throwing a card to Vexen)
Vexen: I dare say I won't.
Riku Replica:Well, well. You've changed. Last time we met you were afraid of the darkness, but not anymore.
Riku: How can you tell?
Riku Replica: Because I'm you.
Riku: No, I'M me.
(Riku Replica pauses)
Riku Replica: "I'm me," he says. It must be nice, being real. A fake like me could never get away with saying that. That's right, I'm a phony! The way I look, the way I feel, everything! I thought by finding some new strength I could be someone, someone who's not you! But nothing changes... I'm still just empty! Everything about me is borrowed. As long as you're around, I'll never be anything better than a shadow!
Riku: I'm...Fading...? Fading away..Into the light...
Naminé: (As Kairi) You won’t fade. You can't fade. There’s no power that can defeat you. Not the light, not the dark. So don’t run from the light, and don’t fear the darkness. Because both will make you stronger.
Riku: Make me stronger? Darkness, too?
Naminé: Yeah.Strength that’s yours. The darkness inside your heart—it’s vast and it’s deep...But if you can truly stare into it and never try to look away...You won’t be afraid of anything again.
Riku: All this time I’ve tried to push the darkness away...
Naminé: You’ve gotta just remember to be brave. Know that the darkness is there and don’t give in. If you do that, you will gain strength—the kind that’s unlike any other. You’ll be able to escape the deepest darkness-
Riku: “—And I’ll be able to see through the brightest light...
Naminé:Follow the darkness. It’ll show you the way to your friends.
Riku: Can I face them?
Naminé: You don't want to?
Riku: You know I do. Of course.
Naminé:(smiles, disappearing)
Riku: And I will! With my strength! My dark strength!
Riku Hey, Voice. DiZ. Who are you?
DiZ: Nobody...or anybody. It all depends on whether you choose to believe in me or not.
Riku: Boy, you really like pushing decisions on other people.
DiZ: And you pushed away slumber and chose to face Ansem.
Riku: What, wrong answer?
DiZ: It was your answer. I'm just here to watch.
Riku: "Watch," as in support me, or "watch me get toasted"?
DiZ: You choose. Then you need only believe in your choice.
(Riku and Mickey walk towards DiZ, who stands at the middle of an intersection)
Riku: What are you making me choose now?
DiZ: Will you take the road to light — or the road to darkness?
Riku: Neither. I'm taking the middle road.
(Riku walks past DiZ)
DiZ: You mean the twilit road to nightfall?
(Riku turns around)
Riku: No...The road to dawn.
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