John Heywood
John Heywood

John Heywood was an English writer known for his plays, poems, and collection of proverbs. He fled England for the Low Countries to avoid persecution as a Catholic. Many of his proverbs had appeared in writing already, and it is unlikely that he invented any of them.
- The loss of wealth is loss of dirt,
As sages in all times assert;
The happy man's without a shirt.- Be Merry Friends
- Let the world slide, let the world go;
A fig for care, and a fig for woe!
If I can't pay, why I can owe,
And death makes equal the high and low.- Be Merry Friends
Proverbs (1546)
- Haste maketh waste.
- Pt. I, ch. 2
- Good to be merry and wise.
- Pt. I, ch. 2
- Look ere ye leap.
- Pt. I, ch. 2
- He that will not when he may,
When he would he shall have nay.- Pt. I, ch. 3
- The fat is in the fire.
- Pt. I, ch. 3
- When the sun shineth, make hay.
- Pt. I, ch. 3
- The tide tarrieth no man.
- Pt. I, ch. 3
- Fast bind, fast find.
- Pt. I, ch. 3
- And while I at length debate and beat the bush,
There shall step in other men and catch the birds.- Pt. I, ch. 3
- Wedding is destiny,
And hanging likewise.- Pt. I, ch. 3
- A hard beginning maketh a good ending.
- Pt. I, ch. 4
- Like will to like.
- Pt. I, ch. 4
- When the sky falleth we shall have larks.
- Pt. I, ch. 4
- Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
- Pt. I, ch. 4
- Hold their noses to grindstone.
- Pt. I, ch. 5
- The nearer to the church, the further from God.
- Pt. I, ch. 9
- Better is to bow than break.
- Pt. I, ch. 9
- It hurteth not the tongue to give fair words.
- Pt. I, ch. 9
- Two heads are better than one.
- Pt. I, ch. 9
- To tell tales out of school.
- Pt. I, ch. 10
- To hold with the hare and run with the hound.
- Pt. I, ch. 10
- All is well that ends well.
- Pt. I, ch. 10
- Of a good beginning cometh a good end.
- Pt. I, ch. 10
- Better late than never.
- Pt. I, ch. 10
- Recorded by Livy "Potius sero quam numquam." book IV, sec. 23
- Pt. I, ch. 10
- Ill weed groweth fast.
- Pt. I, ch. 10
- Beggars should be no choosers.
- Pt. I, ch. 10
- To rob Peter and pay Paul.
- Pt. II, ch. 1
- A man may well bring a horse to water,
But he cannot make him drink without he will.- Pt. II, ch. 1
- Rome was not built in one day.
- Pt. II, ch. 1
- Children learn to creep ere they can learn to go.
- Pt. II, ch. 1
- Better is half a loaf than no bread.
- Pt. II, ch. 1
- Nought venture nought have.
- Pt. II, ch. 1
- Children and fools cannot lie.
- Pt. II, ch. 1
- Who is worse shod than the shoemaker's wife?
- Pt. II, ch. 1
- One good turn asketh another.
- Pt. II, ch. 1
- A hair of the dog that bit us.
- Pt. II, ch. 1
- But in deed,
A friend is never known till a man have need.- Pt. II, ch. 1
- A woman hath nine lives like a cat.
- Pt. II, ch. 4
- A penny for your thought.
- Pt. II, ch. 4
- You cannot see the wood for the trees.
- Pt. II, ch. 4
- Tit for tat.
- Pt. II, ch. 4
- Three may keep counsel, if two be away.
- Pt. II, ch. 5
- Many hands make light work.
- Pt. II, ch. 5
- There is no fire without some smoke.
- Pt. II, ch. 5
- Set the cart before the horse.
- Pt. II, ch. 7
- The more the merrier.
- Pt. II, ch. 7
- It is better to be
An old man's darling than a young man's warling.- Pt. II, ch. 7
- The moon is made of greene cheese.
- Pt. II, ch. 7
- I know on which side my bread is buttered.
- Pt. II, ch. 7
- Love me, love my dog.
- Pt. II, ch. 9
- Recorded in the 11th century by Bernard of Clairvaux in one of his sermons as a common proverb.
- Pt. II, ch. 9
- An ill wind that bloweth no man to good.
- Pt. II, ch. 9
- For when I gave you an inch, you took an ell.
- Pt. II, ch. 9
- Would ye both eat your cake and have your cake?
- Pt. II, ch. 9
- Every man for himself and God for us all.
- Pt. II, ch. 9
- Though he love not to buy the pig in the poke.
- Pt. II, ch. 9
- This hitteth the nail on the head.
- Pt. II, ch. 11
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