Ice Age: The Meltdown
Ice Age: The Meltdown

Ice Age: The Meltdown is a 2006 film sequel to the 2002 computer-animated film Ice Age.
- Directed by Carlos Saldanha. Written by Gerry Swallow and Peter Gaulke.
Manfred the Woolly Mammoth
- Please tell me that's not our idiot.
- [Sid is about to jump off the Eviscerator to gain respect] You jump off this and the only respect you'll be getting is respect for the dead!
- All right. Thanks to Sid, we're now traveling together. And, like it or not, we're gonna be one big happy family. I'll be the daddy, Ellie will be the mommy, and Diego will be the uncle who eats the kids that get on my nerves. Now let's move it before the ground falls out from under our feet!
Sid the Megatherium
- We're gonna live! [Water rapidly rises around them] We're gonna die!
- [Cholly the Chalicotherium farts on him] Phew! Well, don't that put the "stink" in "extinction"?
- [singing] Stop, hey, what's that sound, all the mammoths are in the ground! (Parody of Buffalo Springfield's "For What It's Worth")
- [singing] If your species will continue, clap your hands.
- Hey, can you guys slow down a little? I'm dying here! [Vultures stare at him] It was just a figure of speech!
- [after an elaborate dance sequence with the mini-sloths which ends in him getting tied up] This is either really good or really bad.
- Yep, tomorrow's the day the scary vulture said we're all gonna die. [Immediately starts snoring]
- [After dodo bird gets fried by geyser] I just did something involuntary.... and messy.
- [After Manny suggests that Ellie's "tree" doesn't go "all the way to the top branch"] Manny, brink of extinction is a bad time to be picky.
Diego the Smilodon
- [After he and Sid are humiliated by Crash and Eddie] If anyone asks, there were fifty of them. And they were... rattlesnakes.
- Then the hungry tiger eats the pesty little kids [roars].
Scrat the Saber-Toothed Squirrel
- [repeated line] [he falls down after losing his acorn] Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!
- [Mother condor towers over Scrat] Peep.
Fast Tony the Armadillo
- It's the end of the world!
- You, ma'am. You look like a fat, hairy beast! How would like to lose a ton or two?
Crash and Eddie Opossum Brothers
- [As Diego is about to bite Crash's head] You know the best part? We're carrying diseases!
- Vulture: Parents, please do not leave your children unattended. All unattended children will be eaten.
- [Manny goes over to Crash, who is standing on a small tree]
- Manny: So what do you want me to do?
- Crash: Just pull the tree back and shoot me into the pond.
- Manny: [Looking from tree to the pond] I don't know...
- Crash: If you're too lame to do it, we can get Ellie.
- Manny: No, no. I can do it. I can do it.
- [Manny pulls tree back with his trunk]
- Crash: Farther... farther...farther...
- Manny: Have you done this before?
- Crash: Only a million times. Farther... farther... Perfect. Now... FIRE!
- [Manny let's go of tree. Crash goes soaring through the air]
- Crash: I can flyyyyy! [begins singing] I believe I can fly...
- [Crash rams headfirst into an oak tree, falls to the ground, unconcious]
- [Diego is seen panting, running from the water, holding onto Manny.]
- Manny: Uh, Diego? Retract the claws please.
- Diego: Oh... Right... Sorry.
- Sid: You know, if I didn't know you better, Diego, I'd think you were afraid of the water.
- [Diego grabs him by the throat]
- Sid: Okay, okay, good thing I know you better.
- [Sid realizes Manny has found another mammoth]
- Ellie: Wait a minute, I thought Mammoths were extinct.[pause] What are you looking at me for?
- Manny: I dunno, maybe because you're a Mammoth?
- Ellie: Me? Don't be ridiculous. I'm not a Mammoth, I'm a Possum!
- Manny: Right, good one. I'm a Newt. [pointing to Diego] This is my friend the Badger. [points to Sid]] And my other friend the Platypus
- Sid: Why've I gotta be the Platypus? Make him the Platypus. [pointing to Diego]
- Manny: [referring to Ellie and her bizarre antics] So, you think she's the girl for me?
- Sid: Oh, yeah. She's tons of fun, and you're no fun at all. She... completes you.
- Ellie: What about me is attractive?
- Manny: Well, uh. Your.. butt.
- Ellie: What about it?
- Manny: It's... big.
- [pause]
- Ellie: Oh, you're just saying that.
- Manny: No really! It's huge! Biggest darn butt I've ever seen.
- Ellie: Oh, that is really sweet!
- Sid: Maybe we could rapidly evolve into water creatures.
- Diego: That's genius, Sid.
- Sid: Call me Squid.
- Dung Beetle Dad: [rolling a ball of dung] Do we have to bring this crap? I'm sure there's crap where we're going!
- Dung Beetle Mom: Uh! That was a gift from my mother!
- Sid: Manny, who do you like better, me or Diego?
- Manny: Diego. It's not even close.
- Diego: [smug] Heh, told ya.
- Ellie: Manny! You can't choose between your kids!
- Manny: He's not my kid. He's not even my dog. If I had a dog, and my dog had a kid, and that dog's kid had a pet, that would be Sid.
- Sid: Can I have a dog, Manny?
- Manny: No.
- Sid: Ellie, can I have a dog?
- Ellie: Of course you can, sweetie.
- Manny: Ellie, we have to be consistent with them.
- Sid: Look! I opened my camp-Campo de Sid. That means 'Camp of Sid'.
- Diego: Congratulations. Now you're an idiot in two languages.
- Sid: [tied up] This is either really good or really bad. [Sid looks down to see lava pit underneath him] No, no, no. Me fire-king. Why kill fire-king? A thousand years bad juju for killing fire-king!
- Chief Sloth: Superheated rock from the earth's core is surging into the crust, melting ice built up over thousands of years.
- Sid: You're a very advanced race. Together we can look for a solution!
- Chief Sloth: We have one. Sacrifice the fire-king.
- Sid: That's not very advanced.
- Chief Sloth: Worth a shot.
- Macrauchenia: Look, some idiot's going down the Eviscerator!
- Manny: [to Diego] Please tell me it's not our idiot.
- Sid: [on top of glacier] I'm gonna jump on the count of three! One... Two...
- Manny: Sid! Don't move a muscle. We're coming up!
- Crowd of animals: Jump! Jump! Jump!
- Diego: Jump! Jump! Jump!
- [Manny glares at Diego]
- Diego: Sorry.
- [Ellie storms into campsite]
- Ellie: Okay, let's go. We traveled with you all day, now you're coming with us at night.
- Manny: But we can't see at night.
- Ellie: Then enjoy the flood.
- Eddie: I can't even look at him!
- Crash: Pervert!
- [Crash makes the 'I'm watching you gesture'.]
- Ray Romano - Manny the Wooly Mammoth
- John Leguizamo - Sid the Sloth
- Denis Leary - Diego the Smilodon
- Queen Latifah - Ellie the Wooly Mammoth
- Sean William Scott - Crash the Opossum
- Josh Peck - Eddie the Opossum
- Chris Wedge - Scrat the Saber-toothed squirrel
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