Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy IX

Final Fantasy IX is a role-playing game developed by Square Co., Ltd. in 2000.
- The Crystal Comes Back (tagline)
Zidane Tribal
- You don't need a reason to help people.
- No cloud, nor squall shall hinder us! (an in-joke reference to the heroes of two previous Final Fantasy games, Cloud Strife and Squall Leonhart)
- T'is foolishness! If all were so easy, why, none would suffer in this world! (The scene in "I Want To Be Your Canary" Right Before Zidane engages Blank in the 'Vamo Alla Flemenco' battle)
- Come on, Princess. Let's ditch Sir Rustalot and get outta here!
- Ooo, soft...
- after "accidentally" touching Garnet's butt.
- You make it sound so easy...
- After Seeing Freya jump ten feet into the air, entering the palace of Burmecia
- Piece of cake. I'm an escape artist.
- Sometimes, you can't think everything out. You have to listen to your heart.
- This is my home. This is the place I call home. The man is still looking for his birthplace. But he already has a home.
- speaking of his past
- I'm such a stud!
- In the end, it boils down to two simple choices. Either you do or you don't. You'd think with all the problems in this world, there'd be more answers. It's not fair... but the way things are. The choice is yours.
- Doesn't it feel nice to let yourself go under the stars?
- urinating outside
- Oh, I get real clingy when I'm sad!
- Sometimes you're so annoying
- When Quina jumps into the sand whirlpool where the Antilon lives
- The sly eagle doesn't kill at whim.
- I want to shine
- I had a whole speech ready for her. But it would've been a lie! How could I lie to her!? 'Good luck, Dagger! I'll be watching you from afar.' 'Come find me if you need someone to talk to.' It's a big fat lie! That's not how I feel at all! That's not how I feel... at all.
- Possibly a reference to the poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot. A passage in the poem reads: "That is not what I meant at all. That is not it, at all." Both quotes deal with inner feelings for a woman.
- Bring my beloved Dagger to me!
- The abduction is over. I can't take you any further....I'm sorry for being so selfish.
- Why did you come with me? Only because i wanted to go with you
- I can't start my day without Dagger! Her smile! Her voice! Her voice is like a beautiful song... And her song makes me soar high into the sky!
Vivi Orunitia
- How do you prove that we exist? Maybe we don't exist...
- I have to find out who I am... I'm scared... What if I'm not even human...?
- I won't let you make any more instruments of murder!
- Oh, nothing... My face is always like this.
- When asked, "Why the long face?" by Eiko
- I always talked about you, Zidane. How you were a very special person to us, because you taught us all how important life is. You taught me that life doesn't last forever. That's why we have to help each other and live life to the fullest. Even if you say goodbye, you'll always be in our hearts. So, I know we're not alone anymore. Why I was born... How I wanted to live... Thanks for giving me time to think. To keep doing what you set your heart on... It's a very hard thing to do. We were all so courageous... What to do when I felt lonely... That was the only thing you couldn't teach me. But we need to figure out the answer for ourselves... I'm so happy I met everyone... I wish we could've gone on more adventures. But I guess we all have to say goodbye someday. Everyone... Thank you. Farewell. My memories will be part of the sky...
Adelbert Steiner
- Having sworn fealty, must I spend my life in servitude?
- OG...!!! OGLOP!!!
- Bah! Only a flesh wound!
- an obvious reference to the film, Monty Python and the Holy Grail
- I shall petition for a life sentence on his behalf. Yes, that would be the honorable thing!
- devotedly to himself after Zidane disregards his commands
- I shall not play a part in this debacle!
Garnet Til Alexandros 17th
- Someday I will be queen, but I will always be myself.
- I have a favor I wish to ask of you... I wish to be kidnapped right away.
- I don't know what the future holds... But I want to finish what I came here for.
- Mother... I shall become a great queen!
- Mother... Zidane... No... I can't depend on them anymore! As the queen of Alexandria, I must protect my kingdom.
- Promise me one thing... Please come back.
- to Zidane, before boarding the airship and leaving him behind
- If it weren't for you, I probably would've let a meaningless life. With you, I was able to see so much of the world and meet so many people.
- at the ending dialogue between Dagger and Zidane
- A-alrighty?
- My skills may be up to snuff but that name isnt.
- After Zidane's suggestion of their new gang name. "The Betrothed"
- We faced many hardships, to... but... I think I finally know what's important
- Get off me, you scumbag!
- A line she picked up from Zidane as advice to Vivi. Ironically yelled before she was grabbed by Zorn and Thorn.
Amarant Coral
- The only dependable thing about the future is uncertainty.
- I'm not here to help. I just want it to be fair.
- I'd rather die as a warrior than live as a beggar.
- My money's on Kuja.
- Referring to the battle between Queen Brahne and Kuja
- You still owe me a rematch.
- Man, I hate kids...
- You're a real simpleton. Forget it, guys. There's no stopping this fool
- Referring to Zidane heading back to the Iifa Tree to rescue Kuja
- Damn hypocrite. Always talking about friendship, when you're nothing but a selfish loner.
- Whatever. Like you have a plan.
Freya Crescent
- To be forgotten is worse than death.
- The time has come to serve my kingdom as a Burmecian Dragon Knight once again!
- Beware, the answer you seek may forever change your life for the worse.
- Fratley... You never came back... You've left me with nothing except rumors of your death. I couldn't believe it! I still won't believe it! Never. Not until I witness proof of your death with my own eyes. And I will travel across the world forever if I must...
- I failed Burmecia... but I won't fail Cleyra, no matter what.
- The sky looks ominous. Something is about to happen. Sir Fratley, where are you...? I need you...
- Hey, monkey-tail, you're disturbing the other customers.
- Long time, Zidane.
- Rat-face... After I finish my drink, I'm gonna kick your butt.
- It's too late. He's gone... It's a miracle he even made it this far. I can't believe this is happening...
- I'm impressed. There's more to her then meets the eye. (About Garnet)
Quina Quen
- I do what I want! You have problem!?
- Is stone edible? Or is for barbeque?
- Are there yummy-yummies here?
- I go find yummy-yummies!
- After Zidane, Vivi, and Freya leave Cleyra on floating orbs.
- Why you care about small things? World very simple place. World only have two things: Things you can eat and things you no can eat.
- Good food not only delicious! Good food made with heart! This very important when cooking for friends!
- You stand here say nothing, then you just like other dummy-dummies! No can tell difference!
- There no munchies here, sand taste good though.
- Frog. Is...talking? Should I eat..? Maybe I eat.
- This rock edible, maybe I taste it.....is salty
- Zidane! This flower taste good!
- I...so happy.
- During his/her 'wedding' to Vivi.
- Fish gone...I sad.
- Leftovers good! (at the earth shrine)
Eiko Carol
- I don't wanna be alone anymore...
- Mog... I'm gonna haunt you if I die here!
- when she gets her shirt stuck on a tree branch and Mog flies away
- Listen to me. You should never lie to yourself.
- That's no way to treat a lady!
- Said several times throughout the game when she feels she's being mistreated.
- I'm not gonna cry! I'm a grown-up now, and crying won't help one bit!
- When the night sky wears the moon as its pendant, I shall await you at the dock.
- her love letter to Zidane
- Oh! It's the nerdy guy!
- to Doctor Tot
- I find this rain quite pleasant. It is as if the raindrops are blessing our victory.
- Never would I have imagined running into you in a place like this. It must be fate. But you cannot rest your wings yet... Fly home to your mother, my little canary. I, too, will welcome you home with open arms.
- The weak lose their freedom to the strong. Such is the way of the strong. And it is the providence of nature that only the strong survive. That is why I needed strength.
- First, you don't want to listen, now you start asking questions? Oh, brother...
- Spare me the lecture. Lives come and go all the time. What's the big deal?
- Mwahaha... So the curtain rises! Perfect, my canary. Let me show you the truth about your mother! First Act: The End of the Ugly Desire. It's showtime!
- The final act will take us away from Gaia, and I will kill my nemesis... with my own hand! Hahaha! Everything is according to plan.
- Peace is but a shadow of death, desperate to forget its painful past... Though we hope for promising years. After shedding a thousand tears, yesterday's sorrow constantly nears. And while the moon still shines blue, by dawn, it will turn to scarlet hue.
- Just you wait, Garland! And you too, Zidane! I'll exact sweet revenge upon you both for insulting me! I'll make the people of both Gaia and Terra know who rules over all of them!
- What comedy! Zidane, isn't it hilarious!? I'll die just like the black mages I so despise! I single-handedly brought chaos unto Gaia, but in the end, I'm nothing but a worthless doll! ... I won't let it happen. I won't... I won't let this world exist without me!
- Why should the world exist without me? That wouldn't be fair. If I die, we all die!
- After you guys beat me, I had nothing left...nothing more to lose. Then, I finally realized what it means to live... I guess I was too late.
- The Canary I have been after, she flew into my cage of her own free will.
- My sweet angel, come to me. I will take you to a world of dreams.
- I once killed a hundred knights single-handedly... To me, you two are nothing more than insects.
- I commend your courage, but I shall show you no mercy.
- Allow me to shatter your illusions of grandeur.
- We're all just blindly following orders. My heart and my will mean nothing...
- Not Even A "Thank You."
- After Brahne orders her to find the next jewel after she worked very hard on getting the first one from Cleyra.
- ...My heart is set. All this time, I have been mistaken...
- My allegiance to you remains the same, if not stronger.
- Save your valediction, Steiner. We will live to see another day.
Black Mage no. 288
- I don' t know... Fear? I don't want to stop. And maybe I want to run away from it all. But living in the village with everyone fills me with joy. The joy of living with them far outweighs the fear of death. Isn't it the same for you? Traveling with your friends gives your life meaning.
- when asked how he feels about "Stopping"
- Vivi; I believe you know the difference from what it means to stop; and what it means to die.
- Blank: I'm telling you, she was too shy to hand me the letter herself! And if you don't think I'm a ladies' man, you're wrong. Chicks are intimidated by good-looking guys.
- Cinna: Oh yeah! You're one bad actor.
- to Steiner
- Garland: ...Do not limit memory to just one individual's experiences from birth. That is only the surface. Every life born into this world, whether natural or artificial, requires a parent. And that parent also requires a parent. Life is connected, one to another... If you trace the root of all life, there exists one source. The same can be said for memory. All life constitutes an intelligence that holds memory beyond experience. Memory is not isolated within individuals. It is an accumulation of generations of memories that continues to evolve. You can say that memory and evolution go hand in hand. But most life-forms do not understand the true nature of memories... ...which explains why most memories never cross paths and are left..."untangled."
- Moguta: I'm kupo for kupo nuts!
- reference to a tagline of Coco Puffs cereal
- Necron: Why defy your fate? Is the will to live that powerful...?
- Necron: I am the darkness of eternity...
- Necron: All life fears death from birth. Life fears death, but lives only to die. It starts with anxiety. Anxiety becomes fear. Fear leads to anger... anger leads to hate... hate leads to suffering... The only cure for this fear is total destruction. ...Now, the theory is undeniable. Kuja's action proves it. All things live to perish.
- Contains a reference to one of Yoda's lines from The Phantom Menace
- Necron: In a world of nothing, fear does not exist. This is the world that all life desires.
- Necron: I am eternal... ...as long as there is life and death...
- Necron: Come. Enter the Zero World you so desire.
- Old Man: Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a miracle worker. Ask someone else!
- When inquired about potions; reference to Leonard McCoy in Star Trek: The Original Series
- Puck: Like hell, I'm fine!!!
- Queen Brahne: I... I am empty now... Free... Free... of that... terrible... greed...
- One of Brahne's last lines
- Villagers of Conde Petie: Rally-ho!
- Zorn: A veritable emergency of terrible urgency!
- Reference to the song "Urgent Emergency" by Foreigner.
- Zorn: We are in trouble!
- Thorn: Trouble we are in!
- [changing into stolen soldiers' uniforms]
- Blank: Finished changing, Zidane?
- Zidane: Yeah, but this helmet... It kinda smells...
- Blank: What are you talkin' about!? My helmet totally reeks! My armor's way too big... And my back's real itchy... The boots are wet... My gloves are all slimy... There's cookie crumbs in my pocket...
- Zidane: Okay, I get the picture...
- [talking about Cinna's face...]
- Garnet: Oh, really? I am sorry. You startled me.
- Zidane: Well, with a face like his, I'd be pretty shocked, too!
- Cinna: Man, that hurts! I wash up every morning, you know!
- [After First Battle With Black Waltz #3]
- Steiner: How Many more of these 'Black Waltzes' Are we going to have to fight? This is getting ridiculous!
- Zidane: I think that was the last one.
- Steiner: How do you know?
- Zidane: Well, It's the Black "Waltz," right? You think there'd be three, right?
- Steiner: ?
- Woman at the counter: Hey, monkey-tail, you're disturbing the other customers.
- Zidane: What the-you've got a tail, too, rat-face!
- Woman at the counter: Rat-face... After I finish my drink, I'm gonna kickyour butt.
- Bobo: Hey, Zidane, take it outside.
- (the woman turns around)
- Zidane: !!!
- Woman at the counter: Long time, Zidane.
- Zidane: Hey! What's up!? Wait a minute...
- Woman at the counter: You forgot my name?
- Zidane: No, I remember! You're Helga, right?
- Woman at the counter: Wrong.
- Zidane: ...Christine?
- Woman at the counter: No!
- Zidane: ...Oh yeah! You used to live next door to me. How's it going...Ratchel? Man, you've really gotten...big.
- Woman at the counter: You nasty little-
- Zidane: Come on. I'm just kiddin'. You know I never forget a pretty girl's name.
- (The player gets to name the woman, the default name is Freya)
- Zidane: So, how've you been, Freya?
- Freya: Same old, Zidane.
- Zidane: How long has it been?
- Freya: About 3 years.
- Zidane: Hey, did you ever find out anything about your boyfriend?
- Freya: No...
- Zidane: So... What brings you to Lindblum?
- Freya: The Festival of the Hunt. What else? It's a good opportunity to test my skills.
- Zidane: Oh... Well, I'm sure you'll find him someday.
- Freya: Aren't you participating?
- Zidane: ...Nah. I think I'll pass.
- Freya: Lazy bum.
- Zidane: ...Are you ever gonna go back?
- Freya: I have no reason to return to Burmecia. There is nothing there for me anymore.
- Freya: The smell of fire... And blood! There must have been a huge battle on the other side of that gate...
- Quina: Something smell bad. I get bad feeling! Flower smell good! You smell flower!
- Freya: Quina does whatever s/he feels like doing. I must learn from his ways.
- Zidane: I don't think it's intentional, Freya.
- Freya: No, if I had done as I pleased, I would've been...
- Quina: Zidane, this flower taste good!
- Zidane: See what I mean?
- Freya: But still... Let's go! Burmecia is just ahead!
- [Zidane telling a story of his past...]
- Zidane: Alright, we can skip ahead... No, he never found it. How could he? His only clue was a colored light. So he went back to the home of his adoptive father... What do you think his father did when he came home?
- Dagger: ...Welcomed him home?
- Zidane: No way! The father raised his fist and beat the son he had worked so hard to raise...
- [Zidane telling the story of Ipsen and Colin...]
- Zidane: And then, after much time on the road... He had to ask Colin something. "Why did you come with me?"
- Dagger: And? What was Colin's answer?
- Zidane: "Only because I wanted to go with you."
- Amarant: 'He who hesitates is lost.' You'd best remember that.
- Zidane: Well, I prefer 'My way or the highway.'
- Amarant: Whatever. Like you actually have a plan.
- [after Steiner throws Eiko out of the castle...]
- Eiko: Zidane! Oh, it was horrible! He called me a liar and a loudmouth and a brat!!!
- Amarant: ...He's right.
- [After the Genomes take refuge at the Black Mage Village]
- Mikoto: This where you bury the dead...? What's the point of this? It isn't like the dead would appreciate it.
- Black Mage no. 288: You're right, but I don't think we build cemeteries for the dead. Sure, it may seem pointless to you, but... How can I describe it? It's so that we can think like this: "We'll never forget you. We'll remember you every time we stand at your grave. And we won't let the fear of death, which each of us knows, stop us from living our lives. Because my friends will remember me when I'm here."
- Mikoto: ...
- [Last lines of displayed dialogue]
- Garnet: How did you survive...?
- Zidane: I didn't have a choice. I had to live. I wanted to come home to you.
- [Ambiguous]: So...
- Zidane: I sang your song.
- [Ambiguous]: Our song.
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