Fantastic Four
Fantastic Four

Fantastic Four is a 2005 film based on Marvel Comics comic of same name.
(Prepare for the fantastic.)
- Directed by Tim Story. Written by Mark Frost, Michael France (movie), Stan Lee, Jack Kirby (comic book)
Reed Richards
- I promise you, I will do everything in my power until there's not a breath left in me. You're going to be Ben again.
- Victor is not that bad. He's just... larger than life.
- You need to control yourself, and think before you act.
- A few days in space. What's the worst that could happen?
- Ben Grimm is a genuine American hero.
- Exposure to a high energy cosmic storm could advance our knowledge of planetary life.
- I found a broken gasket from space.
- Time for your lesson - Chem 101. What happens when you rapidly cool hot metal?
Sue Storm
- That's my nose, genius. These are my lips.
- You really think those people out there care about you? You're just a fad to them, Johnny!
- Any more bright ideas? Why don't you strip down and have a hundred people stare at you?!
Johnny Storm
- Digital camera: $254. Memory stick: $59. The look on your hard-ass former CO's grill when he finds out he's your junior officer: priceless.
- (sarcastically) Wow, Dr. Phil, that's deep. Let's think about that for a moment.
- Don't wander off now boy.
- (Nurse; You're hot!) Why thank you, so are you. And, I'm not afraid to cry.
- At what time do you get off work? (Nurse replies and he answers) Tell you what? You meet me at 4:01, it'll give you a minute to freshen up.
- (to Nurse, after giving her back her thermometer) This is yours. (kisses her on the lips) That's mine.
- Nurses. (whispering as he exits the room)
- My future wife!
- Guys! Guys!? (is stared at for being naked only wearing a wrapped coat around his waist) I can explain.
- Look, look! (is snapping his fingers to ignite a flame akin to a zippo, repeats to turn off the flame ignited by the snapping) Now picture that. But everywhere! (cackles) Cool!
- You have been saying that for years.
- What? Like we won't be able to turn on and off? (chuckles)That would save time.
- Whoa! (after bursting out in flames while being examined by Sue and Richard)
- I can go hotter!
- Fun Filled! (laughing) You guys are cramping my style.
- Sweet! (referring to Sue and Richard's terms of Supernova) Got it. Supernova. Bad. (thumbs up)
- Something new? Got it.
- Whoa. That's dangerous. I'm ok. I'm fine.
- See? That's your problem Reed. You always think you never act.
- What if we got these powers for a reason? A higher calling?
- Is there any higher?
- You guys should accept it... or better yet enjoy it.
- Hey! Hey, look! (turns on The Thing action figure and it shouts, 'It's Clobberin' time!)
- The guys at the market gave me it.
- Awww! That was the prototype! (after The Thing crushes the action figure)
- Look, sorry Sue. I'm going back out into the real world.
- Stop treating me like a child, Sue. You're not mom.
- If you guys are jealous that's fine. I never would of have expected to be coming from you, though.
- Ah! And for the record, they love me!
- Oh no.
- (To The Thing): Where are your ears?
- Come on..! Come on! FLAME ON!
- You miss me?
- Whoa. Ladies. I need names and shots. Bartender!
Ben Grimm
- Typical of Victor Von Doom to build a 30 foot statue of himself.
- Reed. Let it go. It was a freak of nature. There was nothing you could of have possibly done.
- Do I have to do everything myself? (referring to getting Reed and Sue back together)
- Now, I'm gotta go kill him. (after Johnny calls him "The Thing" on tv)
- Johnny! (after Johnny makes him put shave cream on his face)
- Yeah! A face that's about to be broken!
- It's not him. It's THEM!
- Did you just? (after is hit in the face with a ball of flame)
- That's it Tinkerbell! You want to fly? Then fly!
- What did I do? (questioning his actions after realizing Victor von Doom kidnapped Reed)
- "It's Clobberin' Time!"
- Damn, I've been waiting to do that.
- Debs... it's me... it's still me.
- Don't do drugs!
- Yeah - I have that effect on people.
- Good thing you're flexible enough to watch your own back... 'cause I ain't doing it no more.
- How long, Reed?!
- You don't know what it's like out there. Walking around like some kind of circus freak. People staring, whispering...
- How bad is it? You know, I used to smoke.
- Don't trouble your tiny little mind.
- I said, give me that goddamn mirror!
- Little buttons!
- Hey! You think you got problems, you take a good look, pal.
- You got no idea what I'd... what I'd give to be invisible.
- I'll take the stairs.
- You guys look like an '80s rock band...
- I can handle the ship. I can even handle Mr. Blonde ambition. But I don't know if I should be flying or doing Swan Lake in these suits.
Victor Von Doom
- Susan, every man dreams he'll meet a woman he can give the world to. In my case, that's not just a metaphor.
- I don't want to understand it!
- Pay your damn electric bill and get to work on finding a cure.
- Think I'll get a second opinion.
- Reed. Time for your lesson on Chemistry 101. What happens to rubber when super cooled?
- Let's check back in with the rest of the family. Shall we?
- Two down. Two to go.
- How romantic.
- Marco...Polo. Marco-- (is hit with a forcefield by Sue)
- Susan, you're fired!
- And to think I was about to share my life with you.
- Did you say good bye to your brother Johnny?
- This is gonna be fun. Aaargh!
- Reed? I'll be right with you. (after Mr. Fantastic gets his attention invisible forcefield prevents him from finishing The Thing with a solid light pole) Sue?
- You three are pathetic!
- Is that the best you can do? A little heat.
- Call me...Doom.
- Victor: Maybe you should have stayed back in the lab. Field work never suited you. Ben: He does the talking, I do the walking. Got it? Victor: So take a walk, Ben...
- Ben : Can't do it. I cannot do it. Reed : External SRBs, orbital system engines. Its just like the shuttles you flew in - Ben : No. I cannot take orders from the underwear model. That wingnut washed out of NASA for sneaking two Victoria Secret wannabes into a flight simulator.
Reed: Youthful high spirits. Ben: They crashed it into a wall. A flight simulator. Reed: When have I asked you to do something you absolutely said you couldn't - Ben: Five times. Reed ...I had it at four. Ben: Well this makes five!
- Ben: What's wrong with me? Johnny: (sad) I swear they've done everything humanly possible. The best plastic surgeons in the world, Ben. You had the best - Ben: (getting frantic) Give me a mirror... Johnny: They said that's not such a good idea, the shock alone could - Ben: I said give me the god damn mirror! (Ben finally sees his face, it looks completely normal) Johnny: (sad) Unfortunately, the doctors just couldn't do anything to fix your face.
- Sue: (to Reed) Look at me!
Reed: (looking up and seeing, or not seeing that Sue has turned invisible) I can't.
Sue: What do you mean you can't?! Look at me!
Reed: Sue, look at your hands.
- Johnny: (with his shirt off, being given a physical by Reed and Sue) I think we have a serious problem.
- (Sue turns invisible and starts to undress, then turns visible again)
Reed: Wow. You've been working out.
Sue: Shut up.
- Johnny: Wait. You mean we won't be able to turn on and off? That would save time. Sue: Grow up. You don't want walk around on fire for the rest of your life, do you? Johnny: Is that a trick question?
- Reporter: So what can you tell us about the outfit? Johnny : (on tv) Not too much, but I will say that it's all weather and no leather. Kind of Armani meets Astronaut. (Ben, Sue, and Reed stare at the wall-sized TV, mouths agape.) Sue : He didn't. Ben: Oh, he did. Flame boy, never listens. Sue: What did he do to his uniform?! (Reed looks down at his own uniform, to Johnny's uniform on the TV, which has the same insignia, and surrepticiously tries to cover his insignia with his jacket) Reporter: So what are your superhero names? Johnny: I go by the Human Torch. The ladies call me Torch. Reporter: What about the rest of the team? Johnny: Uh, we call my sister the Invisible Girl. Sue: 'Girl'..? Reporter: That's easy to remember. And Reed Richards? He's the leader. So what's he? Mr. Fantastic? Johnny: Well, I wouldn't say he's the leader. Reporter: And can he really stretch any part of his anatomy? (Cheers from the female members of the public behind them) Johnny: Well, I wouldn't know about that... I've always found him to be decidedly... limp. (Another cheer from the people behind them) Ben: Could be worse. Reporter: What about this one? What do you call this thing? Johnny: That's just it. The Thing. If you think that's bad you should have seen him before. Ben: Okay. Now I'm gonna go kill him.
- Susan: Don't even think about it! Johnny: Never do. (jumps off the building) FLAME ON!
- Victor: Now Sue, let's not fight about this. Sue: No. Let's.
- Ioan Gruffudd - Reed Richards
- Jessica Alba - Sue Storm
- Chris Evans - Johnny Storm
- Michael Chiklis - Ben Grimm
- Julian McMahon - Victor Von Doom
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