Dracula: Dead and Loving It
Dracula: Dead and Loving It

Dracula: Dead and Loving It is a 1995 film that is a parody of the novel Dracula, by Bram Stoker, and the various screen versions of the novel, particularly the Universal Studios classic starring Bela Lugosi.
- Directed by Mel Brooks and written by Mel Brooks, Rudy De Luca, and Steve Haberman.
Count Dracula
- [a bat poops on the stairs] Children of the night... what a mess they make!
- [waking up from a bad dream] Oh, it's night-time. I was having... a daymare.
- [after rising from his coffin and hitting his head on a chandelier] I must move the coffin. [pause] Or the chandelier.
- [his last line] Renfield, you asshole!
- [in a dream, at a picnic] I'm drinking wine, and I'm eating chicken!
- [upon seeing two voluptuous vampire women - one rubbing a table seductively, the other rubbing the bedpost seductively] My God! What are you doing to the furniture?
- Yesss... MASSSTER!
- [as the vampire women are seducing Renfield] No, this is wrong. This is wrong! This is wrong, you hear me? Wrong! This is ... Wrong me! Wrong me! Wrong my brains out!
- I didn't see anything! I didn't see anything [guard locks door] I saw everything! [cackles]
- [upon hearing Dr. Seward's instruction to the guard: "Take him back to his cell and give him a you-know-what!"]No! No! Not ANOTHER enema!
- Dr. Seward: Would an enema help?
- Jonathan Harker: [watching Mina's reflection in a mirror as she's dancing with Dracula, where it looks like she's dancing alone] She's doing quite well without him, isn't she?
- Nurse: [Upon seeing the unconscious medical students on the floor] Well done, doctor! Ten out of ten!
- Lover at Picnic: Would you care for some wine?
- Dracula: I never drink... wine... oh, what the hell. Let me try it.
- Dr. Seward: Allow me to introduce Professor Abraham Van Helsing. He's a doctor of rare diseases as well as a man of theology and philosophy.
- Van Helsing: And gynecology.
- Dr. Seward: Oh, I didn't know you have your hand in that, too.
- [Count Dracula meets up with Van Helsing]
- Dracula: Van Helsing... a name that is famous even in Translyvania.
- Van Helsing: Dracula... are you by any chance descended from Vlad Tepeş, the first Dracula?
- Dr. Seward: Tepeş?
- Van Helsing: Yah, it means "the Impaler". He used to inflict unspeakable tortures on the peasants; cutting off their hands and feet, gouging out their eyes, and then impaling them on iron spikes.
- [beat]
- Dracula: They had it coming!
- Jonathan Harker: [Entering Lucy's crypt and seeing her body] Oh, God... she's dead now.
- Van Helsing: No, she's not!
- Jonathan Harker: She's alive?
- Van Helsing: She's Nosferatu!
- Jonathan Harker: She's Italian?
- Renfield: Yes, I'm schh-eduled to meet Count Dracula.
- Villager #1: [horrified] Dracula!
- Villager #2: [horrified] Dracula!
- Villager #3: [horrified] Dracula!
- Villager #4: ...Schh-eduled?
- Dracula: Renfield, you were having a nightmare.
- Renfield: A nightmare? But it was so real, so vivid. Two voluptuous women, heaving and grinding. How to describe it? [pause] Have you ever been to Paris?
- [Renfield is having breakfast with Dr. Seward. He sees a bug on the table and eats it]
- Dr. Seward: I was just telling Ma—what was that?
- Renfield: Huh?
- Dr. Seward: You just grabbed something from the table.
- Renfield: I did not.
- Dr. Seward: Yes you did, I saw you, you put it in your mouth. I think it was an insect.
- Renfield: [thinks of an alibi] Oh, that was a raspberry.
- Dr. Seward: Raspberry? We're not serving raspberries.
- Renfield: Then it must have been a raisin. I guess it fell off the muffin. See? There's one missing.
- [The two men laugh. Renfield sees a spider coming towards him, and he quickly eats it up]
- Dr. Seward: How silly of me! It must have been my imagin—there, you did it again!
- Renfield: Huh?
- Dr. Seward: You just put a bug in your mouth. I think it was a spider!
- Renfield: I did not.
- Dr. Seward: Yes, you did.
- Renfield: I did not.
- Dr. Seward: Yes, you did.
- Renfield: I did not.
- Dr. Seward: [shouts] I tell you I saw you snatch a spider right out of the air and eat it!
- Renfield: A spider?
- [Swallows the spider in his mouth]
- Renfield: How absurd!
- [A grasshopper jumps onto the patio. He intentionally throws his fork]
- Renfield: Oh! Dropped my fork! [gets on all fours and scrambles under the table for the insect]
- Dr. Seward: Mr. Renfield, what are you doing down there? This is most unseemly!
- Renfield: Fork found! [Comes back up] Sorry for the delay.
- [The grasshopper's leg is sticking out of Renfield's mouth, and wriggling about]
- Dr. Seward: My God, man! You're eating insects right from the ground!
- Renfield: ...What makes you say that?
- Dr. Seward: I can see one trying to get out of your mouth!
- Renfield: Out of my mouth?
- Dr. Seward: Yes, out of your mouth! Your very own mouth and it's wriggling about!
- Renfield: Don't be ridiculous! Wriggling!
- Dr. Seward: I'm not ridiculous at all! It's wriggling all over the place! The poor thing, it's fighting for its life!
- [Renfield eyes the grasshopper's leg, which has fallen from his mouth and quickly scoops it up]
- Renfield: I don't know what you're talking about. If you insist on ranting like this, I'm going to leave!
- Dr. Seward: Me, ranting? You're the ranter!
- [Renfield spots a fly]
- Renfield: [to the fly] Hello, little darling!
- [Grabs the air in attempt to catch the fly]
- Renfield: Don't be afraid!
- [Laughs in a strange tone]
- Renfield: I won't hurt you! All I want is your life!
- [Renfield does a body slam across Dr. Seward's lap, and knocks everything off the table. Renfield is soon grabbed by two asylum attendants.]
- Dr. Seward: That's it! Put him in a straight jacket and give him an enema! Wait! Wait, wait... Give him the enema FIRST. THEN put him in a straight jacket.
- Lucy Westenra: I know you've always wanted me, and I've always wanted you. Finally we can be together.
- Jonathan Harker: But Lucy, I'm engaged to Mina... and you're dead.
- Lucy Westenra: I'm not dead. I'm undead.
- Jonathan Harker: Yes, well, I'm not unengaged.
- ...
- Jonathan Harker: Please, Lucy! I'm British!
- [Lucy opens her cleavage a little]
- Lucy Westenra: So are these.
- Jonathan Harker: [having just been told to drive a stake into Lucy] Oh, this is horrid. Is there no other way?
- Van Helsing: Well, we could cut off her head, stuff her mouth with garlic, and tear off her ears.
- Jonathan Harker: ...Give me the stake. No. No, I can't... you do it.
- Van Helsing: It must be done by one who loved her in life.
- Jonathan Harker: I only liked her!
- Van Helsing: Close enough!
- [Jonathan is about to stake Lucy's heart]
- Van Helsing: One, two—WAIT! [Van Helsing slinks back behind a pillar] NOW!
- [Jonathan drives a stake into Lucy's heart and is subsequently hit by many gallons of blood]
- Jonathan Harker: Oh... my... GOD! There's so much blood!
- Van Helsing: She just ate! Hit her again!
- Jonathan Harker: Oh no... I can't...
- Van Helsing: How much blood can she have left?
- [Jonathan hits the stake again and is hit with even more blood than last time]
- Van Helsing: She's almost dead!
- Jonathan Harker: She's dead enough. Oh! This is - this is ghastly!
- Van Helsing: Yes, you're right. We should have put newspapers down!
- [after staking Lucy, Jonathan is drenched in blood, while Van Helsing is spotless]
- Dr. Van Helsing: I have been to many, many stakings. You have to know where to stand.
- [Dracula is hypnotizing a valet at the theatre where Doctor Seward is enjoying an opera]
- Dracula: You will tell Doctor Seward there is a message for him in the lobby... and you will remember nothing of what I tell you.
- [The valet nods her head, opens the curtain to Seward's chambers, and stands there with her mouth open for a few moments, then closes the curtain]
- Valet: [noticing Dracula standing there] Hello, can I help you sir?
- Dracula: [mimicking her] Can I help you sir? [normally] What is the matter with you, why did you not tell him?
- Valet: About what?
- Dracula: About the message!
- Valet: For whom?
- Dracula: Never mind! I will tell him myself. And for your miserable performance, you will receive no tip!
- Valet: No tip?
- Dracula: Ah! That, you remember!
- [Dracula picks up Jonathan by the throat]
- Dracula: Arrogant mortal! You are in my world now, and you will never leave this attic alive! I will destroy you, and then I will possess she whom you love the most. And there is not a single thing in the world you can do to stop me!
- [Dracula laughs. Jonathan pokes him in the eyes and Dracula drops Jonathan]
- Dracula: Ow!
- Dr. Seward: Give him an enema.
- [Attendant looks taken aback.]
- Attendant: An enema, sir?.
- Dr. Seward: Yes, it'll give him a feeling of accomplishment.
- [Dracula is outside Mina's room]
- Dracula: [to the maid] Essie... Essie... Your eyelids are growing heavy. You will sleep... sleep.
- [Essie nods off to sleep]
- Dracula: Mina... Mina, open your eyes!
- [She does]
- Dracula: Arise, Mina.
- [She does]
- Dracula: Walk to the door.
- [Mina opens a door, and goes inside]
- Dracula: Mina... you are in the closet. Open the door, and come out.
- [She does]
- Dracula: Now walk to the terrace door. Watch out for the foot...
- [Mina trips over the footstool]
- Dracula: ...Stool. Stand up.
- [Essie and Mina both rise]
- Dracula: Not you. Sit!
- [Mina sits]
- Dracula: No, not you, you sit.
- [Essie sits]
- Dracula: You stand.
- [Both stand]
- Dracula: No! Sit!
- [Both sit]
- Dracula: No, you stand!
- [Both stand]
- Dracula: You walk to the terrace door, and you go back to sleep! Watch out!
- [Essie and Mina bump into one another and fall to the floor. Dracula throws his arms up in frustration]
- [Dracula exits the house, carrying a body]
- Dracula: You will be my bride for eternity... we will share the passions of immortal love.
- Essie: [Lifts head] I can't wait!
- Dracula: Not you!!
- [Dracula walks back into the house and dumps Essie on the floor. A few minutes later he comes out carrying Mina]
- Dracula: [hurriedly] You-will-be-my-bride-for-eternity, we-will-share-the-passions-of-immortal-love.
- Martin: [throwing Renfield back into his cell] You'll stay here 'til you rot!
- [locks door]
- [Renfield starts sobbing and Martin comes in a second later]
- Martin: Well, you're free to go!
- Renfield: Free to go? Why? How?
- Martin: Good behavior.
- Renfield: But I've only been in here for a moment.
- Martin: Well, for that moment, your behavior was very good.
- Renfield: uh...
- Martin: Let's go. [hurling Renfield out of his cell]
- Leslie Nielsen - Count Dracula
- Peter MacNicol - R.M. Renfield
- Steven Weber - Jonathan Harker
- Amy Yasbeck - Mina Murray
- Mel Brooks - Dr. Abraham Van Helsing
- Lysette Anthony - Lucy Westenra
- Harvey Korman - Dr. Jack Seward
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