
is a standard point of view or personal prejudice.
All information and points of view have some form of bias. A person is generally said to be biased if the person's output is influenced by inner biases, to the extent that one's views is not subjectively considered neutral or objective.
is a standard point of view or personal prejudice.
All information and points of view have some form of bias. A person is generally said to be biased if the person's output is influenced by inner biases, to the extent that one's views is not subjectively considered neutral or objective.
- Can science ever be immune from experiments conceived out of prejudices and stereotypes, conscious or not? (Which is not to suggest that it cannot in discrete areas identify and locate verifiable phenemonena in nature.) I await the study that says lesbians have a region of the hypothalamus that resembles straight men and I would not be surprised if, at this very moment, some scientist somewhere is studying brains of deceased Asians to see if they have an enlarged "math region" of the brain.
- Kay Diaz, Z, December 1992.
- "Both social and biosocial factors are necessary to interpret crosscultural studies, with the general proviso that one's research interest determines which elements, in what combinations, are significant for the provision of understanding."
- Gilbert Herdt, "Bisexuality and the Causes of Homosexuality: The Case of the Sambia"
- This is the essence of the problem. To Dan Rather and to a lot of other powerful members of the chattering class, that which is right of center is conservative. That which is left of center is middle of the road. No wonder they can't recognize their own bias.
- Bernard Goldberg, Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News, 2001
- Most of us employ the Internet not to seek the best information, but rather to select information that confirms our prejudices.
- Nicholas D. Kristof, Would You Slap Your Father? If So, You’re a Liberal (New York Times, 27 May 2009)
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