Posts 1 - 37 of 37
Why is it anyone else's business, if a woman get an abortion or not? Did you ever think that some people have no other choice? Some girls are abandoned by parents, husband/boyfreind/girlfriend. How can you take care of a child without money? Without time? Even if you have the child and give it up thats just as hard as dealing with an abortion. That can mess you up too. Having a child inside for nine months? Then just hand it off? All the appointments? Seriously. Think about it. Some girls have no choice, some girls get raped. And actually girls who use a contraceptive are 47% of the abortions in the United States.
People who are against it, think twice. Could you go through a nine month pregenancy knowing you couldn't give it everything it wanted/needed? Could you go through nine months of hell only to give your child away? No. I don't think so. That's something hard to deal with. I'm not afraid to say it. I had an abortion. I had nowhere to go. Noone to turn too. I had to give it up. Its my body. Not anyone else's. I am Pro-Choice.
replied to: JessiMae2010
Replied to: Why is it anyone else's business, if a woman get an...
replied to: shuli
replied to: hermiedick7
A woman has the right
replied to: Daisygurl7
Replied to: A woman has the right
Coming from a girl with the name daisygurl7
replied to: hermiedick7
Replied to: Coming from a girl with the name daisygurl7
Thats rude, its a womens choice!!
replied to: hermiedick7
Replied to: Coming from a girl with the name daisygurl7
Killing babies is cruel.. juat because people dont want to use a condom and then take a life is wrong especially when you are 15 and choose to be a whore
replied to: johnnyboy7
Replied to: Killing babies is cruel.. juat because people dont want to use...
Not the point !
replied to: Daisygurl7
Replied to: Not the point !
The only girls who need abortions are 14 year old whores.
Maybe keeping the baby will keep their legs closed.
replied to: hermiedick7
Replied to: The only girls who need abortions are 14 year old whores....
Omg that is so bad to say! omg who do u think u are??
replied to: hermiedick7
Replied to: The only girls who need abortions are 14 year old whores....
They should only be able to get a abortion if you have been raped. if oyu are doing sexually favours to anyone when ever you want then you are a whore and shouldnt be able to egt a abortion
replied to: Daisygurl7
Replied to: Omg that is so bad to say! omg who do u...
Sorry, if i offended you.
Your probably one of those whores. How many abortions are you at?
replied to: hermiedick7
Replied to: Sorry, if i offended you.
Your probably one of those...
Probably 4
replied to: hermiedick7
Replied to: Sorry, if i offended you.
Your probably one of those...
Omg! excuse me how dare u say that!
"brick wall waterfall hermiedick7 thinks hes go it all, but he dont!
replied to: Daisygurl7
Replied to: Omg! excuse me how dare u say that!
And thats why you are a whore you have eveything
replied to: Daisygurl7
Replied to: Omg! excuse me how dare u say that!
Well, I will excuse you.
But I wont excuse your neglect for killing babies!
replied to: hermiedick7
Replied to: Well, I will excuse you.
But I wont excuse your...
Hahhaahah whore!!!!!!!!!
replied to: hermiedick7
Replied to: Well, I will excuse you.
But I wont excuse your...
Wow ! u two are very immature
replied to: Daisygurl7
Replied to: Wow ! u two are very immature
Im not immature your the one selling yourself and not useing condoms and having 50 abortions\... thats immature you WHORE
replied to: johnnyboy7
Replied to: Hahhaahah whore!!!!!!!!!
Atleast you wont get pregnant that way.
replied to: Daisygurl7
Replied to: Wow ! u two are very immature
Omg u r so wierd
replied to: Daisygurl7
Replied to: Omg u r so wierd
Io am done with this convo
replied to: Daisygurl7
Replied to: Io am done with this convo
Ewwww...what a load of pscychos on here.
Is this site moderated?
replied to: JessiMae2010
Replied to: Why is it anyone else's business, if a woman get an...
I agree with you most people dont understand what these women are going throw most have no choise.
replied to: JessiMae2010
Replied to: Why is it anyone else's business, if a woman get an...
Will yall stop you all dont even konw what these people are going throw. Things with the baby mite of went wrong and they had to do what they had to do. And what if the person who got it was raped and thought to her self that she dont want a reminder of the mans face. cuse ive been raped and i sure dont want a reminder of that mans faces ever agin. she you all that is agenst all of this now to stop and think about this and think hard!!!
replied to: hermiedick7
Replied to: Well, I will excuse you.
But I wont excuse your...
You no what you need to stop becuse you dont know what she is going throw so stop calling her a whore but maybe you are one. maybe she did love that baby but she was raped becuse of the babys father so you need to stop and think about what your saying befor you get killed.
replied to: blizzard101
Replied to: Ewwww...what a load of pscychos on here.
Is this site moderated?...
I agree with you blizzard101. So much hate is scary.
On the original discussion, surely most reasonable people realise that there are circumstances where abortion has to be considered. But to say that it is the woman's choice based only on the fact that it is her body seems too simplistic.
There is another human being involved in all this - and I don't mean the father. Surely the human baby developing in the womb should have some right not to be killed even if it is unable to argue its own case.
We seem to protect animals better than unborn babies.
replied to: sponge
Replied to: I agree with you blizzard101. So much hate is scary....
Ii aqree w. sponqe abt takinqq bttr care of animals than unborn babies. Ppl are so frekinqq selfishh.
replied to: johnnyboy7
Replied to: Im not immature your the one selling yourself and not useing...
Typical male response you really should update your thinking, it's possitively medieaval,. you are probably one of those men who produce babies and then abandon them, as many men do. Who is left to make a life changing decsision,? the poor women. Not all women who decide to have abortions or even get pregnant in the first place to different partners are whores. You seem to set yourself up as some kind of expert on whores, maybe you are a frequent customer
replied to: ORIEL1
Replied to: Typical male response you really should update your thinking, it's possitively...
Excuse me, but men who don't stay and help with their children are not men...what choice does that HUMAN BEING have that's sitting in a womans womb have?....none none none, somebody has to speak for these little ones...women who have abortions are stankiefied, and I wouldn't be surprised that in their next life, they too get aborted...hows that scapel and suction tube feel ripping your little body apart...why not stop having sex until you're mature enough to deal with the possibility of getting pregers...
replied to: JessiMae2010
Replied to: Why is it anyone else's business, if a woman get an...
Everyone is pro-choice. You have the choice of whether or not to have sex when you can't afford to take care of a baby. You have a choice whether or not to act responsibly. You have a choice whether to give life or death to an unwanted baby. Every unwanted pregnancy is the result of choice...a good choice or a bad one.
replied to: Daisygurl7
Replied to: A woman has the right
A woman has the right to choose...whether or not to have sex...but she also has the responsibility to make the sensible choice. BEFORE she gets pregnant.
replied to: johnnyboy7
Replied to: They should only be able to get a abortion if you...
If rape results in pregnancy...very few abortions are done for this reason...the baby still has a right to live.
replied to: jbarnes1
Replied to: Excuse me, but men who don't stay and help with their...
Very good reply!
replied to: Daisygurl7
Replied to: Thats rude, its a womens choice!!
Her choice was earlier
why all the hard luck stories, abortion is a means whereby a woman can make sure here daughter doesn't bring home any bastard's so why don't we just say so. abortion the final solution
busker 1234
replied to: Daisygurl7
Replied to: A woman has the right
Ok first time on here and I don't even know if this is looked at anymore,and I'm sorry this is long but I wanted to give thorough answers to all the questions brought up so far, but here it goes:
!. Its a woman's right: when women say they have the right to abort their baby if they want to, why is that? Because it is their child so they can kill it if they want? If I owned a slave and I decided I didn't want him does that mean it's okay for me to just take him out somewhere and kill him because he is my property? Of course that wouldn't be right, assuming we are saying unborn babies are in fact human lives there is no excuse to take it, even if its your baby and you own it it's still a life that deserves to be given a chance.
2. There's no other choice!: And as the original post said some people are backed up against the wall and don't know what to do. But abortion is never the only choice, adoption is always a choice. I believe someone asked if we could imagine how hard it would be to have a baby in us for nine months and then have to give it up. is it easier to kill it then? Easier to end the life you are nourishing? Is that really easier than giving it up, ending the life it was meant to have. Also Having abortions ruins women emotionally too, many times even more than adoptions will.
3. Rape: My last note is on rape. Some people have said it is reasonable to say a women who are raped can get an abortion, but why is that? Someone said they wouldn't want a reminder of the father's face. So instead of having the child you are going to abort it? You are going to punish your baby for the crime if its father, I absolutely 100% completely understand that the woman was absolutely wronged and a horrible thing happened to her. But its NOT ALL ABOUT HER, the BABY is a person too you know and its mother has been wronged, that doesnt mean it must also be wronged, it is unfair and downright wrong to end the child when it is innocent. What is worse rape or murder? Give the baby up for adoption, you don't have to see it and have it remind you of the father, either way though it is YOUR BABY, your child, your life you brought into this world. Even if it was through force and wrongdoing how can you justify killing your beautiful son or daughter that is meant to have a life of their own someday?
replied to: fatnstarvinqqhrslf
Replied to: Ii aqree w. sponqe abt takinqq bttr care of animals than...
Yeah kind of like you killing babies you whore