What was the whole R v Morgentaler case about? Was it simply that he and two other doctors decided to open an illegal clinic because they felt that women should have the freedom to get an abortion if they would like to without getting special permission from the goverment? What do you think about this? Do you believe that he did the right thing by trying to change society's views on abortion? Or did he go beyond his rights as a member of Canadian society?
replied to: nellsinga
Replied to: What was the whole R v Morgentaler case about? Was it...
replied to: nellsinga
Replied to: What was the whole R v Morgentaler case about? Was it...
Oh and i totally agree with you on what your saying!
replied to: nellsinga
Replied to: What was the whole R v Morgentaler case about? Was it...
Personally I think that the government should have no say in what I do with my body. Its mine. God gave it to me. Not the government.
replied to: JessiMae2010
Replied to: Personally I think that the government should have no say in...
Then there must be no male militory concsription