Wht is yhr opinion on abortion.?
replied to: fatnstarvinqqhrslf
Replied to: Wht is yhr opinion on abortion.?
Ii think abortiion is horrible. if yhu know yhu cnt take care of a kiid use contraception. then if tht dnt wrk yhu carry out yhr preqnancy && yhu qive the bby up o4 adoption.ihtts tht simple.! yhu dnt kill a bby b.c yhr own mistake!! xp
replied to: fatnstarvinqqhrslf
Replied to: Wht is yhr opinion on abortion.?
I think it is horriable it makes me sick just talking about it.
replied to: Alpha
Replied to: I think it is horriable it makes me sick just talking...
I 100% aqree w. Alpha. Ihtt iis horrible. I know qivinqq the child youve carried inside for 9 months up for adoption is VERY HARD. But ppl need to think about wht they are doinqq.If you have the couraqe to open your leqs && make tht child then ihtts your responsibility. In my eyes, abortion is MURDER.!!! You are killinqq the kid for your own 3 minutes of sexual pleasure. Get over the fact youve done it and act like an adult by carryinqq out the preqnancy then makinqq a decision frm thurr.
replied to: fatnstarvinqqhrslf
Replied to: I 100% aqree w. Alpha. Ihtt iis horrible. I know qivinqq...
Wow, three minutes, no wonder you sound so bitter.
replied to: flint071
Replied to: Wow, three minutes, no wonder you sound so bitter.
Eww trick youu needs to stopp.lmaoo.
replied to: flint071
Replied to: Wow, three minutes, no wonder you sound so bitter.
Flint is a loser. Don't make smart elic remarks flint. Actually discuss don't act like a moron