Nobody really expects to have a child sometimes when they take all precautions. Bringing in a child into the world when you know that you will fail to do the needful give him the care he needs i morally wrong. So in that view is abortion justifiable.
replied to: ignati
Replied to: Nobody really expects to have a child sometimes when they take...
No way. The same amount of precaution may be taken before pregnancy. It's a waste of time, money is ruthless.
replied to: bonnieginter
Replied to: No way. The same amount of precaution may be taken before...
We have to learn to value life like we value our own
replied to: splizxer
Replied to: We have to learn to value life like we value our...
Can you really ever justify takeing a life never giving the baby a chance just deciding your going to kill it because you think you wont be able to take care of it never leting it know happiness as you have or pain or love I think that's beyond cruel and very sad
replied to: beky104
Replied to: Can you really ever justify takeing a life never giving the...
Under no circumstances is abortion ethical or justifiable. A fetus is a living, breathing is more than that. A fetus is a HUMAN! So abortion is another variation of murder, or simply stated, it IS murder!
When people have taken the 'necessary' precautions to prevent childbirth, but it happens anyway, they are responible for bringing that child safely into the world. Anything is better than aborting your child...put him or her up for adoption, get a family member to take on the responsibilty, or just grow up and do it yourself! If you are old enough to engage in sexual relations, then you can deal with the (potential) repercussions. As I mentioned before, abortion is killing. And murder is not taken lightly in Canada, or anywhere else for that matter.
replied to: nellsinga
Replied to: Under no circumstances is abortion ethical or justifiable. A fetus is...
Putting your child up for adoption is dumb oh i loved you enough not to kill you but i dont want anything to do with you yeah thats a winner. And what exactly is the appropriate age for sex kids at 8 years old go through puberty and they should take care of that child when they haven't even made it to middle school? that doesn't make since i agree that people have a choice and they should look at all the other choices but sometimes its inevitable. What about rape victims thats just what i want to remember everytime i look at my child, the stranger who raped me thats a winner. The crack head mother that decides to keep her child does drugs all night and later dies of an over dose and the kid is put in foster care for the rest of their life. But that kid should thank mom for not killing him. Rather having him raised in a s*** hole thanks mom i love you too.
replied to: Dani1988
Replied to: Putting your child up for adoption is dumb oh i loved...
I was raped and i do live in a shithole and i was also abused because my mother didnt take care of me but i would still go through it all again just for the chance to live and be who i am
replied to: beky104
Replied to: I was raped and i do live in a shithole and...
You don't live in a shithole beky104. You live in a very beautiful place and are living proof that it's not our surroundings or even our upbringing that makes us who we are.
How many equally aware and compassionate people have been flushed away in order to 'save them from the pain of a difficult life'?
replied to: ignati
Replied to: Nobody really expects to have a child sometimes when they take...
Can you justify man slaughter? I'm sure how you stretch stuff that you could find a way.
replied to: scotmatney1
Replied to: Can you justify man slaughter? I'm sure how you stretch...
Sure I can.
Stretching stuff? Like using flimsy groundless arguments to project your belief system onto others?
replied to: nellsinga
Replied to: Under no circumstances is abortion ethical or justifiable. A fetus is...
Murder? you've got to be kidding me! Sometimes women and even children have no choice in the "precautions" wait til one day you have a babygirl and she gets raped at a young age, will you be against abortion then, think about it dumb***
replied to: ignati
Replied to: Nobody really expects to have a child sometimes when they take...
Even in taking all the precautions, the chance of getting pregnant is still there. Apart from surgery to keep one from making babies & menopause, there are no foolproof precautions out there to absolutely prevent one from getting pregnant.
As to not being able to take care of the baby, couldn't you give the child to someone or some group who is and are able to properly take care of the child?
replied to: nellsinga
Replied to: Under no circumstances is abortion ethical or justifiable. A fetus is...
It is also "grown up" and mature to decide not to bring another human into the world when you know damn well you cannot take of the child like the child deserves.
It's about quality of life.
Many "grown up" people engage in sex, use birth control and they still get pregnant.
It's naive stating that all pregnant people should be parents under any circumstance.