Is there something that made him anti Semitic?
replied to: crazyman2
Replied to: Is there something that made him anti Semitic?
During his years of stay in Vienna, he was exposed to Jews who were in large numbers in Vienna. This is where he is said to get his anti Semitic roots from
replied to: pboks
Replied to: During his years of stay in Vienna, he was exposed to...
It made his stand on anti Semitism racial more than religious based as years went
replied to: pboks
Replied to: During his years of stay in Vienna, he was exposed to...
Yes, I do believe this is where Hitler wanted to become an artists to make his living. The rejections he received from these Jews,... supposed art experts back then who controlled the art market, and still today,.... really fried his ass.
If people remember correctly, it wasn't just the books he wanted to burn, but he wanted to go after the art worlds artist's and the so-called MFA experts, while destroying what he considered adolescent and worthless art.
Just think if he would have endured in his endeavors, how many Thomas Kinkade Artist's we would have.
replied to: crazyman2
Replied to: Is there something that made him anti Semitic?
I believe that he was jealous--to the max--of the Jew's success in the arts, business, and many other areas. He had a self-image problem made himself the "big man" by stepping on those who were most unlike him.