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Do you think abortion should be projected as the solution to unwanted pregnancies?
replied to: bonnieginter
Replied to: Do you think abortion should be projected as the solution to...
Its a wrong notion and more importantly inhumane. Thats the bigger question to answer -will the ones getting the abortion like their lives to have ended that way before it even started?
replied to: rnlunatic
Replied to: Its a wrong notion and more importantly inhumane. Thats the bigger...
It's teaching the kids the wrong things. They need to learn to be responsible. Encouraging this attitude towards abortion doesn't help any one or anything
replied to: bonnieginter
Replied to: Do you think abortion should be projected as the solution to...
Well it depends on whether u wanna have sex 4 fun or u actually want a baby.
replied to: bonnieginter
Replied to: Do you think abortion should be projected as the solution to...
Abstinence is the real solution
replied to: bonnieginter
Replied to: Do you think abortion should be projected as the solution to...
It depends on the circumstances. Many precautions should be taken when one is sexually active and they must review all aspects of the consquences that follow their actions. However, examining the rights of the fetus and the rights of the individual must be taken into account as well. Some pregnancies are unavoidable. Consider someone who was raped and was carrying the child of the man who had violated her. This was a case that is in no way a consequense of irresponsibility.
replied to: cgrsoccer
Replied to: Abstinence is the real solution
I do agree that abstinence is the real solution. but with all the corruption of the little minds of children there will be no such thing as abstinence in 20 or so years.
replied to: reigninghottie17
Replied to: I do agree that abstinence is the real solution. but with...
I think if you get pregnant its your fault accident or not... the only reason i believe abortion should be right is if you were raped and got pregnant or it is gunna kill you... thats it i dont believe you should be able to terminate a pregancy other than due to natural causes
replied to: kourtni15
Replied to: I think if you get pregnant its your fault accident or...
Exactlly. you hit that right on the head.
replied to: kourtni15
Replied to: I think if you get pregnant its your fault accident or...
Natural causes? what does that include stabbing yourself in the stomach until its dead, tanning in a tanning booth until your insides fry? yeah didn't think so. Its funny how people can be hypocritical of something they never experienced if anything you should say why i dont permit it i would hope that these women looked at all their options. instead its your disgusting for doing such a horrible thing your going straight to hell don't pass go don't collect two hundred thank god your not in the government!
replied to: kourtni15
Replied to: I think if you get pregnant its your fault accident or...
Yes that is the 100% truth. Abortion shouldn't even be an option for the people that knew exactally what they were doing.
replied to: bonnieginter
Replied to: Do you think abortion should be projected as the solution to...
I think most should
specially on the case of being raped
replied to: Augusta1
Replied to: It's teaching the kids the wrong things. They need to learn...
Yeahh thats true about teaching kids the right thing
but think about this .. what if they get raped
and the kid is born and gets mistreated.
i think abortion only should b up for raped victims
dnt you think??
replied to: bloodymurder420
Replied to: Yeahh thats true about teaching kids the right thing
but think...
The lady was forced into having sex. She now has the decision (although it's not rightfully hers) to abort or not. "no choice", abort the child
The being began its formation in her womb and is progressing. Then, growth rate gradually slows down. The being fights back for dear life.... didn't want it but hey, "no choice"
We all have decisions to make. However, the decision of whether or not someone should live doesn't lie in our hands.
replied to: bonnieginter
Replied to: Do you think abortion should be projected as the solution to...
The way I see it, the one giving consent for an abortion becomes a murderer
replied to: bloodymurder420
Replied to: Yeahh thats true about teaching kids the right thing
but think...
If you believe the fetus (an innocent living human being) should die for the crime of his or her biological father, then surely you are in favor for the death penalty for the rapist, no?
replied to: bonnieginter
Replied to: Do you think abortion should be projected as the solution to...
Yes deffanatly
replied to: bbob
Replied to: Well it depends on whether u wanna have sex 4 fun...
Bhut iif iihtts fer fun than there are sooo many precautions you can take to not have o2 qet to tht staqe of needinqq an abortion.
replied to: bloodymurder420
Replied to: Yeahh thats true about teaching kids the right thing
but think...
Abortion for rape means no military conscription for males.
Hands up all those who think they were wanted embrios
Hands up parents who didn't even enjoy the party
replied to: bonnieginter
Replied to: Do you think abortion should be projected as the solution to...
People that have abortions are pathetic... So unless your a pathetic loser DON'T KILL BABIES.
replied to: bonnieginter
Replied to: Do you think abortion should be projected as the solution to...
Hands up who were wanted pregnancies
replied to: bonnieginter
Replied to: Do you think abortion should be projected as the solution to...
Is there any other reason for terminating a pregnancy? Pregnancies are terminated unless they are unwanted. Nobody aborts a wanted fetus.
That includes every single reason for aborting the baby....birth defects, mother's life threatened, rape....all reasons.
If someone decides to abort due to severe birth defect, it's an unwanted pregnancy. If someone aborts because the mother's life is threatened by the pregnancy, it's an unwanted pregnancy. Etc.
That's all abortion is. Terminating an unwanted pregnancy. That is abortion's definition.
replied to: bonnieginter
Replied to: Do you think abortion should be projected as the solution to...
Nobody aborts a wanted embryo, what a silly thing to conclude.
abortion is a pimps cash flow guarantee. think about it.