Working as a janitor I cleaned a GYN Lab on occasion. It had a notable stench. One would be apprehensive on entering. Places like the morgue in that building were mandatory training grounds for employment.
I learned there was an eye for the occasion imparting cleanliness when unclean agents gain causality in hosts and circumambulate. In the case of a diseasing agent this calls to mind that a hand in service to humanity is even in a lowly "street-sweeper" found...
replied to: viscachera
Replied to: Working as a janitor I cleaned a GYN Lab on occasion....
I really don't see what this has to do with abortion.
Clinics ALWAYS smell funny, don't they?
replied to: Jblaze2
Replied to: I really don't see what this has to do with abortion....
Read my question on this same page. ANYWAY... the stoat had me hostage-
replied to: viscachera
Replied to: Read my question on this same page. ANYWAY... the stoat had...
I dont really know who I want to talk to about abortion, I guess I trust everyone now and feel no shame in having had an abortion, as it was not my fault, I blame the system, not the individual I was ignorant made a mistake, sad but true. yes abortion sucks literally in some cases, but you gotta move on. if you dont want an abortion don't have one, if you don't like abortions in general then make them illegal, but don't bitch about on line. abortions happen, thats just part of the divine plan of course, let go of hate and embrace love. the sooner people stop using the word, the sooner the reality stops, see voodoo. ok. stop talking, start acting, karma, time.
For more ifo look me up Its if you want to talk.
replied to: atgclvlsscap
Replied to: I dont really know who I want to talk to about...
I ecspecially love it when people get on here and say ill never have an abortion thats horrible blah blah blah all I can do is laugh because people are dumb they have been forever no matter how many people become rocket scientist ten more will come to subway and complain about the price they already know about. Anyway my point is criticizing someone for an abortion is pretty much like the high school bully. the bully will be a loser when he grows up and the kid getting picked on will be stronger.
replied to: atgclvlsscap
Replied to: I dont really know who I want to talk to about...
I fully agree with you chicky.
replied to: Dani1988
Replied to: I ecspecially love it when people get on here and say...
The question of abortions must come down to two choices. Is this choice made by the individual responsible for the action or is it a problem to be solved by the government?
Every nation has a set of rules for all social decisions and in America it stands in the individual States. The uproar by the religious Americans brought it to the Supreme Court and they ruled in favor of giving the choice to the mother. This caused a near civil war in all 50 states and since 1973 the religious right has tried to go around the ruling and stop birth control. No reason there accept it is from the bible and will lead to a ban on abortions.
When President Bush 43 was in the white house, he appointed Senator John Ashcroft as his Attorney General and Ashcroft tried to promote a ruling that all medications called "the morning after pill" had to be turned into his office so the patient could be in his data base. The argument has been on-going trying to reduce the number of abortions without birth control. In America the kids turned to oral sex, or anal sex and the Congress does not know what to do. America tried a prohibition against alcohol and during that time began the growth of alcoholism that exists to this time.
Sex is the number one seller of everything in America. Sex means pregnancies and unwanted babies. Americans can't handle this and the base of our government is Christian. The problem is that our Congress is a living orgy of sexual secret meetings and a lot of homosexuality. They all get caught and many Americans feel our government is loaded with hypocrites.
If one feels that abortions are sins then they should not have one.
replied to: atgclvlsscap
Replied to: I dont really know who I want to talk to about...
War will always happen until the tribulation.