Robert W. Cone
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  Subject Replies Date
Report 0 12/2/2017
Report 0 12/2/2017
Can anyone answer me how is the data stored in a hard disk "physically"...??? 0 5/27/2017
Dear Sir, I would like to know if you are married now or what is your is going on now with your life. Are you planning are retiring soon? Yes there is... 0 5/27/2017
Heyyyyyyyyy ,so gracefull fine this stuff so cool, well done and I'm about to falling in deep troubles cause I do really love our communication..... ... 2 2/19/2017
I want to know the email of Mr robert W. Cone 2 2/16/2016
Fake generals 5 7/25/2015
Has anyone reported any of these Robert W Cones to the authorities? 2 6/23/2015
Why people used names of generals 0 6/22/2015
Does General Cone ever see any of these discussions?? Just wondering 3 6/22/2015
Robert, I am from Toronto, Canada and I have been chatting with 2 different people who claim to be you. One could very well be (was it you?), the othe... 7 6/22/2015
Please would like to change your life in a few days 0 6/11/2015
Did join a person a few hours ago now 0 6/11/2015
To know your email 0 6/11/2015
Mr. Cone, As well I fell a victim to a game of this guy, who uses your name on Skype. This person has a copy of your ID and uses it to confirm that h... 1 6/5/2015
Robert, I'm N.N.from Bulgaria. On 5th May I was chatting with a man who had found me and said he was you. But after that I found out in Wikipedia who ... 1 5/9/2015
Mr cone did u know this kids from south korea soo ho and jee ho kim if not some somebody is using ur name n making people sick n confused hope to hear... 0 5/3/2015
Just want to know if ltg robert cone is divorced 5 5/3/2015
Robert, Did you have a wife named Jan and a only daughter Jennifer that died on 9/11? If not there is someone who is using your name on skype and say... 1 2/11/2015