Painted Turtle
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How long does a female painted turtle carry her eggs before she lays them?? My female started to get fat, and the vet said she was going to lay eggs.... 0 2/9/2016
Where does the painted turtle live? 0 12/6/2015
We have had a western painted turtle that my husband found walking up the driveway in June 2011 and he was the size if a quarter. He has grown somewh... 0 9/26/2015
We found a painted turtle and want to know how long it can live in captivity? We fed it raw hamburg ..what else can we feed him and any extra help wo... 1 9/6/2015
Soft shells 0 9/3/2015
We have a male painted turtle. How big should he be after a year? Also his shell is very soft is this normal? What do you need to do to get it hard? 0 9/3/2015
My turtle laid two eggs in my aquirem it is a 50 gallon tank shared wit a gar pike how should i care for them 0 7/21/2015
How long does it take for turtle eggs to hatch? 2 7/9/2015
My turlte hasnt eaten for two months and his eyes have been closed for about a month. we tried using the eye drops from petco for two weeks and a few ... 1 11/8/2014
I have two paint a baby i just recently hatched and a juvinile now i heard that baby turtle should not hibernate there first year of life but im worri... 0 9/28/2014
Painted turtles 0 6/11/2014
This morning a painted turtle dug and filled a hole in my yard with eggs. i was going to treat my yard with ant killer but did not know if this was s... 0 6/11/2014
How do i tell the difference between a male & female 1 5/3/2014
Should you clean the green stuff on the back of a painted turtle 0 10/21/2013
Green stuff on the back of the painted turtles shell 0 10/19/2013
My male turtle was fighting the female. I noticed something coming off the male like white stuff floating and going to the bottom of the tank. It se... 0 8/29/2013