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  Subject Replies Date
In the aircraft gyrocompassing testing and calibration, in dot and cross system, if only dot is visible or if only cross is visible in an annunciator,... 0 11/15/2017
Good day, some gyro's like C. Plath and Yokogawa (vessels propossal) are working with mercury inside the gyrosphere, when changing the mercury, the me... 0 5/8/2016
Theory about Gyrocmpass 1 12/5/2015
Good day, some gyro's (vessels propossal) are working with mercury inside the gyrosphere, when changing the mercury, the mercury is comming inside ... 0 9/14/2014
Which systems could take a gyro output signal on board a ship? Thanks for the answer in advance.=) 1 1/13/2014
Gyrocompass Simulator 1 4/21/2013