Guinness World Records
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  Subject Replies Date
What is the Guinness World Records adress? 1 11/20/2015
Evolution of Guinness World Records 1 8/21/2015
History of Guiness World Records 1 8/20/2015
Do you have a record of the biggest numbers of people who wear an outfit of mask and vest? say.. morion mask. 0 5/10/2015
I have had the same last name seven times legally is that a record 0 12/18/2014
What is the record for a person legally have the same last name,through marriages and divorces 0 12/18/2014
What is the longest railway system? 0 11/8/2014
What is the record I would like to make or break? 0 11/1/2014
I am a member of 2 different cities' anti-drug abuse councils in the Philippines. Can I qualify in guinness book of record 0 9/19/2014
I am a Holder of 2 cities Anti-drug abuse councils 0 9/19/2014
I am a member of two (2) City Anti-drug abuse council in the Philippines. I want to know if I qualify in the guinness book of record 1 9/19/2014
Limbo record??????? 0 9/17/2014
Guinness Book of Records 1958 0 7/26/2014
There was a Guinness World Record TV show back in 1998 onward. I would like to know which episode(s) featured a buncha breakdancers trying to break t... 1 7/12/2014
Richest men in the world 0 11/29/2013
Who is presently the richest man in the world 1 8/18/2013
Where can I find the record set by shri shri babashri ji India in Feb.09. The record reads - Longest beard dreadlock-living male. 0 4/22/2013
How has the Guinness Book of Records influenced modern pop culture? 2 4/9/2012
What are some of the issues and concerns surrounding the Guinness World Records? 2 2/4/2011