Evinrude Outboard Motors
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Where does hose #66 (Port balance tube) connect to on V4 1996 E90SLEDR Ocean Pro? a disconnected vacuum hose stuck into the air silencer! My OL Man... 0 6/19/2018
What is involved in converting a non tiller handle motor to a tiller handle? Is it worth doing? 0 2/24/2018
Outboard ran without water 0 2/23/2017
I have a 1975 25 hp evinrude replaced the water pump now foward is neutral and reverse is not there help please 0 1/29/2016
Does any one know were the reed valve would be on a 1985 evinrude 150 xp. 0 10/23/2015
I have a 1975 50hp Evinrude Sizzler that won't idle. I have rebuilt the carbs. and double checked on the float adjustments. When I unhook the @2 cylin... 0 10/7/2015
Riots All Over England - why do YOU think this happened 0 8/27/2015
Should children in england be able to where what they want in school-REPLY PLZ 0 8/27/2015
0 8/27/2015
Just bought a boat with Evinrude motor 0 8/27/2015
1990 electric start motor , 40 hp In motor manual it states that you are not to use a maintance free or sealed battery for a starting battery. Toda... 0 7/17/2015
I was given an evinrude motor, from what I can tell it is a 6 hp fisherman, trying to figure out the year. The only number I have found on it is 5524R... 0 6/27/2015
Dear Sirs: I recently acquired a vintage "Evinrude Mate" outboard motor. The numbers on the ID plate are 4263 03365, The outboard is small, weighs ... 0 6/19/2015
Late 90's or early 2000 115HP. Keeps blowing the 20 amp fuse. What are the most likely reasons? 0 6/14/2015
Is anyone experiencing problems with engine computer overheating due to salt build up in the gas cooler on 200 hp engines. 0 6/6/2015
I just bought a use boat 20hp evinrude. motor runs but when i trottle it up it stalls out. will run at about 5-10mph around the lake but as soon as i ... 0 5/31/2015
I own a 1975 Evenrude 50hp Sizzler. The problem that I have is the motor runs great but when I give it the throttle it doesn't go any faster. I replac... 2 5/20/2015
I have a 14' grizzly tracker wide body flat bottom boat my question is will the transom handle a 25 hp e-tech I don't know so if some one does I wou... 0 4/28/2015
Where do I disconnect the shifter rod to change water pump? 0 3/13/2015
Motor wont run for more than 10 minuted s 1 1/1/2015